1,491 research outputs found

    Patterns of prejudice: Social exclusion and racial demarcation in professional accountancy in Kenya

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    Racial demarcation and social exclusion were common features in the organization of racially diverse colonial societies. British settlement in colonial Kenya and the import of immigrant workers resulted in the creation of a hierarchical society in which the Europeans enjoyed privileges to the exclusion of the immigrant Asians and the indigenous Africans. This study sets out to show how changes in the organization of this society and commonly held prejudices within it were reflected and even amplified in the organization of the accountancy profession. Drawing from archival and oral history data, the study traces the patterns of participation in accountancy of all three races. The paper covers the period from the turn of the 20th century, which marked the arrival of the first British accountants, to 1970, the advent of Kenyan professional accountancy examinations. The growth of commercial activity in the colony and new legislation to regulate it in the early 20th century resulted in a demand for providers of accountancy services and a preponderance of British accountants. The entry of Asian participants in the formal profession in Kenya, through membership of British accountancy bodies, is recorded after World War II. However, it was the achievement of political independence in 1963 and the ensuing societal transformations that signaled African participation. Such changing patterns of participation reflect the increasingly permeable boundaries to be found in wider Kenyan society after independence despite the continuing manifestation of racial prejudice

    Star Marketing

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    Perusahaan membutuhkan strategi untuk sukses dan berkembang, STAR Marketing merupakan konsep yang banyak membantu Perusahaan menjadi maju dan berkembang. Perusahaan perlu melakukan scan market area mereka dengan baik dan benar, selanjutnya diikuti dengan Perumusan strategi marketing yang efektif dan tertuang didalam marketing plan. Implementasi marketing plan sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah direncanakan juga sangatlah penting, rencana tanpa implementasi tidak akan memberikan hasil yang maksimal, oleh karena itu strategy marketing yang telah diimplementasi juga perlu direcheck untuk mengetahui efektivitas marketing plan yang telah dilaksanakan. Efektivitas marketing plan dapat diketahui dari perkembangan penjualan, merek menjadi semakin dikenal dan kepuasan pelanggan yang semakin meningkat. Perusahaan juga membutuhkan sistem yang baik, mudah diaplikasikan, mampu merekam semua aktivitas bisnis Perusahaan, efisiensi waktu, mampu mendeteksi kecurangan-kecurangan yang terjadi, mampu dijadikan sebagai standar operasional untuk melayani pelanggan Perusahaan, mampu dijadikan sebagai pedoman kerja bagi setiap staf dan pejabat Perusahaan serta mampu untuk mengetahui langganan Perusahaan dengan baik. Sistem dan Strategi yang baik membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas

    Analisis Efektivitas Iklan TV Sirup Markisa Dengan Pendekatan Epic Model PT. Majujaya Pohon Pinang Pada Konsumen Swalayan Macam Yaohan Merak Jingga Medan

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    Present competition of syrup business becomes tighter in terms of product quality, promotion, price and services provided. With many syrup product competing in the market, the management of company is required to be more accurate in determining the strategy used to win the competition. PT. MajuJaya PohonPinang was chosen to be the object of study because this company has applied various strategies in marketing their products and one of them is through advertisement. Therefore, it needs a follow up to find out how effective the advertisement of Pohon Pinang Markisa Syrup related to the buying decision. The purpose of this quantitive descriptive explanatory survey study conducted at PT. MajuJaya PohonPinang Macan Yaohan Supermarket Merak Jingga Medan was to find out and analyze the effectiveness of Markisa Syrup commercial advertisement viewed from EPIC (Empathy, Persuasion, Impact, and Communication) dimensions and to find out the effectiveness and to partiality analyze the EPIC dimension using the theory of marketing management related to advertisement. The population of this study was the consumers of Macan Yaohan Supermarket Merak Jingga Medan and 100 of them were selected to be respondents for this study. The data obtained were analyzed through univariate analysis with T-test. The result of this study showed that simultaneously the variable of Markisa Syrup TV Commercial Advertisement viewed based on the EPIC model was effective. Partially, persuasion was the most dominant variable of the effectiveness of Markisa Syrup TV Commercial Advertisemen

    Becoming global (un)civil society: struggles in the global indymedia network

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    In this paper we ask how actors and organisations can become constructed and treated as part of ‘uncivil society’. We contest the notion that ‘uncivil’ necessarily equates with the dark of qualities of violence and organised criminality. Instead, we take a Gramscian perspective in suggesting that what becomes ‘uncivil’ is any practice and organisation that attempts to contest and escape the disciplining enclosures of the hegemonic order, of which civil society is a necessary part. To trace this phenomenon, we consider several ways in which a global media network called Indymedia has established and maintained itself as a counter-hegemonic mediaproducing organisation. In this case, a conscious positioning and self-identification as counter-hegemonic has been accompanied by the framing and sometimes violent disciplining of nodes of this network as ‘uncivil’ by cooperating state authorities. This is in the absence of association of this network with organised violence or crime. We intend our reflections to contribute to a deepening theorisation of the terms ‘civil’ and ‘uncivil’ as they are becoming used in international relations and social movement studies
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