59 research outputs found

    Theory of didactical situations and instrumental genesis for the design of a cabri elem book

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    The contributions of two theoretical frameworks (Theory of Didactic Situations and Instrumental Genesis) to the design of a sequence of tasks in the Cabri Elem envi-ronment, where task and technology design are closely linked, are shown. Considering the potential for instrumental genesis as a theory of technology design reveals a fundamental difficulty in dealing with representations. It is hence suggested that the role of the artefact be broadened to include environments, tools, and entities

    Levels of State and Trait Anxiety in Patients Referred to Ophthalmology by Primary Care Clinicians: A Cross Sectional Study

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    Purpose There is a high level of over-referral from primary eye care leading to significant numbers of people without ocular pathology (false positives) being referred to secondary eye care. The present study used a psychometric instrument to determine whether there is a psychological burden on patients due to referral to secondary eye care, and used Rasch analysis to convert the data from an ordinal to an interval scale. Design Cross sectional study. Participants and Controls 322 participants and 80 control participants. Methods State (i.e. current) and trait (i.e. propensity to) anxiety were measured in a group of patients referred to a hospital eye department in the UK and in a control group who have had a sight test but were not referred. Response category analysis plus infit and outfit Rasch statistics and person separation indices were used to determine the usefulness of individual items and the response categories. Principal components analysis was used to determine dimensionality. Main Outcome Measure Levels of state and trait anxiety measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results State anxiety scores were significantly higher in the patients referred to secondary eye care than the controls (p0.1). Rasch analysis highlighted that the questionnaire results needed to be split into “anxiety-absent” and “anxiety-present” items for both state and trait anxiety, but both subscales showed the same profile of results between patients and controls. Conclusions State anxiety was shown to be higher in patients referred to secondary eye care than the controls, and at similar levels to people with moderate to high perceived susceptibility to breast cancer. This suggests that referral from primary to secondary eye care can result in a significant psychological burden on some patients

    Machines mathématiques et environnements numériques au cœur d’une collaboration scientifique franco-italienne

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    Cette contribution montre les idées de la collaboration scientifique entre le Laboratoire des Machines Mathématiques de l'Université de Modena e Reggio Emilia et l'équipe Eductice de l'Institut Français de l'Education-ENS de Lyon

    Verso buone pratiche nell’uso dei software di geometria dinamica nella didattica della matematica

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    Questo articolo presenta esempi di attività didattiche coinvolgenti la geometria dinamica, con l’obiettivo di fornire alcuni elementi di analisi. In generale su un certo argomento, con le tecnologie digitali, si possono proporre diverse attività didattiche, da quelle in cui l’insegnante ha un controllo forte sul lavoro degli allievi (mediante schede di lavoro dettagliate) a quelle più aperte, che lasciano agli allievi uno spazio di libertà nella ricerca di strategie risolutive al problema posto. Negli esempi qui proposti si considera, in particolare, l’analisi del ruolo dell’insegnante, la natura del lavoro dell’allievo in termini di autonomia e di possibili scelte strategiche, i feedback che l’ambiente di geometria dinamica restituisce all’azione dell’allievo

    Atelier découverte des duos d'artefacts pour l'école primaire: pascaline et e-pascaline, compas et triangle, patron du cube.

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    L’objectif de cet atelier est de faire découvrir et analyser les ressources produites pour l’école primaire : les cahiers d’activité informatisés et les propositions de scénarios pédagogiques. Certaines ressources sont diffusées sur le site EducMath, par exemple http://educmath.ens-lyon.fr/Educmath/recherche/equipes-associees-13-14/ mallette/prototype-mallette/page-accueil-de-la-mallette-cp-ce1