113 research outputs found

    DEA Problems under Geometrical or Probability Uncertainties of Sample Data

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    This paper discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of new methods for solving DEA problems under real-life geometrical uncertainty and probability uncertainty of sample data. The proposed minimax approach to solve problems with geometrical uncertainty of sample data involves an implementation of linear programming or minimax optimization, whereas the problems with probability uncertainty of sample data are solved through implementing of econometric and new stochastic optimization methods, using the stochastic frontier functions estimation.DEA, Sample data uncertainty, Linear programming, Minimax optimization, Stochastic optimization, Stochastic frontier functions

    When publications lead to products: the open science conundrum in new product development

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    This paper examines interdependencies between firms’ activities in the realms of open science and commercial product development. We present a theoretical framework that outlines when a firm’s involvement in academic communities enhances its innovative performance in terms of new products in development. We argue that the disclosure of more, valuable R&D work in quality scholarly publications and collaborations with academic partners positively affect firm innovation. We further hypothesize a differential effect of adopting open science strategies on the innovation type, being more pronounced for radical innovations than for incremental innovations. We empirically analyze a unique panel dataset containing information on the product innovation performance and R&D activities of 160 UK therapeutic biotechnology firms over the period 1998- 2009. Our results from count data models on the number of new products in development provide empirical support for our hypotheses


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    Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune bullous dermatosis that affects between 0,1 and 0,5%000 of the population. The prognosis of the disease is determined by the severity of the side effects of corticosteroid therapy and their compensation. The present study covered 52 patients with pemphigus vulgaris treated in the Clinic of Dermatology and Venereology, Prof. P. Stoyanov Medical University of Varna, during a 10-year period (1990-2000). There were 20 males aged between 28 and 86 years and 32 females aged between 17 and 77 years. The adverse effects of the corticosteroids in the patients with pemphigus vulgaris and their influence on the course of the disease were  described. The combination with a cytostatic drug (cyclophosphamide or imuran) proved to be  effective in reducing the total course and maintenance dosage of the corticostteroids in these  patients

    Workers Compensation-Reported Injuries Among Security and Law Enforcement Personnel in the Private Versus Public Sectors

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    Background: Private and Public security and law enforcement (SLE) sectors perform multiple overlapping job duties. Methods: Workers’ compensation (WC) SLE first reports of injury (FROI) data (2005–2015) were analyzed to describe injuries, identify differences in awarded WC benefits, and compare the probability of a FROI resulting in awarded benefits between Public and Private SLE. A Pearson’s chi-square test was utilized and reverse selection logistic regression was performed to estimate the odds ratio that a FROI would result in an awarded benefit for Private vs. Public SLE, while adjusting for relevant covariates. Results: Private SLE had higher FROI percentages for younger and for older workers, fall injuries, and back injuries, compared to Public SLE. The adjusted odds that a FROI resulted in an awarded benefit was 1.4 times higher for Private SLE compared to Public SLE; (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.09,1.69). Middle-aged SLE employee adjusted odds of awarded benefits was 3.3 times (95% CI [1.96, 5.39]) higher compared to younger employees. Adjusted odds of awarded benefits was 3.8 times (95% CI [1.34, 10.61]) higher for gunshots and 1.7 times (95% CI [1.22, 2.39]) higher for fractures/dislocations compared to other nature of injuries. Motor vehicle injury, fall/slip, and strain related FROIs had elevated adjusted odds of awarded benefits compared to other injury causes. Conclusions: Results highlight the importance of injury prevention education and worker safety training for Private and Public SLE sector workers on fall prevention (especially in Private SLE) and strain prevention (especially in Public SLE), as well as motor vehicle safety

    Economic efficiency of breeding dairy sheep in the mountain and hilly regions of Bulgaria

