9 research outputs found

    Long-Term Infrasonic Monitoring of Land and Marine-Terminating Glaciers in Greenland

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    A period of 18 years of infrasonic recordings was analyzed from a microbarometer array (I18DK) in northwestern Greenland, near Qaanaaq. A huge number of infrasonic detections, over 700,000, have been made in I18DKs soundscape during the Arctic summers. Simultaneously identified were both calving events from marine-terminating glaciers and discharge related acoustics from a land-terminating glacier. This infrasonic activity is correlated to sea-surface and atmospheric temperature, respectively. Inter-yearly to daily variations were retrieved showing a strong variability in infrasonic detection rates and hence glacier activity. The highest number of infrasonic detections were found in recent years from the land-terminating glacier. The latter is supported by actual discharge measurements and partly by a discharge model. It is concluded that monitoring infrasound from glaciers can complement other techniques to remotely and passively get insights into glacier dynamics with high temporal and spatial resolution.Applied Geophysics and Petrophysic

    Interaction of geometry and mechanical property of trapezoidal sedimentary basins with incident SH waves

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    This paper investigated the effects of basin geometry and material property on the response of 2D trapezoidal sediment-filled basin to incident plane SH waves. Ten basin configurations with different geometries were developed, and then their seismic responses to both Ricker wavelets and seismic records were simulated by using an explicit finite difference scheme. The definition of deep/shallow basin, the precondition for the observation of prominent surface waves and the influential area of edge effects of the shallow basin were discussed quantitatively in this study. The followings were concluded: in the common velocity contrast range (v s1/v s2 < 10), the fundamental frequency a basin with W/H > 3.0 can be estimated approximately by 1D theory. The complexity of peak ground acceleration distribution pattern, the width of the most affected section as well as the amplitude of ground motion in the Edge Region increase with incident frequency. Prominent surface waves can only be observed when the incident wavelength is shorter than the critical wavelength λ c . The interaction between incident wave and basin dynamic property plays a dominant role on the peak ground acceleration amplitude while the interaction between incident wave and geometry plays a more significant role on the peak ground acceleration distribution. For very shallow basin, different areas along the basin width are affected to different extents. Only a limited area close to the basin edge is influenced significantly. It is more feasible to propose spectral aggravation factor for different surface zones respectively than a uniform constant as a tool to calibrate the 1D-based design spectrum so as to take the basin effects into account

    Global quieting of high-frequency seismic noise due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures

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    Human activity causes vibrations that propagate into the ground as high-frequency seismic waves. Measures to mitigate the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused widespread changes in human activity, leading to a months-long reduction in seismic noise of up to 50%. The 2020 seismic noise quiet period is the longest and most prominent global anthropogenic seismic noise reduction on record. Although the reduction is strongest at surface seismometers in populated areas, this seismic quiescence extends for many kilometers radially and hundreds of meters in depth. This quiet period provides an opportunity to detect subtle signals from subsurface seismic sources that would have been concealed in noisier times and to benchmark sources of anthropogenic noise. A strong correlation between seismic noise and independent measurements of human mobility suggests that seismology provides an absolute, real-time estimate of human activities