134 research outputs found

    Kajian Yuridis Kewenangan Eksepsi Absolut Dan Relatif Dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penanganan perkara pidana menurut ketentuan hukum pidana Indonesiadan bagaimana kewenangan eksepsi absolut dan kewenangan eksepsi relatif dalam praktek penanganan perkara pidana di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan: 1. Penanganan Perkara pidana dalam sistem hukum pidana Indonesia dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan lingkup peradilan, yakni: dalam peradilan Umum, dalam pengadilan agama, dalam pengadilan tata USAha negara, dalam pengadilan militer, dan dalam lingkungan peradilan khusus. Penanganannya mengikuti prosedur yang telah diatur dalam masing-masing lingkup peradilan. 2. Eksepsi kewenangan absolut dan eksepsi kewenangan relatif termasuk dalam kategori eksepsi formil yang dibedakan dari eksepsi materiil. Kewenagan absolut ini diatur dalam Pasal 125 (2), 134 dan pasal 136 HIR,/ Pasal 149 (2) dan Pasal 162 RBg. Istilah lain eksepsi absolut adalah attributief exceptie, sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan eksepsi absolut ialah pernyataan ketidakwenangan suatu pengadilan untuk menerima, memeriksa, mengadili, dan memutus suatu perkara yang sebenarnya menjadi kewenangan pengadilan lain dalam lingkungan peradilan yang berbeda. Sedangkan kekuasaan relatif diartikan sebagai kekuasaan pengadilan yang satu jenis dan satu tingkatan, dalam perbedaannya dengan kekuasaan pengadilan yang sama jenis dan sama tingkatan lainnya, misalnya antara Pengadilan Negeri Magelang dengan Pengadilan Negeri Manado, atau antara pengadilan Agama Manado dengan Pengadilan Agama Batam. Kewenangan relatif ini diatur dalam Pasal 118 dan 133 HIR Pasal 188 dan 133 HIR Pasal 142 dan 159 RBg. Istilah lain dalam eksepsi relatif adalah distributief execptie. Sementara yang dimaksud dengan eksepsi relatif adalah ketidakwenangannya pengadilan untuk menerima, memeriksa, mengadili, dan memutus suatu perkara yang sebenarnya menjadi kewenangan pengadilan lain dalam lingkungan peradilan yang sama. Berbeda dengan eksepsi absolut, bahwa eksepsi relative harus diajukan pada sidang pertama atau pada kesempatan pertama dan eksepsi dimuat bersama-sama dengan jawaban. Kata kunci: Kewenangan, eksepsi, absolut, relatif

    Analisis Reaksi Harga Saham Sebelum Dan Sesudah Tax Amnesty Periode Pertama (Studi Kasus Saham Sektor Properti Yang Tercatat Di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    Kebijakan tax amnesty diprediksi akan memberikan tambahan pendapatan negara melalui dana yang masuk melalui repatriasi maupun uang tebusan. Dana yang masuk diharuskan berada di Indonesia minimal 3(tiga) tahun untuk di investasikan. Kebijakan tax amnesty diyakini memiliki kandungan informasi terhadap pasar modal Indonesia sehingga akan memberikan reaksi terhadap harga saham. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi peristiwa (event study) dengan periode pengamatan selama 10 hari bursa mulai dari tanggal 11 Juli 2016 sampai dengan 15 Juli 2016 dan 19 Juli 2016 sampai dengan 25 Juli 2016, yaitu 5 hari sebelum dan 5 hari setelah pengumuman pemberlakuan tax amnesty periode pertama. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 20 Perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah ada perbedaan harga saham di sektor properti yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada saat sebelum dan sesudah peristiwa pengumuman tax amnesty periode pertama resmi diberlakukan. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap rata-rata abnormal return yang diuji secara simultan. Pengujian dilakukan dengan SPSS 23 dengan alat uji paired sample t test. Pengujian statistik paired sample t test menunjukkan nilai yang tidak signifikan yang dilihat dari t hitung < t tabel, yang artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan abnormal return pada saat sebelum dan sesudah pengumuman tax amnesty periode pertama resmi berlaku. Hasil penelitian tersebut didukung dengan data dari Bursa Efek Indonesia yang mengatakan bahwa dana tax amnesty masih mengendap di bank gateway dan dana yang masuk ke pasar modal masih minim. Selain itu informasi tax amnesty dapat diterima secara luas, sehingga investor dapat mengantisipasi

