2,043 research outputs found

    Acoustic Integrity Codes: Secure Device Pairing Using Short-Range Acoustic Communication

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    Secure Device Pairing (SDP) relies on an out-of-band channel to authenticate devices. This requires a common hardware interface, which limits the use of existing SDP systems. We propose to use short-range acoustic communication for the initial pairing. Audio hardware is commonly available on existing off-the-shelf devices and can be accessed from user space without requiring firmware or hardware modifications. We improve upon previous approaches by designing Acoustic Integrity Codes (AICs): a modulation scheme that provides message authentication on the acoustic physical layer. We analyze their security and demonstrate that we can defend against signal cancellation attacks by designing signals with low autocorrelation. Our system can detect overshadowing attacks using a ternary decision function with a threshold. In our evaluation of this SDP scheme's security and robustness, we achieve a bit error ratio below 0.1% for a net bit rate of 100 bps with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 14 dB. Using our open-source proof-of-concept implementation on Android smartphones, we demonstrate pairing between different smartphone models.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Published at ACM WiSec 2020 (13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks). Updated reference

    Modeling and investigative studies of Jovian low frequency emissions

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    Jovian decametric (DAM) and hectometric (HOM) emissions were first observed over the entire spectrum by the Voyager 1 and 2 flybys of the planet. They display unusual arc-like structures on frequency-versus-time spectrograms. Software for the modeling of the Jovian plasma and magnetic field environment was performed. In addition, an extensive library of programs was developed for the retrieval of Voyager Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) data in both the high and low frequency bands from new noise-free, recalibrated data tapes. This software allows the option of retrieving data sorted with respect to particular sub-Io longitudes. This has proven to be invaluable in the analyses of the data. Graphics routines were also developed to display the data on color spectrograms

    Detection of Host Habitat by Parasitoids Using Cues Associated With Mycangial Fungi of the Mountain Pine Beetle, \u3cem\u3eDendroctonus ponderosae\u3c/em\u3e

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    Cues used by parasitoids to detect habitat of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), were investigated by observing parasitoid attraction to logs infested with D. ponderosae, logs inoculated with one or both of the symbiotic fungi of D. ponderosae (Grosmannia clavigera (Rob.-Jeffr. & R.W. Davidson) Zipfel, Z.W. de Beer & M.J. Wingf. (Ophiostomataceae) and Ophiostoma montium (Rumbold) Arx (Ophiostomataceae)), logs containing no beetles or fungi, or empty screen cylinders. Captures of Heydenia unica Cook and Davis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and Rhopalicus pulchripennis (Crawford) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) on logs with both G. clavigera and O. montium were greater than those from control treatments. These results suggest that characteristics of tree tissues simultaneously colonized by the two symbiotic fungi facilitate a detectable change in the volatile compounds released from D. ponderosae-attacked trees that may be used by parasitoids to locate hosts

    Whole genome sequences of two Salmonella Dublin strains harbour viaA, viaB and ompB loci of the Vi antigen

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    Here we report the genome sequence of two Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin, 03EB8736SAL and 03EB8994SAL, isolated from raw milk cheese and filter of milk respectively. Analysis of draft genomes of the two isolates reveals the presence of viaA, viaB and ompB loci of the Vi capsular polysaccharide antigen (Vi antigen)

    Using Spontaneous Emission of a Qubit as a Resource for Feedback Control

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    Persistent control of a transmon qubit is performed by a feedback protocol based on continuous heterodyne measurement of its fluorescence. By driving the qubit and cavity with microwave signals whose amplitudes depend linearly on the instantaneous values of the quadratures of the measured fluorescence field, we show that it is possible to stabilize permanently the qubit in any targeted state. Using a Josephson mixer as a phase-preserving amplifier, it was possible to reach a total measurement efficiency η\eta=35%, leading to a maximum of 59% of excitation and 44% of coherence for the stabilized states. The experiment demonstrates multiple-input multiple-output analog Markovian feedback in the quantum regime.Comment: Supplementary material can be found as an ancillary objec

    Transport of Fungal Symbionts by Mountain Pine Beetles

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    The perpetuation of symbiotic associations between bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) and ophiostomatoid fungi requires the consistent transport of fungi by successive beetle generations to new host trees. We used scanning electron microscopy and culture methods to investigate fungal transport by the mountain pine beetle (MPB), Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins. MPB transports its two main fungal associates, Grosmannia clavigera (Robinson-Jeffrey and Davidson) Zipfel, de Beer and Wingfield and Ophiostoma montium (Rumbold) von Arx, in sac-like mycangia on the maxillary cardines as well as on the exoskeleton. Although spores of both species of fungi were observed on MPB exoskeletons, often in pits, O. montium spores were generally more abundant than G. clavigera spores. However, a general scarcity of spores of either species on MPB exoskeletons compared with numbers on scolytines that lack sac-like mycangia indicates that fungal transport exteriorly on MPBs is incidental rather than adaptive. Conidia were the dominant spore type transported regardless of location or species; however, our results suggest that once acquired in mycangia, conidia may reproduce in a yeast-like form and even produce hypha-like strands and compact conidiophore-like structures. Fungi that propagate in mycangia may provide beetles with a continual source of inocula during the extended egg-laying period

