5,500 research outputs found

    Surface code architecture for donors and dots in silicon with imprecise and nonuniform qubit couplings

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    A scaled quantum computer with donor spins in silicon would benefit from a viable semiconductor framework and a strong inherent decoupling of the qubits from the noisy environment. Coupling neighbouring spins via the natural exchange interaction according to current designs requires gate control structures with extremely small length scales. We present a silicon architecture where bismuth donors with long coherence times are coupled to electrons that can shuttle between adjacent quantum dots, thus relaxing the pitch requirements and allowing space between donors for classical control devices. An adiabatic SWAP operation within each donor/dot pair solves the scalability issues intrinsic to exchange-based two-qubit gates, as it does not rely on sub-nanometer precision in donor placement and is robust against noise in the control fields. We use this SWAP together with well established global microwave Rabi pulses and parallel electron shuttling to construct a surface code that needs minimal, feasible local control.Comment: Published version - more detailed discussions, robustness to dephasing pointed out additionall

    Effect of land configuration and fertilizer dosage on growth and yield of African marigold under vertic ustochrept soil regimes

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    Adopting proper land management systems and nutrient levels could improve growth, yield and quality by rendering better soil physical structure and mineral nutrition under heavy rainfall areas. An experiment was conducted to identify appropriate land configuration and fertilizer dose for African marigold var. Punjab Gainda-1, in split plot design with three land configuration methods viz., flat bed, raised bed and ridge & furrow system as main plots, and three fertilizer doses (RDF/ha) viz., 100%, 80% and 60% as subplots with recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) being 10 t FYM + 150:100:100 kg/ha NPK. Results showed that adopting raised bed method of land configuration with the application of 8 t FYM + 120:80:80 kg/ha NPK exhibited enhanced vegetative growth and flower yield (16.26 t/ha) with greater benefit cost ratio (2.88) and, hence, found economically best for commercial production of African marigold

    Effect of land configuration and fertilizer dosage on growth and yield of African marigold under vertic ustochrept soil regimes

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    Adopting proper land management systems and nutrient levels could improve growth, yield and quality by rendering better soil physical structure and mineral nutrition under heavy rainfall areas. An experiment was conducted to identify appropriate land configuration and fertilizer dose for African marigold var. Punjab Gainda-1, in split plot design with three land configuration methods viz., flat bed, raised bed and ridge & furrow system as main plots, and three fertilizer doses (RDF/ha) viz., 100%, 80% and 60% as subplots with recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) being 10 t FYM + 150:100:100 kg/ha NPK. Results showed that adopting raised bed method of land configuration with the application of 8 t FYM + 120:80:80 kg/ha NPK exhibited enhanced vegetative growth and flower yield (16.26 t/ha) with greater benefit cost ratio (2.88) and, hence, found economically best for commercial production of African marigold

    Spin Waves in Disordered III-V Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

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    We propose a new scheme for numerically computing collective-mode spectra for large-size systems, using a reformulation of the Random Phase Approximation. In this study, we apply this method to investigate the spectrum and nature of the spin-waves of a (III,Mn)V Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor. We use an impurity band picture to describe the interaction of the charge carriers with the local Mn spins. The spin-wave spectrum is shown to depend sensitively on the positional disorder of the Mn atoms inside the host semiconductor. Both localized and extended spin-wave modes are found. Unusual spin and charge transport is implied.Comment: 14 pages, including 11 figure

    Conductivity of Metallic Si:B near the Metal-Insulator Transition: Comparison between Unstressed and Uniaxially Stressed Samples

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    The low-temperature dc conductivities of barely metallic samples of p-type Si:B are compared for a series of samples with different dopant concentrations, n, in the absence of stress (cubic symmetry), and for a single sample driven from the metallic into the insulating phase by uniaxial compression, S. For all values of temperature and stress, the conductivity of the stressed sample collapses onto a single universal scaling curve. The scaling fit indicates that the conductivity of si:B is proportional to the square-root of T in the critical range. Our data yield a critical conductivity exponent of 1.6, considerably larger than the value reported in earlier experiments where the transition was crossed by varying the dopant concentration. The larger exponent is based on data in a narrow range of stress near the critical value within which scaling holds. We show explicitly that the temperature dependences of the conductivity of stressed and unstressed Si:B are different, suggesting that a direct comparison of the critical behavior and critical exponents for stress- tuned and concentration-tuned transitions may not be warranted