    Perencanaan Pengendalian Banjir Sungai Tuntang di Desa Trimulyo Kabupaten Demak

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    Kabupaten Demak yang merupakan salah satu Kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Desa Trimulyo memiliki luas 4,26 km² dan jumlah penduduk sebanyak 4116 jiwa pada Desember tahun 2014. Desa Trimulyo merupakan salah satu Desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Guntur, Desa Trimulyo terbagi atas 7 dusun yaitu Dusun Kandang, Dusun Walang, Dusun Gobang, Dusun Solowire, Dusun Solondoko, dan Dusun Sindon. Desa Trimulyo merupakan salah satu daerah yang rawan terjadi banjir. Masalah utama yang dihadapi Sungai Tuntang yaitu masalah banjir dan kerusakan tanggul. Sungai Tuntang merupakan sungai yang secara periodik menyebabkan banjir di Desa Trimulyo Kecamatan Guntur, Kabupaten Demak. Seringkali pada musim penghujan tanggul pada Sungai Tuntang di Desa Trimulyo tidak mampu menahan debit, terjadi pendangkalan alur sungai, dan settlement tanggul sehingga tanggul tersebut jebol dan mengakibatkan banjir.Perbaikan penampang pada daerah aliran Sungai Tuntang dapat menjadi alternatif penanganan masalah yang tepat untuk wilayah tersebut, muka air sungai yang tinggi dan mengalami penurunan tanah. Perbaikan penampang aliran sungai Tuntang ini meliputi perencanaan perbaikan tanggul, normalisasi sungai, dan perkuatan lereng sungai. Perhitungan debit banjir rencana 25 tahun menggunakan metode Haspers. Debit banjir rencana untuk perencanaan ini adalah 828 m3/detik. Perencanaan perbaikan sungai menggunakan model HEC-RAS dengan debit rencana hasil dari perhitungan menggunakan metode Harpers. Penampang direncanakan berbentuk trapesium dengan perkuatan lereng pasangan batu kali direncanakan sedalam 5,5 m sepanjang 3,2 kilometer. Tanggul sungai direncanakan untuk menanggulangi air sungai yang melimpas akibat dari sungai yang tidak mampu menampung debit banjir. Proyek ini menelan biaya sebesar Rp115.062.587.700,0

    Sampling strategies to measure the prevalence of common recurrent infections in longitudinal studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Measuring recurrent infections such as diarrhoea or respiratory infections in epidemiological studies is a methodological challenge. Problems in measuring the incidence of recurrent infections include the episode definition, recall error, and the logistics of close follow up. Longitudinal prevalence (LP), the proportion-of-time-ill estimated by repeated prevalence measurements, is an alternative measure to incidence of recurrent infections. In contrast to incidence which usually requires continuous sampling, LP can be measured at intervals. This study explored how many more participants are needed for infrequent sampling to achieve the same study power as frequent sampling.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We developed a set of four empirical simulation models representing low and high risk settings with short or long episode durations. The model was used to evaluate different sampling strategies with different assumptions on recall period and recall error.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The model identified three major factors that influence sampling strategies: (1) the clustering of episodes in individuals; (2) the duration of episodes; (3) the positive correlation between an individual's disease incidence and episode duration. Intermittent sampling (e.g. 12 times per year) often requires only a slightly larger sample size compared to continuous sampling, especially in cluster-randomized trials. The collection of period prevalence data can lead to highly biased effect estimates if the exposure variable is associated with episode duration. To maximize study power, recall periods of 3 to 7 days may be preferable over shorter periods, even if this leads to inaccuracy in the prevalence estimates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Choosing the optimal approach to measure recurrent infections in epidemiological studies depends on the setting, the study objectives, study design and budget constraints. Sampling at intervals can contribute to making epidemiological studies and trials more efficient, valid and cost-effective.</p

