109 research outputs found

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    Refined asymptotics for the number of leaves of random point quadtrees

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    In the early 2000s, several phase change results from distributional convergence to distributional non-convergence have been obtained for shape parameters of random discrete structures. Recently, for those random structures which admit a natural martingale process, these results have been considerably improved by obtaining refined asymptotics for the limit behavior. In this work, we propose a new approach which is also applicable to random discrete structures which do not admit a natural martingale process. As an example, we obtain refined asymptotics for the number of leaves in random point quadtrees. More applications, for example to shape parameters in generalized m-ary search trees and random gridtrees, will be discussed in the journal version of this extended abstract

    Impact of mutual health organizations: evidence from West Africa

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    Mutual health organizations (MHOs) are voluntary membership organizations providing health insurance services to their members. MHOs aim to increase access to health care by reducing out-of-pocket payments faced by households. We used multiple regression analysis of household survey data from Ghana, Mali and Senegal to investigate the determinants of enrolment in MHOs, and the impact of MHO membership on use of health care services and on out-of-pocket health care expenditures for outpatient care and hospitalization. We found strong evidence that households headed by women are more likely to enrol in MHOs than households headed by men. Education of the household head is positively associated with MHO enrolment. The evidence on the association between household economic status and MHO enrolment indicates that individuals from the richest quintiles are more likely to be enrolled than anyone else. We did not find evidence that individuals from the poorest quintiles tend to be excluded from MHOs

    Variabilidade espacial e temporal da produtividade de culturas sob sistema plantio direto.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade espacial e temporal da produtividade de soja, milho e trigo, em uma lavoura comercial de 57 ha, não irrigada, manejada há mais de dez anos sob sistema plantio direto, em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico, em Palmeira das Missões, RS. A coleta de dados de produtividade de seis cultivos, entre 2000 e 2005, foi realizada por colhedora equipada com monitor de produtividade. Análises estatísticas e geoestatísticas foram realizadas a fim de avaliar a variabilidade espacial e a presença de dependência espacial ao longo dos anos. A produtividade da soja, do milho e do trigo alcançada apresenta variabilidade com continuidade espacial, correlacionando-se entre si, ao longo dos anos. Em anos de deficit hídrico, verifica-se aumento da variabilidade espacial da produtividade. A cultura do milho é mais eficiente do que a da soja em detectar a variabilidade espacial da produtividade existente na lavoura


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    O presente estudo teve como objetivou identificar o perfil bioquímico e a análise de neurotrofinas de usuários de crack e um grupo controle. Os integrantes da pesquisa foram selecionados durante 18 meses, estes, provieram dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e Drogas (CAPS II ad) e a Comunidade Terapêutica (CT) da cidade de Criciúma, Santa Catarina. Após a caracterização dos indivíduos e assinatura do termo de conscentimento livre e esclarecido, foi realizada a retirada de sangue para as análises bioquímicas. Em seguida, o sangue foi centrifugado e armazenado. Parte das amostras foi enviada a um laboratório comercial para as análises de glicose, triglicerídeos, hemoglobina, colesterol total, creatinina, uréia, creatinofosfoquinase (CPK), transaminase glutâmica oxalácetica (TGO) e transaminase glutâmico-pirúvica (TGP).  Para a análise dos níveis de neurotrofina derivada do cérebro (BDNF), neurotrofina derivada da glia (NGF) e enolase neurônio específica (NSE) plasmáticas foram utilizados kits de métodos imunoenzimáticos disponíveis comercialmente. Os marcadores bioquímicos demonstraram aumento significativo nos níveis de glicose, triglicerídeos e TGP do grupo crack em relação ao grupo controle, no entanto, em ambos os casos a média dos resultados obtidos continuaram dentro dos valores de referência. Os achados apontam que os níveis BDNF do grupo crack diminuíram significativamente em comparação ao grupo controle. Por outro lado, os níveis de NGF no grupo crack apresentaram um aumento significativo em relação ao grupo controle. Destacando-se a importância da sobrevida neural, deve-se dar ênfase a este tema. Sugerem-se novos estudos para elucidar os reais mecanismos envolvidos nestes fatores

    Atendimento ao cliente.

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    Extending health insurance in Ghana: effects of the National Health Insurance Scheme on maternity care

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    Background: There is considerable interest in exploring the potential of social health insurance in Africa where a number of countries are currently experimenting with different approaches. Since these schemes have been introduced recently and are continuously evolving, it is important to evaluate their effectiveness in the enhancement of health care utilization and reduction of out-of-pocket expenses for potential policy suggestions.Objective: To investigate how the National Health Insurance Schemes (NHIS) in Ghana affects the utilization of maternal health care services and medical out-of-pocket expenses.Methods: We used nationally-representative household data from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS). We analyzed the 2014 GDHS focusing on four outcome variables, i.e. antenatal check up, delivery in a health facility, delivery assisted by a trained person and out-of-pocket expenditure. We estimated probit and bivariate probit models to take into account the issue of self selection into the health insurance schemes.Results: The results suggest that, also taking into account the issue of self selection into the health insurance schemes, the NHIS enrollment positively affects the probability of formal antenatal check-ups before delivery, the probability of delivery in an institution and the probability of being assisted during delivery by a trained person. On the contrary, we find that, once the issue of self-selection is taken into account, the NHIS enrollment does not have a significant effect on out-of-pocket expenditure at the extensive margin.Conclusion: Since a greater utilization of health-care services has a strong positive effect on the current and future health status of women and their children, the health-care authorities in Ghana should make every effort to extend this coverage. In particular, since the results of the first step of the bivariate probit regressions suggest that the educational attainment of women is a strong determinant of enrollment, and those with low education and unable to read are less likely to enroll, information on the NHIS should be disseminated in ways that reach those with little or no education. Moreover, the availability of government health facilities in a region is associated with higher likelihood of enrollment in the NHIS. Accordingly, extending geographical access is an important strategy for expanding NHIS membership and improving access to health-care