7,399 research outputs found

    Teacher\u27s Domination in Classroom Interactions: a Critical Analysis for Developing a Qualified Teacher-Students Relationship

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    This study was designed to describe the form of teacher\u27s domination in classroom interactions and explainlanguage features which represent it. This qualitative study employed the critical discourse analysis model by Fairclough. Data was obtained from the speech produced by six secondary school teachers in Luwu Timur Regency, South Sulawesi. The data was collected through recording, field-notes, and interviews. The data was analyzed using Miles and Huberman flow model which covers: (1) condensation, (2) data presentation, (3) temporary data deduction and verification, and (4) final conclusion making. The results of the study revealed that; (1) teachers controlled the classroom interactions by labelling students, threatening, making fun of students, underestimating, getting angry with them, giving punishment, expressing dissatisfaction/ disappointment, and emphasizing their authority; (2) language features which reflect teachers\u27 domination tnthe teacher-students communication include: (a) the use of vocabulary, namely marginal vocabulary,metaphors, personal pronouns, and evaluative vocabulary; and (b) the use of grammars, of which aredeclarative sentences, imperative sentences, interrogative sentences, negative sentences, and modality. The research findings suggest teachers to develop qualified teacher-students interactions by avoiding the use of language features which imply teacher\u27s domination

    Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Baje Dodol KUB IK Cipta Usaha Kelurahan Anreapi Kecamatan Anreapi Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Studi kelayakan USAha diperlukan untuk melihat sebuah gambaran mengenai layak atau tidak layaknya suatu USAha yang akan dijalankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah USAha baje dodol sebagai produk hasil olahan beras ketan layak untuk dijalankan atau tidak. Setiap aspek untuk dikatakan layak harus memiliki suatu standar nilai tertentu, namun penilaian tidak hanya dilakukan pada salah satu aspek saja. Penilaian untuk menentukan kelayakan harus didasarkan terhadap beberapa aspek. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam studi kelayakan USAha meliputi analisis biaya, penerimaan, pendapatan, dan R/C Ratio yang digunakan untuk menguji pendapatan dan kelayakan USAha tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh Pendapatan yang diperoleh KUB Ik Cipta Usaha dalam USAha baje dodol yaitu sebesar Rp 17.468.162 selama enam bulan dari total penerimaan sebesar Rp. 48.480.000 dan total biaya sebesar Rp. 31.011.838. Nilai R/C Ratio yang diperoleh pada USAha baje dodol di KUB Ik Cipta Usaha sebesar 1,56 maka USAha yang di alankan KUB IK Cipta Usaha dinilai layak untuk dijalankan, artinya setiap penambahan Rp. 1 maka akan menghasilkan keuntungan sebesar Rp 1.56, dan dari hasil R/C ratio yang diperoleh >1 maka USAha dikatakan layak dikembangkan

    Perilaku Hiperaktif Siswa di SMP Negeri 2 Pinrang

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    This study aims to determine the hyperactive behavior of students in Junior High School 2 Pinrang. This type of research is qualitative research in the form of case studies on students who behave in a hyperactive. The technique used in data collection were interviews, observation, analysis and documentation. Data were analyzed with descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the indicator hyperactive behavior of students are: 1) it is difficult to concentrate, 2) often does not do the work, 3) can not sit quietly, 4) often flicked friends, 5) impulsive, 6) often monopolize activities in social interaction. Impact hyperactive behavior of students are: 1) the decline in student achievement, 2) lack of harmony in social relationships with peers. Hyperactive behavior is influenced by the pattern of authoritarian parenting and unattended

    Two-parameter differential calculus on the h-superplane

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    We introduce a noncommutative differential calculus on the two-parameter hh-superplane via a contraction of the (p,q)-superplane. We manifestly show that the differential calculus is covariant under GLh1,h2(11)GL_{h_1,h_2}(1| 1) transformations. We also give a two-parameter deformation of the (1+1)-dimensional phase space algebra.Comment: 14 page