    First report of eprinomectin-resistant isolates of Haemonchus contortus in 5 dairy sheep farms from the Pyrénées Atlantiques département in France

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    Infection of sheep by gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) in pastoral systems such as those found in the South Western area of France, the Pyrénées Atlantiques, is one of the main reasons for economic loss and degradation of their welfare. In the present study, the efficacy of eprinomectin (EPN) was monitored on farms from this area following suspicion of lack of anthelmintic efficacy. Suspicions were raised by veterinarians, based on clinical signs ranging from milk and body condition loss, to anaemia, and mortality. Resistance was evaluated according to the World Association for the Advancement for Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) guidelines using fecal egg count reduction tests reinforced by individual analysis of drug concentration in the serum of all treated ewes by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). EPN was administered by subcutaneous (SC) and topical (T) route according to manufacturer's requirements, as well as by the oral route (O) with the topical solution according to off-labelled practices in the field. For the first time in France, the presence of resistant isolates of Haemonchus contortus to EPN was observed in 5 dairy sheep farms. The HPLC dosages showed exposure of worms to concentrations compatible with anthelmintic activity for animals treated by the SC and O routes. By contrast, they showed under exposure to the drug of most individuals treated by the T route. EPN is the only null milk withdrawal anthelmintic molecule currently available. The presence of resistant isolates of the pathogenic H. contortus to EPN in this important dairy region requires an urgent change in grazing, and sometimes production, systems

    Fault-controlled hydration of the upper mantle during continental rifting

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    Water and carbon are transferred from the ocean to the mantle in a process that alters mantle peridotite to create serpentinite and supports diverse ecosystems1. Serpentinized mantle rocks are found beneath the sea floor at slow- to ultraslow-spreading mid-ocean ridges1 and are thought to be present at about half the world’s rifted margins2, 3. Serpentinite is also inferred to exist in the downgoing plate at subduction zones4, where it may trigger arc magmatism or hydrate the deep Earth. Water is thought to reach the mantle via active faults3, 4. Here we show that serpentinization at the rifted continental margin offshore from western Spain was probably initiated when the whole crust cooled to become brittle and deformation was focused along large normal faults. We use seismic tomography to image the three-dimensional distribution of serpentinization in the mantle and find that the local volume of serpentinite beneath thinned, brittle crust is related to the amount of displacement along each fault. This implies that sea water reaches the mantle only when the faults are active. We estimate the fluid flux along the faults and find it is comparable to that inferred for mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems. We conclude that brittle processes in the crust may ultimately control the global flux of sea water into the Earth

    Proteomic Analyses of Host and Pathogen Responses during Bovine Mastitis

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    The pursuit of biomarkers for use as clinical screening tools, measures for early detection, disease monitoring, and as a means for assessing therapeutic responses has steadily evolved in human and veterinary medicine over the past two decades. Concurrently, advances in mass spectrometry have markedly expanded proteomic capabilities for biomarker discovery. While initial mass spectrometric biomarker discovery endeavors focused primarily on the detection of modulated proteins in human tissues and fluids, recent efforts have shifted to include proteomic analyses of biological samples from food animal species. Mastitis continues to garner attention in veterinary research due mainly to affiliated financial losses and food safety concerns over antimicrobial use, but also because there are only a limited number of efficacious mastitis treatment options. Accordingly, comparative proteomic analyses of bovine milk have emerged in recent years. Efforts to prevent agricultural-related food-borne illness have likewise fueled an interest in the proteomic evaluation of several prominent strains of bacteria, including common mastitis pathogens. The interest in establishing biomarkers of the host and pathogen responses during bovine mastitis stems largely from the need to better characterize mechanisms of the disease, to identify reliable biomarkers for use as measures of early detection and drug efficacy, and to uncover potentially novel targets for the development of alternative therapeutics. The following review focuses primarily on comparative proteomic analyses conducted on healthy versus mastitic bovine milk. However, a comparison of the host defense proteome of human and bovine milk and the proteomic analysis of common veterinary pathogens are likewise introduced