501 research outputs found

    Structure of the Three-dimensional Quantum Euclidean Space

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    As an example of a noncommutative space we discuss the quantum 3-dimensional Euclidean space Rq3R^3_q together with its symmetry structure in great detail. The algebraic structure and the representation theory are clarified and discrete spectra for the coordinates are found. The q-deformed Legendre functions play a special role. A completeness relation is derived for these functions.Comment: 22 pages, late

    Realization of the Three-dimensional Quantum Euclidean Space by Differential Operators

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    The three-dimensional quantum Euclidean space is an example of a non-commutative space that is obtained from Euclidean space by qq-deformation. Simultaneously, angular momentum is deformed to soq(3)so_q(3), it acts on the qq-Euclidean space that becomes a soq(3)so_q(3)-module algebra this way. In this paper it is shown, that this algebra can be realized by differential operators acting on CC^{\infty} functions on R3\mathbb{R}^3. On a factorspace of C(R3)C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^3) a scalar product can be defined that leads to a Hilbert space, such that the action of the differential operators is defined on a dense set in this Hilbert space and algebraically self-adjoint becomes self-adjoint for the linear operator in the Hilbert space. The self-adjoint coordinates have discrete eigenvalues, the spectrum can be considered as a qq-lattice.Comment: 13 pages, late

    Clec9a-mediated ablation of conventional dendritic cells suggests a lymphoid path to generating dendritic cells In Vivo

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    Conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) are versatile activators of immune responses that develop as part of the myeloid lineage downstream of hematopoietic stem cells. We have recently shown that in mice precursors of cDCs, but not of other leukocytes, are marked by expression of DNGR-1/CLEC9A. To genetically deplete DNGR-1-expressing cDC precursors and their progeny, we crossed Clec9a-Cre mice to Rosa-lox-STOP-lox-diphtheria toxin (DTA) mice. These mice develop signs of age-dependent myeloproliferative disease, as has been observed in other DC-deficient mouse models. However, despite efficient depletion of cDC progenitors in these mice, cells with phenotypic characteristics of cDCs populate the spleen. These cells are functionally and transcriptionally similar to cDCs in wild type control mice but show somatic rearrangements of Ig-heavy chain genes, characteristic of lymphoid origin cells. Our studies reveal a previously unappreciated developmental heterogeneity of cDCs and suggest that the lymphoid lineage can generate cells with features of cDCs when myeloid cDC progenitors are impaired

    Direct measurement of plasmon propagation lengths on lithographically defined metallic waveguides on GaAs

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    We present optical investigations of rectangular surface plasmon polariton waveguides lithographically defined on GaAs substrates. The plasmon propagation length is directly determined using a confocal microscope, with independent polarization control in both excitation and detection channels. Surface plasmon polaritons are launched along the waveguide using a lithographically defined defect at one end. At the remote end of the waveguide they scatter into the far-field, where they are imaged using a CCD camera. By monitoring the length dependence of the intensity of scattered light from the waveguide end, we directly extract the propagation length, obtaining values ranging from LSPP = 10-40 {\mu}m depending on the waveguide width (w=2-5 {\mu}m) and excitation wavelength (760-920 nm). Results are in good accord with theoretical expectations demonstrating the high quality of the lithographically defined structures. The results obtained are of strong relevance for the development of future semiconductor based integrated plasmonic technologies

    Reduction of time-resolved space-based CCD photometry developed for MOST Fabry Imaging data

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    The MOST (Microvariability & Oscillations of STars) satellite obtains ultraprecise photometry from space with high sampling rates and duty cycles. Astronomical photometry or imaging missions in low Earth orbits, like MOST, are especially sensitive to scattered light from Earthshine, and all these missions have a common need to extract target information from voluminous data cubes. They consist of upwards of hundreds of thousands of two-dimensional CCD frames (or sub-rasters) containing from hundreds to millions of pixels each, where the target information, superposed on background and instrumental effects, is contained only in a subset of pixels (Fabry Images, defocussed images, mini-spectra). We describe a novel reduction technique for such data cubes: resolving linear correlations of target and background pixel intensities. This stepwise multiple linear regression removes only those target variations which are also detected in the background. The advantage of regression analysis versus background subtraction is the appropriate scaling, taking into account that the amount of contamination may differ from pixel to pixel. The multivariate solution for all pairs of target/background pixels is minimally invasive of the raw photometry while being very effective in reducing contamination due to, e.g., stray light. The technique is tested and demonstrated with both simulated oscillation signals and real MOST photometry.Comment: 16 pages, 23 figure

    The host galaxies of three radio-loud quasars: 3C 48, 3C 345, and B2 1425+267

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    Observations with the Wide-Field/Planetary Camera-2 of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) are presented for three radio-loud quasars: 3C 48 (z=0.367), B2 1425+267 (z=0.366), and 3C 345 (z=0.594). All three quasars have luminous (~4 L^*) galaxies as hosts, which are either elliptical (B2 1425+267 and 3C 345) or interacting (3C 48), and all hosts are 0.5 - 1.0 mag bluer in (V-I) than other galaxies with the same overall morphology at similar redshifts to the quasars. The host of 3C 48 has many H II regions and a very extended tidal tail. All nine of the radio-loud quasars studied here and in Bahcall et al. (1997) either have bright elliptical hosts or occur in interacting systems. There is a robust correlation between the radio emission of the quasar and the luminosity of host galaxy; the radio-loud quasars reside in galaxies that are on average about 1 mag brighter than hosts of the radio-quiet quasars.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 3 postscript and 3 jpeg figures. Original figures may be found in ftp://eku.sns.ias.edu/pub/sofia/RadioLoud

    IRAS 18511+0146: a proto Herbig Ae/Be cluster?

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    Context: The evolution of a young protocluster depends on the relative spatial distributions and dynamics of both stars and gas. Aims: We study the distribution and properties of the gas and stars surrounding the luminous (10^4 L_sun) protocluster IRAS 18511+0146. Methods: IRAS 18511+0146 and the cluster associated with it has been investigated using the sub-millimetre (JCMT-SCUBA), infrared (Spitzer-MIPSGAL, Spitzer-GLIMPSE, Palomar) and radio (VLA) continuum data. Cluster simulations have been carried out in order to understand the properties of clusters as well as to compare with the observations. Results: The central most obscured part of the protocluster coincident with the compact sub-millimetre source found with SCUBA is responsible for at least 2/3 of the total luminosity. A number of cluster members have been identified which are bright in mid infrared and show rising (near to mid infrared) spectral energy distributions suggesting that these are very young stellar sources. In the mid infrared 8.0 micron image, a number of filamentary structures and clumps are detected in the vicinity of IRAS 18511+0146. Conclusions: Based on the luminosity and cluster size as well as on the evolutionary stages of the cluster members, IRAS 18511+0146 is likely to be protocluster with the most massive object being a precursor to a Herbig type star.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomy and Astrophysics (23 Pages, 5 Tables, 12 Figures

    The sonographer’s role in RFA therapy of liver lesions

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    Interventional techniques using ultrasound guidance, such as Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) of liver lesions, are the domain of the radiologist. However, real time ultrasound imaging as performed by the sonographer, is critical in monitoring the successful insertion and placement of the RFA needle. RFA is used to create a localised and controlled application of heat in order to induce necrosis of cells within the liver lesions