    Discovery of High-Latitude CO in a HI Supershell in NGC 5775

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    We report the discovery of very high latitude molecular gas in the edge-on spiral galaxy, NGC 5775. Emission from both the J=1-0 and 2-1 lines of 12CO is detected up to 4.8 kpc away from the mid-plane of the galaxy. NGC 5775 is known to host a number of HI supershells. The association of the molecular gas M(H2,F2) = 3.1x10^7 solar masses reported here with one of the HI supershells (labeled F2) is clear, which suggests that molecular gas may have survived the process which originally formed the supershell. Alternatively, part of the gas could have been formed in situ at high latitude from shock-compression of pre-existing HI gas. The CO J=2-1/J=1-0 line ratio of 0.34+-40% is significantly lower than unity, which suggests that the gas is excited subthermally, with gas density a few times 100 cubic cm. The molecular gas is likely in the form of cloudlets which are confined by magnetic and cosmic rays pressure. The potential energy of the gas at high latitude is found to be 2x10^56 ergs and the total (HI + H2) kinetic energy is 9x10^53 ergs. Based on the energetics of the supershell, we suggest that most of the energy in the supershell is in the form of potential energy and that the supershell is on the verge of falling and returning the gas to the disk of the galaxy.Comment: Accept by ApJL, 4 pages, 3 ps figure

    Optical Photometry of the GRB 010222 Afterglow

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    The optical afterglow of GRB 010222 was observed using the recently installed 2-m telescope at the Indian Astronomical Observatory, Hanle, and the telescopes at the Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur, beginning ~ 0.6 day after the detection of the event. The results based on these photometric observations combined with others reported in the literature are presented in this paper. The R band light curve shows an initial decline of intensities proportional to t^{-0.542} which steepens, after 10.3 hours, to t^{-1.263}. Following the model of collimated outflow, the early break in the light curve implies a very narrow beam angle (~ 2-3 deg). The two decay rates are consistent with the standard jet model in a uniform density ambient medium, but require a hard spectrum of electron power density with p ~ 1.5. The R band light between 14 and 17 hours since outburst departs from the power law fit by 0.1 mag and shows some evidence for fluctuations over timescales of an hour in the observer's frame. Such deviations are expected due to density inhomogeneities if the ambient medium is similar to the local interstellar medium. GRB 010222 is thus an example of a highly collimated outflow with a hard spectrum of electron energy distribution in normal interstellar environment.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, including 2 postscript figures, to appear in the Bull. astro. Soc. India, September 2001 issu

    Monte Carlo simulations of an impurity band model for III-V diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We report the results of a Monte Carlo study of a model of (III,Mn)V diluted magnetic semiconductors which uses an impurity band description of carriers coupled to localized Mn spins and is applicable for carrier densities below and around the metal-insulator transition. In agreement with mean field studies, we find a transition to a ferromagnetic phase at low temperatures. We compare our results for the magnetic properties with the mean field approximation, as well as with experiments, and find favorable qualitative agreement with the latter. The local Mn magnetization below the Curie temperature is found to be spatially inhomogeneous, and strongly correlated with the local carrier charge density at the Mn sites. The model contains fermions and classical spins and hence we introduce a perturbative Monte Carlo scheme to increase the speed of our simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 24 figures, 2 table

    Night sky at the Indian Astronomical Observatory during 2000-2008

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    We present an analysis of the optical night sky brightness and extinction coefficient measurements in UBVRI at the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO), Hanle, during the period 2003-2008. They are obtained from an analysis of CCD images acquired at the 2 m Himalayan Chandra Telescope at IAO. Night sky brightness was estimated using 210 HFOSC images obtained on 47 nights and covering the declining phase of solar activity cycle-23. The zenith corrected values of the moonless night sky brightness in mag/square arcsecs are 22.14(U), 22.42(B), 21.28(V), 20.54(R) and 18.86(I) band. This shows that IAO is a dark site for optical observations. No clear dependency of sky brightness with solar activity is found. Extinction values at IAO are derived from an analysis of 1325 images over 58 nights. They are found to be 0.36 in U-band, 0.21 in B-band, 0.12 in V-band, 0.09 in R-band and 0.05 in I-band. On average, extinction during the summer months is slightly larger than that during the winter months. No clear evidence for a correlation between extinction in all bands and the average night time wind speed is found. Also presented here is the low resolution moonless optical night sky spectrum for IAO covering the wavelength range 3000-9300 \AA. Hanle region thus has the required characteristics of a good astronomical site in terms of night sky brightness and extinction, and could be a natural candidate site for any future large aperture Indian optical-infrared telescope(s).Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, uses basi.cls, accepted for publication in Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of Indi