    Pedodontics and preventive dentistry as career option: post graduate student’s perspective

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    Background: In dentistry choosing a postgraduate branch after bachelor’s degree is quite complex and difficult, as all specialties have their own significance and application. In such situation dental graduate should evaluate his own capability and interest rather than any pressure or persuasion from his friends or parents and hence accordingly make his selection for post-graduation specialization. The ambitions of an aspiring candidate in a particular specialty in turn contribute a lot for the future of that specialty especially in pedodontics which has the responsibility of detecting and early intervention regarding dental caries and other oral health related problem. The aim and objective of this study was to evaluate the reasons of post graduate students in private and government dental colleges in India for selection pedodontics and preventive dentistry as career after completing graduation.Methods: A questionnaire-based study was conducted among 100 students pursuing post-graduation in pedodontics and preventive dentistry. The questionnaire consisted of eight close ended and one open ended items which included career choice-related questions and demographic (age and gender) data. Finally, data was collected and presented as frequency distribution.Results: Overall majority of students choose pedodontics as choice about 65% (65/100) and 35% (35/100) were those who got in pedodontics field by chance. 15% (15/100) students had family role in getting MDS admission in pedodontics. Conclusions: Post graduate pedodontics students mostly have chosen pedodontics as a professional career due to their personal interest and influence of family and those who by chance opted pedodontics developed interest in the subject with time

    Transferable neural networks for enhanced sampling of protein dynamics

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    Variational auto-encoder frameworks have demonstrated success in reducing complex nonlinear dynamics in molecular simulation to a single non-linear embedding. In this work, we illustrate how this non-linear latent embedding can be used as a collective variable for enhanced sampling, and present a simple modification that allows us to rapidly perform sampling in multiple related systems. We first demonstrate our method is able to describe the effects of force field changes in capped alanine dipeptide after learning a model using AMBER99. We further provide a simple extension to variational dynamics encoders that allows the model to be trained in a more efficient manner on larger systems by encoding the outputs of a linear transformation using time-structure based independent component analysis (tICA). Using this technique, we show how such a model trained for one protein, the WW domain, can efficiently be transferred to perform enhanced sampling on a related mutant protein, the GTT mutation. This method shows promise for its ability to rapidly sample related systems using a single transferable collective variable and is generally applicable to sets of related simulations, enabling us to probe the effects of variation in increasingly large systems of biophysical interest.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Microbial dynamics during various activities in residential areas of Lahore, Pakistan

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    Bioaerosols are ubiquitous in the atmosphere with their levels affected by a variety of environmental factors as well as type of activities being carried out at any specific time. The present study investigated how indoor activities influence bioaerosol concentrations in five residential houses of Lahore. Agar coated petri plates were exposed face upwards for twenty minutes in kitchens and living rooms during activity and non-activity periods. The temperature and relative humidity levels were noted as well. The bioaerosol concentrations in kitchens during the activity time ranged between 1022 to 4481 cfu/m3 and in living rooms from 1179 to 3183 cfu/m3 . Lower values were observed during non-activity periods. A paired-t test revealed a significant difference in bacterial loads during activity and non-activity times in both micro-environments (p = 0.038 in kitchen and p = 0.021 in living room). The predominant species identified were Micrococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., and Bacillus spp. which are a common constituent of the indoor environment and are known to be opportunistic pathogens as well

    Interpretation: The Infinite Controversy

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    The following is an attempt to view and perceive the problematic act of interpretation, including its nature, its endless controversies, its horizons and its limitations. The paper is comprised of two sections. The first is an introduction covering the various aspects of the interpretive act. It also deals with the vast potentialities opened up by interpretation. The second section shows some of the limitations of interpretation, as seen in the different interpretations of Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Shakespeare's Hamlet. The approach used throughout is ambivalent in that it stresses the merits and drawbacks of interpretation in reading and understanding texts