    Thermomechanical and Microstructural Analysis of the Influence of B- and Ti-Content on the Hot Ductility Behavior of Microalloyed Steels

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    The effects of the combined addition of B and Ti, as well as the influence of different strain rates on the hot ductility behavior of low carbon, continuously cast, microalloyed steels were investigated in this work. Tensile tests, microstructure analyses, and thermokinetic simulations were performed with in situ melted samples. Furthermore, prior austenite grain evaluations were carried out for the two different microalloyed steels. Increasing the strain rate brought improvements to the ductility, which was more significant in the steel with the leanest composition. The steel containing more B and Ti presented a better hot ductility behavior under all conditions tested. The main causes for the improvements rely on the precipitation behavior and the austenite–ferrite phase transformation. The preferential formation of TiN instead of fine BN and AlN was seen to be beneficial to the ductility, as well as the absence of MnS. Grain boundary segregation of free B that did not form BN retarded the ferrite formation, avoiding the brittleness brought by the thin ferrite films at the austenite grain boundaries. Furthermore, it was revealed that for the steels in question, the prior austenite grains have less influence on the hot ductility behavior than the precipitates and ferrite formation

    NMR Imaging of low pressure, gas-phase transport in packed beds using hyperpolarized xenon-129

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    Gas-phase magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to investigate heterogeneity in mass transport in a packed bed of commercial, alumina, catalyst supports. Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI enables study of transient diffusion for micro- scopic porous systems using xenon chemical shift to selectively image gas within the pores, and, thence, permits study of low-density, gas-phase mass-transport, such that diffusion can be studied in the Knudsen regime, and not just the molecular regime, which is the limitation with other current techniques. Knudsen-regime diffusion is common in many industrial, catalytic processes. Significantly, larger spatial variability in mass transport rates across the packed bed was found compared to techniques using only molecular diffusion. It has thus been found that that these heterogeneities arise over length-scales much larger tha

    Pointed-end capping by tropomodulin3 negatively regulates endothelial cell motility

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    Actin filament pointed-end dynamics are thought to play a critical role in cell motility, yet regulation of this process remains poorly understood. We describe here a previously uncharacterized tropomodulin (Tmod) isoform, Tmod3, which is widely expressed in human tissues and is present in human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1). Tmod3 is present in sufficient quantity to cap pointed ends of actin filaments, localizes to actin filament structures in HMEC-1 cells, and appears enriched in leading edge ruffles and lamellipodia. Transient overexpression of GFP–Tmod3 leads to a depolarized cell morphology and decreased cell motility. A fivefold increase in Tmod3 results in an equivalent decrease in free pointed ends in the cells. Unexpectedly, a decrease in the relative amounts of F-actin, free barbed ends, and actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) complex in lamellipodia are also observed. Conversely, decreased expression of Tmod3 by RNA interference leads to faster average cell migration, along with increases in free pointed and barbed ends in lamellipodial actin filaments. These data collectively demonstrate that capping of actin filament pointed ends by Tmod3 inhibits cell migration and reveal a novel control mechanism for regulation of actin filaments in lamellipodia

    Interpretation of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in agricultural and afforested soils

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 1627-1628).Interpretation of soil organic C (SOC) dynamics depends heavily on analytical methods and management systems studied. Comparison of data from long-term corn (Zea mays)-plot soils in Eastern North America showed mean residence times (MRTs) of SOC determined by 14C dating were 176 times those measured with 13C abundance following a 30-yr replacement of C3 by C4 plants on the same soils. However, MRTs of the two methods were related (r 2 = 0.71). Field 13C MRTs of SOC were also related (R 2 = 0.55 to 0.85) to those measured by 13CO2 evolution and curve fitting during laboratory incubation. The strong relations, but different MRTs, were interpreted to mean that the three methods sampled different parts of a SOC continuum. The SOC of all parts of this continuum must be affected by the same controls on SOC dynamics for this to occur. Methods for site selection, plant biomass, soil sampling and analysis were tested on agricultural, afforested-agriculture, and native forest sites to determine the controls on SOC dynamics. Soil-C changes after afforestation were −0.07 to 0.55 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 on deciduous sites and −0.85 to 0.58 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 under conifers. Soil N changes under afforestation ranged from −0.1 to 0.025 Mg N ha−1 yr−1 Ecosystem N accumulation was −0.09 to 0.08 Mg N ha−1 yr−1 Soil C and N sequestration but not plant biomass were related to soil Ca, Mg, and K contents. Comparative, independent assays of long-term plots provides information for concept testing and the confidence necessary for decision-makers determining C-cycle policies
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