29 research outputs found

    Signaling and function of death receptors of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily

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    Programmed cell death or apoptosis is a genetically based mechanism that has evolved to eliminate superfluous cells. Upon activation of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway, an extracellular apoptotic signal is transmitted to the cytosol via transmembrane death receptors (DRs) of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily. The apoptotic signal emanating from the DRs initiates one of the two cascades that activate multiple caspases, which eventually dismantle the cell from the inside. However, despite their name, most DRs are also engaged in non-apoptotic signaling pathways, with recent research revealing their important role in a number of biological processes, including development and inflammation

    Proteolytic processing of the p75 neurotrophin receptor: A prerequisite for signalling? (vol 33, pg 614, 2011)

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    The common neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) regulates various functions in the developing and adult nervous system. Cell survival, cell death, axonal and growth cone retraction, and regulation of the cell cycle can be regulated by p75(NTR)-mediated signals following activation by either mature or pro-neurotrophins and in combination with various co-receptors, including Trk receptors and sortilin. Here, we review the known functions of p75(NTR) by cell type, receptor-ligand combination, and whether regulated intra-membrane proteolysis of p75(NTR) is required for signalling. We highlight that the generation of the intracellular domain fragment of p75(NTR) is associated with many of the receptor functions, regardless of its ligand and co-receptor interactions

    Sortilin associates with Trk receptors to enhance anterograde transport and neurotrophin signaling

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    Binding of target-derived neurotrophins to Trk receptors at nerve terminals is required to stimulate neuronal survival, differentiation, innervation and synaptic plasticity. The distance between the soma and nerve terminal is great, making efficient anterograde Trk transport critical for Trk synaptic translocation and signaling. The mechanism responsible for this trafficking remains poorly understood. Here we show that the sorting receptor sortilin interacts with TrkA, TrkB and TrkC and enables their anterograde axonal transport, thereby enhancing neurotrophin signaling. Cultured DRG neurons lacking sortilin showed blunted MAP kinase signaling and reduced neurite outgrowth upon stimulation with NGF. Moreover, deficiency for sortilin markedly aggravated TrkA, TrkB and TrkC phenotypes present in p75(NTR) knockouts, and resulted in increased embryonic lethality and sympathetic neuropathy in mice heterozygous for TrkA. Our findings demonstrate a role for sortilin as an anterograde trafficking receptor for Trk and a positive modulator of neurotrophin-induced neuronal survival

    SorCS2 regulates dopaminergic wiring and is processed into an apoptotic two-chain receptor in peripheral glia

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    Balancing trophic and apoptotic cues is critical for development and regeneration of neuronal circuits. Here we identify SorCS2 as a proneurotrophin (proNT) receptor, mediating both trophic and apoptotic signals in conjunction with p75(NTR). CNS neurons, but not glia, express SorCS2 as a single-chain protein that is essential for proBDNF-induced growth cone collapse in developing dopaminergic processes. SorCS2- or p75(NTR)-deficient in mice caused reduced dopamine levels and metabolism and dopaminergic hyperinnervation of the frontal cortex. Accordingly, both knockout models displayed a paradoxical behavioral response to amphetamine reminiscent of ADHD. Contrary, in PNS glia, but not in neurons, proteolytic processing produced a two-chain SorCS2 isoform that mediated proNT-dependent Schwann cell apoptosis. Sciatic nerve injury triggered generation of two-chain SorCS2 in p75(NTR)-positive dying Schwann cells, with apoptosis being profoundly attenuated in Sorcs2(-/-) mice. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that two-chain processing of SorCS2 enables neurons and glia to respond differently to proneurotrophins

    Structural basis for endosomal trafficking of diverse transmembrane cargos by PX-FERM proteins

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    Transit of proteins through the endosomal organelle following endocytosis is critical for regulating the homeostasis of cell-surface proteins and controlling signal transduction pathways. However, the mechanisms that control these membrane-transport processes are poorly understood. The Phox-homology (PX) domain-containing proteins sorting nexin (SNX) 17, SNX27, and SNX31 have emerged recently as key regulators of endosomal recycling and bind conserved Asn-Pro-Xaa-Tyr-sorting signals in transmembrane cargos via an atypical band, 4.1/ezrin/radixin/moesin (FERM) domain. Here we present the crystal structure of the SNX17 FERM domain bound to the sorting motif of the P-selectin adhesion protein, revealing both the architecture of the atypical FERM domain and the molecular basis for recognition of these essential sorting sequences. We further show that the PX-FERM proteins share a promiscuous ability to bind a wide array of putative cargo molecules, including receptor tyrosine kinases, and propose a model for their coordinated molecular interactions with membrane, cargo, and regulatory proteins