464 research outputs found

    Nuovo realismo e architettura della città/New realism and architecture of the city

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    La discussione filosofica sul nuovo realismo, che ha alimentato negli ultimi anni in Italia un ampio dibattito, non solo disciplinare, ha suscitato anche tra gli architetti alcuni interrogativi che riguardano, da un lato, il rapporto tra il mondo delle idee e il mondo degli oggetti fisici e più concretamente tra teoria e pratica dell'architettura e, dall'altro, il ruolo degli architetti e delle opere realizzate rispetto alla elaborazione del pensiero filosofico e speculativo. A questi interrogativi si è cercato di dare risposta in alcuni convegni, svoltisi tra Torino e Napoli nel 2012 e nel 2013, e per non perdere di vista il contatto con la realtà costruita dell'architettura, si è deciso di affiancare alla discussione teorica anche una mostra, con l'obiettivo di affrontare la questione del rapporto tra architettura e realismo anche sul piano delle opere realizzate. In particolare sono state individuate due questioni come il filo rosso che unisce nelle discussioni e nelle realizzazioni architettoniche degli ultimi trent'anni esperienze diverse, nel tempo e nello spazio, in una tensione comune verso la realtà: il rapporto con la città e il rapporto con la storia e la tradizione dell'architettura. A partire da queste due questioni il campo di indagine per questa mostra si è ristretto a tre generazioni di architetti, che poi corrispondono a tre fasi di costruzione della città, e a tre città europee con un impianto storicamente definito e consolidato che ha rappresentato una realtà concreta «inemendabile» con cui i progetti si sono confrontati. Le città scelte sono Amsterdam, Barcellona e Berlino, a cui si sono poi aggiunte come casi-studio, sui quali avviare una riflessione, le città ospiti della mostra, Torino e Napoli. Inoltre, per affrontare direttamente la questione del rapporto tra teoria e pratica dell'architettura, agli architetti sono state rivolte dieci domande, che cercano di mettere in relazione il dibattito filosofico sul nuovo realismo con la questione dell'architettura della città e più in generale aprono un confronto tra la discussione storico-critica e i progetti realizzati, tra la teoria e gli esemp

    Versatile and non-cytotoxic GelMA-xanthan gum biomaterial ink for extrusion-based 3D bioprinting

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    Extrusion-based 3D bioprinting allows the 3D printing of bioinks, composed of cells and biomaterials, to mimic the complex 3D hierarchical structure of native tissues. Successful 3D bioprinting requires bioinks with specific properties, such as biocompatibility, printability, and biodegradability according to the desired application. In the present work, we aimed at developing a new versatile blend of gelatin methacryloyl-xanthan gum (GelMA-XG) suitable for extrusion-based 3D bioprinting with a straightforward process. To this end, we first optimized the process of gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) synthesis by investigating the impact of different buffer solutions on the degree of functionalization, swelling degree, and degradation rate. The addition of xanthan gum (XG) enabled further tuning of biodegradability and an improvement of GelMA printability. Specifically, an optimal concentration of XG was found through rheological characterization and printability tests. The optimized blend showed enhanced printability and improved shape fidelity as well as its degradation products turned out to be non-cytotoxic, thus laying the foundation for cell-based applications. In conclusion, our newly developed biomaterial ink is a promising candidate for extrusion-based 3D bioprinting

    Rtg signaling sustains mitochondrial respiratory capacity in hog1-dependent osmoadaptation

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    Mitochondrial RTG-dependent retrograde signaling, whose regulators have been characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, plays a recognized role under various environmental stresses. Of special significance, the activity of the transcriptional complex Rtg1/3 has been shown to be modu-lated by Hog1, the master regulator of the high osmolarity glycerol pathway, in response to osmotic stress. The present work focuses on the role of RTG signaling in salt-induced osmotic stress and its interaction with HOG1. Wild-type and mutant cells, lacking HOG1 and/or RTG genes, are compared with respect to cell growth features, retrograde signaling activation and mitochondrial function in the presence and in the absence of high osmostress. We show that RTG2, the main upstream regulator of the RTG pathway, contributes to osmoadaptation in an HOG1-dependent manner and that, with RTG3, it is notably involved in a late phase of growth. Our data demonstrate that impairment of RTG signaling causes a decrease in mitochondrial respiratory capacity exclusively under os-mostress. Overall, these results suggest that HOG1 and the RTG pathway may interact sequentially in the stress signaling cascade and that the RTG pathway may play a role in inter-organellar metabolic communication for osmoadaptation

    E-Cadherin Destabilization Accounts for the Pathogenicity of Missense Mutations in Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer

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    E-cadherin is critical for the maintenance of tissue architecture due to its role in cell-cell adhesion. E-cadherin mutations are the genetic cause of Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC) and missense mutations represent a clinical burden, due to the uncertainty of their pathogenic role. In vitro and in vivo, most mutations lead to loss-of-function, although the causal factor is unknown for the majority. We hypothesized that destabilization could account for the pathogenicity of E-cadherin missense mutations in HDGC, and tested our hypothesis using in silico and in vitro tools. FoldX algorithm was used to calculate the impact of each mutation in E-cadherin native-state stability, and the analysis was complemented with evolutionary conservation, by SIFT. Interestingly, HDGC patients harbouring germline E-cadherin destabilizing mutants present a younger age at diagnosis or death, suggesting that the loss of native-state stability of E-cadherin accounts for the disease phenotype. To elucidate the biological relevance of E-cadherin destabilization in HDGC, we investigated a group of newly identified HDGC-associated mutations (E185V, S232C and L583R), of which L583R is predicted to be destabilizing. We show that this mutation is not functional in vitro, exhibits shorter half-life and is unable to mature, due to premature proteasome-dependent degradation, a phenotype reverted by stabilization with the artificial mutation L583I (structurally tolerated). Herein we report E-cadherin structural models suitable to predict the impact of the majority of cancer-associated missense mutations and we show that E-cadherin destabilization leads to loss-of-function in vitro and increased pathogenicity in vivo

    Impact of recycling and lateral sediment input on grain size fining trends – implications for reconstructing tectonic and climate forcings in ancient sedimentary systems

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    Grain size trends in basin stratigraphy are thought to preserve a rich record of the climatic and tectonic controls on landscape evolution. Stratigraphic models assume that over geological timescales, the downstream profile of sediment deposition is in dynamic equilibrium with the spatial distribution of tectonic subsidence in the basin, sea level and the flux and calibre of sediment supplied from mountain catchments. Here, we demonstrate that this approach in modelling stratigraphic responses to environmental change is missing a key ingredient: the dynamic geomorphology of the sediment routing system. For three large alluvial fans in the Iglesia basin, Argentine Andes we measured the grain size of modern river sediment from fan apex to toe and characterise the spatial distribution of differential subsidence for each fan by constructing a 3D model of basin stratigraphy from seismic data. We find, using a self-similar grain size fining model, that the profile of grain size fining on all three fans cannot be reproduced given the subsidence profile measured and for any sediment supply scenario. However, by adapting the self-similar model, we demonstrate that the grain size trends on each fan can be effectively reproduced when sediment is not only sourced from a single catchment at the apex of the system, but also laterally, from tributary catchments and through fan surface recycling. Without constraint on the dynamic geomorphology of these large alluvial systems, signals of tectonic and climate forcing in grain size data are masked and would be indecipherable in the geological record. This has significant implications for our ability to make sensitive, quantitative reconstructions of external boundary conditions from the sedimentary record