474 research outputs found

    XPS analiza biomaterijala primjenom nove metode kompenzacije naboja

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    The major problem in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of polymeric and other insulating materials is that of ``charge neutralisation\u27\u27 or `` charge compensation\u27\u27. Due to variable potentials on the surface of the investigated specimen broadening of peaks, or even multiple peaks, are observed. Various methods are applied to achieve the charge compensation. The AXIS series of instruments provide a secure and reliable charge compensation method, which uses the characteristic properties of the magnetic lens. The system enables confident determination and use of small binding energy shifts in both spectroscopy and imaging.Važan problem rentgenske fotoelektronske spektroskopije polimera i drugih izolatora je neutralizacija naboja. Zbog promjenjivih potencijala na površini ispitivanog uzorka javlja se širenje vrhova pa i višestruki vrhovi. Niz uređaja AXIS pružaju sigurnu metodu kompenzacije naboja primjenom magnetske leće. Sustav omogućuje pouzdano određivanje malih energijskih pomaka u spektroskopiji i snimanju površina

    Retrospektive Bestimmung der elektromagnetischen Exposition durch analoge Rundfunksender im Rahmen von KiSS

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    Im Rahmen einer epidemiologischen Fall-Kontroll-Studie zur Untersuchung eines möglichen Zusammenhangs zwischen der Häufigkeit kindlicher Leukämien und elektromagnetischer Strahlung (,,KiSS" – <b>Ki</b>ndliche Leukämien und Expositionen in der Umgebung von hochfrequenten <b>S</b>ende<b>s</b>tationen) soll die Exposition durch leistungsstarke analoge Rundfunksender retrospektiv (Zeitraum 1982–2003) quantifiziert werden. Die zu betrachtenden Sendernetze für AM-Hörfunk, FM-Hörfunk und analoges Fernsehen unterscheiden sich nicht nur hinsichtlich der Modulationsart und der von den Einzelsendern abgestrahlten Leistung, sondern auch in der Netzkonfiguration und den je nach Wellenbereich verschiedenen Strahlungseigenschaften der Sendeantennen. Damit sind bei diesen drei Rundfunkdiensten sowohl die absolute Größe als auch die räumliche Struktur der hervorgerufenen Exposition verschieden. Es wird dargelegt, wie die für die Prognose der Rundfunkversorgung verwendeten Rechenverfahren zur Modellierung der Feldstärke für die Modellierung der Exposition herangezogen und durch Kontrollmessungen validiert werden und wie trotz Wahrung der Vertraulichkeit der dabei unabdingbar zu verwendenden Senderbetriebsdaten eine unerwünschte Beeinflussung der Studienergebnisse durch die Senderbetreiber ausgeschlossen wird

    Autochthonous Case of Pulmonary Histoplasmosis, Switzerland.

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    In Europe, pulmonary histoplasmosis is rarely diagnosed except in travelers. We report a probable autochthonous case of severe chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis in an immunocompetent man in Switzerland without travel history outside of Europe. Diagnosis was achieved by histopathology, fungal culture, and serology, but the source of the infection remains speculative

    Phosphorylation-deficient G-protein-biased μ-opioid receptors improve analgesia and diminish tolerance but worsen opioid side effects

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    Opioid analgesics are powerful pain relievers; however, over time, pain control diminishes as analgesic tolerance develops. The molecular mechanisms initiating tolerance have remained unresolved to date. We have previously shown that desensitization of the μ-opioid receptor and interaction with β-arrestins is controlled by carboxyl-terminal phosphorylation. Here we created knockin mice with a series of serine- and threonine-to-alanine mutations that render the receptor increasingly unable to recruit β-arrestins. Desensitization is inhibited in locus coeruleus neurons of mutant mice. Opioid-induced analgesia is strongly enhanced and analgesic tolerance is greatly diminished. Surprisingly, respiratory depression, constipation, and opioid withdrawal signs are unchanged or exacerbated, indicating that β-arrestin recruitment does not contribute to the severity of opioid side effects and, hence, predicting that G-protein-biased µ-agonists are still likely to elicit severe adverse effects. In conclusion, our findings identify carboxyl-terminal multisite phosphorylation as key step that drives acute μ-opioid receptor desensitization and long-term tolerance

    Time-Dependent Mechanical Response of a Composite PFSA Membrane

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    The mechanical response of a composite fuel cell membrane, made from layers of reinforced and unreinforced PFSA material, is investigated via both experimental and numerical means. First, the time-dependent mechanical properties for the reinforced layers are measured for a range of environmental and loading conditions. A three-network, viscoelastic-plastic constitutive model is developed to characterize the mechanical response of this reinforced membrane material. This constitutive model is then used in finite element simulations of a fuel cell unit (consisting of composite membrane, electrodes, gas diffusion layer and bipolar plates) where the effect of relative humidity (RH) cycling on the stress response of the composite membrane is investigated. Using numerical simulations, various layering configurations for the composite membrane and different load cases are studied. The investigation provides insight into the stress response of the membrane and suggests possible configurations that may improve the effective membrane life

    Cardiac transcriptional and metabolic changes following thoracotomy

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    Non-cardiac surgery is associated with significant cardiovascular complications. Reported mortality rate ranges from 1.9% to 4% in unselected patients. A postoperative surge in pro-inflammatory cytokines is a well-known feature and putative contributor to these complications. Despite much clinical research, little is known about the biomolecular changes in cardiac tissue following non-cardiac surgery. In order to increase our understanding, we analyzed whole-transcriptional and metabolic profiling data sets from hearts of mice harvested two, four, and six weeks following isolated thoracotomy. Hearts from healthy litter-mates served as controls. Functional network enrichment analyses showed a distinct impact on cardiac transcription two weeks after surgery characterized by a downregulation of mitochondrial pathways in the absence of significant metabolic alterations. Transcriptional changes were not detectable four and six weeks following surgery. Our study shows distinct and reversible transcriptional changes within the first two weeks following isolated thoracotomy. This coincides with a time period, in which most cardiovascular events happen

    Monte-Carlo Simulations of Radiation-Induced Activation in a Fast-Neutron and Gamma- Based Cargo Inspection System

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    An air cargo inspection system combining two nuclear reaction based techniques, namely Fast-Neutron Resonance Radiography and Dual-Discrete-Energy Gamma Radiography is currently being developed. This system is expected to allow detection of standard and improvised explosives as well as special nuclear materials. An important aspect for the applicability of nuclear techniques in an airport inspection facility is the inventory and lifetimes of radioactive isotopes produced by the neutron and gamma radiation inside the cargo, as well as the dose delivered by these isotopes to people in contact with the cargo during and following the interrogation procedure. Using MCNPX and CINDER90 we have calculated the activation levels for several typical inspection scenarios. One example is the activation of various metal samples embedded in a cotton-filled container. To validate the simulation results, a benchmark experiment was performed, in which metal samples were activated by fast-neutrons in a water-filled glass jar. The induced activity was determined by analyzing the gamma spectra. Based on the calculated radioactive inventory in the container, the dose levels due to the induced gamma radiation were calculated at several distances from the container and in relevant time windows after the irradiation, in order to evaluate the radiation exposure of the cargo handling staff, air crew and passengers during flight. The possibility of remanent long-lived radioactive inventory after cargo is delivered to the client is also of concern and was evaluated.Comment: Proceedings of FNDA 201