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    Sheep breeding is an important means of livelihood for the population living in the mountain and hilly regions of the country. The object of the present study is to analyze the economic efficiency of breeding dairy sheep in the mountain and hilly regions of Bulgaria. Object of the study are 2 models of farms with 100 ewes from the dairy type and the relevant categories lambs and rams. We compare and analyze two levels of milk productivity - 70 l per lactation in the first farm and 100 l per lactation in the second farm. The whole grain and roughage necessary for feeding ewes are calculated while hay is self-provided. The average fertility per ewe is 115%, the average wool yield is 2.2 kg and the repair of the flock is 20%. Incomes and costs are estimated at current prices for the 2013 - 2014. It was found that in the terms of the present study we may draw the conclusion that in case the farmer is not getting subsidy from the State Fund 'Agriculture' will be efficiently to raise only ewes that have milk productivity 100 l per lactation; in support of the farm subsidies by the State Fund 'Agriculture' and the two levels of milk production is appropriate breeding of dairy sheep in the mountainous and hilly regions of the country; in order to improve the economic efficiency farmers should pay attention to increasing the fertility of ewes and protection of the new-born lambs as well as increasing of milk productivity of ewes

    Sexually Transmitted Infections Management Legal Regulation in Bulgaria: Present Situation and Challenges

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    Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to be a significant public health problem with numerous health social, ethical and economic dimensions. The goal of this study is to present and discuss the Bulgarian legal framework dimensions related to the management of the spectrum of STIs, and associated public health challenges. An analysis of Bulgarian legislation normative documents connected with the presented problematic was applied. Results: For the effective STIs-spectrum management, the presented normative acts envisage a number of rules and requirements for conducting preventive, diagnostic and treatment activities. These rules are not sufficient and cannot cover all cases in the practical work of medical professionals most of them serve as general guides. The main problem that is emerging is the lack of financial resources and sources of funding. Conclusion: Despite the large legal framework, most documents are only a framework, without specifics in the organization and lack of funding for regulated activities

    University alliances and firm exploratory innovation: evidence from therapeutic product development

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    This paper investigates the relationship between university alliances and firm exploratory innovation in the context of therapeutic product development. We build on organizational learning theory to elucidate that the use of university alliances is more positively associated with firm exploratory rather than exploitative innovation output. Moreover, we argue that the breadth of a firm's technological expertise strengthens the benefits of university alliances in the development of exploratory innovation output. Our empirical analysis is based on a panel dataset of 220 US therapeutic biotechnology firms from 2003 to 2010. Our findings support the contention that university alliances are differentially related to exploratory and exploitative innovation outcomes, and further indicate that firm technological breadth positively moderates the relationship between university alliances and firm exploratory innovation.LIACS-Managemen

    Sacral nerve stimulation in patients with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis

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    Purpose: Functional results after proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) are generally good. However, some patients suffer from high stool frequency or fecal incontinence. Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) may represent a therapeutic alternative in these patients, but little is known about indication and results. The aim of this study was to evaluate incontinence after IPAA and demonstrate SNS feasibility in these patients. Methods: This retrospective study includes patients who received a SNS between 1993 and 2020 for increased stool frequency or fecal incontinence after proctocolectomy with IPAA for ulcerative colitis. Proctocolectomy was performed in a two- or three-step approach with ileostomy closure as the last step. Demographic, follow-up data and functional results were obtained from the hospital database. Results: SNS was performed in 23 patients. Median follow-up time after SNS was 6.5 years (min. 4.2-max. 8.8). Two patients were lost to follow-up. The median time from ileostomy closure to SNS implantation was 6 years (min. 0.5-max. 14.5). Continence after SNS improved in 16 patients (69%) with a median St. Marks score for anal incontinence of 19 (min. 4-max. 22) before SNS compared to 4 (0-10) after SNS placement (p = 0.012). In seven patients, SNS therapy was not successful. Conclusion: SNS implantation improves symptoms in over two-thirds of patients suffering from high stool frequency or fecal incontinence after proctocolectomy with IPAA. Awareness of the beneficial effects of SNS should be increased in physicians involved in the management of these patients

    Estimation of errors in text and data processing

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    The company Adiss Lab Lts. obtained 1 000 000 medical reports that are either in free form text, or in XML format. One of the main goals of their development is to integrate an algorithm for information extraction (IE) in their platform. The verification of the algorithm’s output for a report is done by a medical doctor (MD) for a certain fee. Validating the correctness of all data would be overwhelming and very expensive. Hence, the problem, as presented by the company, is to provide a method (algorithm) which determines the minimum amount of reports that will validate the correctness of the IE algorithm and a procedure for selecting these reports. In order to solve the problem we have considered an algorithm-centric approach uses active learning and semi-supervised learning