107 research outputs found

    The usage of polymeric petrolium resins

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    In this article the usage of polymeric petroleum resins is revealed. We understand polymeric petroleum resins as a special class of low molecular weight synthetic resins which are derived from petroleum feedstocks. Sometimes these resins are also called petroleum hydrocarbon resins

    The ultrasonic sound in adsorptive processes

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    This article deals with the implementation of the ultrasonic sound which is essential for the improvement of the quality of oil refining adsorption processes. The ultrasonic sound is used particularly for the process effectivization, it means, for the intensification of the speed in adsorption processes as well as duration reduction

    The ultrasonic sound in adsorptive processes

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    This article deals with the implementation of the ultrasonic sound which is essential for the improvement of the quality of oil refining adsorption processes. The ultrasonic sound is used particularly for the process effectivization, it means, for the intensification of the speed in adsorption processes as well as duration reduction


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    The article describes the main aspects of nursing care, which must comply with the nurse when working with patients with respiratory diseases. In the implementation of the nursing process, occupies an important place compliance measures on infectious health safety of medical workers.У статті описано основні аспекти медсестринського догляду, яких повинна дотримуватися медична сестра при роботі з пацієнтами із захворюваннями органів дихання. При здійсненні даного медсестринського процесу важливе місце займає дотримання заходів щодо інфекційної безпеки медичних працівників

    Wound-healing effect of polyguanidine-based hydrogel

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    This article present the evaluation of polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride hydrogel influence on the course of wound healing processes. Synthesis of hydrogel is based on the interaction of amino-end groups of the polymer with carbonyl compounds. The presence of significant biocidal properties of the gel-forming polymer is allowed to consider the hydrogel as a wound healing agent. Since most wound healing agents for external use are made in the form of gels, ointments, polymer-based, it was decided to use the wound healing agent "Levomekol", a gel which consists of poly (ethylene oxide) as a comparison drug. So, in terms of linear skin-muscle wound we established the pronounced wound-healing effect of a polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride hydrogel. The results of pathomorphological studies revealed that in animals of the experimental "hydrogel" group on the eighth day of the experiment, the wound was undergoing a process of rejection of the scab, the presence of mature granulation tissue and no exudate was also observed. In the comparison group, the healing process was more slow, on the eighth day of the experiment in the animal group we observed the presence of fluid under the eschar, and lower amount of mature granulation tissue. Tensiometry of the scar has shown that the strength of scar rupture in the "hydrogel" group requires 65 % more force compared to the control group, while in the group of comparison this parameter made only 48 %

    Formation of bearings parts waviness in centerless mortise grinding on rigid supports

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    The formation of waviness on the working surfaces of bearing parts is associated with fluctuations in the size of the cut layer of metal and changes in the components of the cutting force. Laplace operators were used to model the centerless grinding system based on the construction of the transfer function and the characteristic equation. It was found that the formation of waviness depends on the position of the hodograph of the movement of the vector of the center of the part in the complex plane, which in turn depends on the geometric parameters of the rigid supports of the centerless grinder machine. This makes it possible, based on hodographs and the angular orientation of their asymptotes, to determine the geometric stability of the process depending on the angles of adjustment of the rigid supports of the grinder machine. Two methodological approaches were used to confirm the correctness of the hypotheses. The first one is a multiplication of wave’s hodographs. The second one is regeneration displacement and the coincidence of the combined hodograph of regeneration and waviness displacement mechanisms with the hodograph of infinitely rigid machine displacement. The diagrams which allow choosing geometry of adjustment of rigid support that allows to increase or decrease parameters of certain harmonics are developed. The 3D diagram allows setting the local minima, characterized by acceptable geometric adjustment conditions, providing regulated waviness of the working surfaces of bearing parts

    Compression and thermal expansion of nanocrystalline TiN

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    Abstract. TiN nanopowders synthesized by the application of an anaerobic "imide" route and aerosol synthesis with 5 and 26 nm average size were examined by in situ diffraction at high pressure up to 6 GPa and high temperature up to 800 o C. Overall compressibilities and thermal expansion coefficients were determined for the examined pressure and temperature intervals. Nanocrystals of TiN show core-shell type structure where elastic properties of interior and surface shell are different; surface is softer and shows larger thermal expansion than crystalline TiN. Core-shell model was confirmed by analysis of large Q powder diffraction at room temperature with application of alp-Q and PDF analysis

    Heralding efficiency and correlated-mode coupling of near-IR fiber-coupled photon pairs

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    We report on a systematic experimental study of the heralding efficiency and generation rate of telecom-band infrared photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion and coupled to single-mode optical fibers. We define the correlated-mode coupling efficiency, an inherent source efficiency, and explain its relation to heralding efficiency. For our experiment, we developed a reconfigurable computer-controlled pump-beam and collection-mode optical apparatus which we used to measure the generation rate and correlated-mode coupling efficiency. The use of low-noise, high-efficiency superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors in this setup allowed us to explore focus configurations with low overall photon flux. The measured data agree well with theory, and we demonstrated a correlated-mode coupling efficiency of 97% ± 2%, which is the highest efficiency yet achieved for this type of system. These results confirm theoretical treatments and demonstrate that very high overall heralding efficiencies can, in principle, be achieved in quantum optical systems. It is expected that these results and techniques will be widely incorporated into future systems that require, or benefit from, a high heralding efficiency.United States. Dept. of Defense. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering (Air Force Contract FA8721-05-C-0002