47 research outputs found

    Faktor Penentu Audit Report Lag Pemerintah Daerah di Indonesia

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    The Determine Factors of Audit Report Lag at Local Government in IndonesiaThis study aims to determine the effect of internal audit and the assistance of state development audit agency (BPKP) to audit report lag (ATR) at 330 local governments in Indonesia in 2013. Internal audits are proxied with the sufficiency of the number of internal auditors and the number of internal auditors that the local government has indicated, while the assistance of BPKP is projected by the implementation of the information system. This research is able to give a result that sufficient number of internal auditor, number of trained internal auditor, implementation of information system implementation have negative effect to audit report lag It is also important to implement a reliable system of financial management in order to make the financial management process more accountable and transparent.DOI: 10.15408/ess.v7i2.519

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Whey Sebagai Pelarut Feses Sapi Madura Sebagai Substrat Biogas Terhadap Produksi Metan, Kecernaan Nitrogen Dan Total Amonia Nitrogen (the Effect of Whey as Solvent of Madura Cattle Manure as Substrate in the Biogas Digesteron the Metha

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of utilization of whey as solvent of madura cattle feces as a substrat in digester biogas on methane production, nitrogen digestibility and total ammonia nitrogen (TAN). This research was used two treatments namely digester treating Madura cattle manure and water (FA) and digester treating Madura cattle manure and whey (FW) at ratio of 1:1. Data retrieval for 2 times thehy draulic retention time. Was statistically analysed usingt-test. The results showed that there were significant effect (P<0.05) beetwen the treatment on the methane production. The methane production of FW and FA were 1465 and 613 ml/l digester volume. Nitrogen digesbility between FA and FW (12.64% vs.37.35%) and TAN between FA and FW (907 mg/lvs.657mg/l) were not significantly different(P>0.05). This study concluced that the use of whey could increase methane production

    Reaksi Padi Hibrida Introduksi Terhadap Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri Dan Hubungannya Dengan Hasil Gabah

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    A research was conducted to determine the response of introduced hybrid rice varieties to bacterial leaf blight (BLB) disease caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) and its relationship to grain yields The trial was planted at the Sukamandi Experiment Station during the wet season (WS) 2008/09 and at Kuningan Experiment Station in the dry season (DS) of 2008 and WS 2008/09. Fourteen rice genotypes consisting of 9 introduced hybrid rice varieties from China, variety Code (resistant check), IR64 (susceptible check), and Intani-2 Batang Samo (hybrid checks), and Ciherang (inbred check) were evaluated. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized block design with three replications. The trial at Kuningan, a BLB endemic area, was carried out with an assumption that grain yield performances of the 14 rice genotypes would be influenced by be severity of the BLB. Data from the greenhouse trial showed that reactions of the introduced hybrid rice to Xoo pathotype III varied from moderately resistant to resistant, moderately susceptible to susceptible to Xoo pathotype IV, and resistant to moderately Xoo pathotype VIII. In the field, the severity of the BLB disease ranged from 4.2% on Sembada B9 to 11.4% on WCR115 in the DS 2008, and from 4.9% on Sembada B9 to 30.4% on WCR073 in the WS 2008/09. In the DS 2008, the highest grain yield was obtained from Sembada B9 (9.79 t/ha) followed by Sembada B8 (9.6 t/ha), Sembada B3 (9.26 t/ha), and Sembada B5 (9.79 t/ha). In the WS 2008/2009, the highest grain yield was also obtained from Sembada B9 (8.85 t/ha) followed by Sembada B8 (8.80 t/ha), Sembada B3 8.63 t/ha), and Sembada B5 (7.77 t/ha). These four rice hybrids were resistant to Xoo pathotype III. The overall average rice yield in the DS, was higher than that in the WS 2008/2009, presumably as a result of the lower severity BLB disease


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    With the better quality of health care and public sosioeconomic condition, the public concern with genetic disorders (including thalassemia) tends to rise. The aim of this study is to find out the total number of thalassemic patients in the functional care unit for the child health Dr. Sardjito (Central) General Hospital from 1986 to 1992, according to the number of patients per year, the types of thalassemia, sex, age, home, percentage of routine control and clinical signs at the time the diagnosis was made. A study of all patients with thalassemia hospitalized or undergo routine control at functional care unit for child health Dr. Sardjito (Central) General Hospital, from 1986 to 1992 has been done. The data were taken from medical records of patients who were diagnosed as thalassemia. There were 86 patients with thalassemia, with the mean of 10.3 patients per year, and tended to increase in the last two years. Among them 63.95% were male and 36.05% were female. Thalassemia major were 68.60% and beta-HbE thalassemia were 31.40%. The percentage of routine control was still low. Patients who came from Yogyakarta Special Teritory were 52.32%, the other came from 3 nearest city and the rest of them came from other districts of Central Java, particularly from the southern part. Almost of all the patients came with paleness (100%), splenomegaly (93%) pot belly (75%), hepatomegaly (66%) and facies cooley. Clinical signs such as little extremities, lack of activities and prominence of the front upper teeth were seen more apparently by the increase of the patient\u27s age. Key words.: thalassemia, thalassemia major , beta-HbE thalassemi

    Ammonia Inhibition in Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Dairy Cattle Manure

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    This study investigated the effect of five different concentrations of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN)and free ammonia (FA) on the methane yield and digester performance under thermophilic conditions(50°C). Five identical continuously fed digesters were used. The experiment was run for four timeshydraulic retention time (HRT). Data were statitically analysed using the data Analysis Tool Packavailable with the Microsoft Excel program. Different ammonia levels were obtained by pulsing urea toobtain the target level of TAN and FA, and to subsequently maintaining the concentration of ammonialevels by daily urea additions. The result showed a strong negative correlation between both TAN andFA concentrations and methane yield. The methane yield was reduced by 24, 30, 52 and 66% indigesters that had TAN levels of 2.9, 3.6, 4.4 and 5.1 g/L, respectively, corresponding to 0.7, 1.1,1.5 and1.8 g/L FA. Total volatile fatty acid and especially isovaleric and isobutyric acid concentrations wereelevated during ammonia inhibition. Concentration of TAN in the biogas digester exceeding 3 g/Lindicating that very often the full biogas potential is not achieved due to ammonia inhibition and thatlonger HRT should be used to compensate or a lower process temperature should be chosen