311 research outputs found

    Applying the damage assessment for rapid response approach to the august 24 M6 event of the seismic sequence in central Italy (2016)

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    Seismic monitoring networks are increasingly being used in urban areas to record and locate earthquakes. Recordings in the proximity of buildings also allow assessing, as a first approximation, the expected building damage. The DARR (Damage Assessment for Rapid Response) method provides local-scale information on expected damage patterns. The potential of this approach is discussed here for the August 24 M6 event of the Central Italy seismic sequence (2016-2017). We focus only on the first event of the sequence because cumulative damage is outside the scope of this study. The earthquake recordings are available from two Italian monitoring networks: the Italian Accelerometric Archive (ITACA) and the OSS (Osservatorio Sismico delle Strutture), which collects data from monitored buildings and bridges in Italy. We selected four target areas (Amatrice, Norcia, Visso and Sulmona) characterized by different epicentral distances and building typologies, that suffered different levels of damage during the M6 event on 24 August 2016. Using recordings either in the free field or in the basement of buildings, the expected relative displacement of building typologies common in the studied areas is calculated with the DARR method. Using predefined damage thresholds from literature, the obtained results allow quantifying the expected damage for dominant building typologies in the surroundings of the recording sites. We investigate and discuss the potential use and applicability of the DARR method in different areas depending on the epicentral distance and building characteristics. The results indicate that the DARR approach is useful for supporting and improving rapid response activities after a seismic event

    The Damage Assessment for Rapid Response (DARR) Method and its Application to Different Ground-Motion Levels and Building Types

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    Seismic recordings in buildings and on the ground are increasingly available due to the increment and expansion of seismic monitoring networks worldwide. However, most urban strong‐motion networks consist of stations installed at the ground or, less frequently, in selected building’s basement. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to develop methods that can provide estimates of expected structural damage, starting from earthquake recordings at the ground level. Damage Assessment for Rapid Response (DARR) provides first‐level estimates of the expected damage to buildings, based on ground‐motion recordings and simple information on buildings’ characteristics. In this work, we apply DARR using both weak and strong ground‐motion recordings available for different low‐ and mid‐rise building typologies. A total of 9 buildings and 19 earthquake recordings were analyzed. DARR reproduces the shaking at the building’s top, and estimates the peak structural relative displacement or average interstory drift. Results show that the method works well for the considered building types and ground‐motion levels for the estimation of relative and total displacements using first‐order assessments. Comparison with the previously defined thresholds allows the estimation of expected damage. Our results (i.e., no damage for most buildings and events) are consistent with the absence of damaging events in northeastern Italy in the studied period (2019–2021). For a school building in central Italy, which was heavily damaged by the 2016 Central Italian sequence, DARR correctly predicted this fact

    What information could the main actors of liquid biopsy provide? A representative case of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

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    In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), there is a consensus regarding the use of liquid biopsy, generally, to detect "druggable" mutations and, in particular, to monitor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatments. However, whether circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are better tools than cell-free DNA (cfDNA), is still a matter of debate, mainly concerning which antigen(s) we should use to investigating simultaneously both epithelial and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transient (EMT) phenotype in the same sample of CTCs. To address this item, we exploited here a single-tube liquid biopsy, to detect both epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM)-positive CTCs and EpCAM-low/negative CTCs, because down-modulation of EpCAM is considered the first step in EMT. Furthermore, we analyzed the DNA from CTCs of four different phenotypes (ctcDNA), according to their EpCAM expression and cytokeratin pattern, and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) by droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), in order to disclose activating and resistancedriving mutations. Liquid biopsy reflected spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the tumor under treatment pressure. We provide the proof-of-concept that the complementary use of ctDNA and ctcDNA represents a reliable, minimally invasive and dynamic tool for a more comprehensive view of tumor evolution

    Flight flexibility in strategic traffic planning: visualisation and mitigation use case

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    The concept of strategic traffic planning that takes into account changing airspace configurations, their capacity, and allows the quantification of flight flexibility is presented in this paper: the visualization of the results and an example of possible use. The concept is implemented through two deterministic optimization models. Here, we focus on the output of the models, which identifies the departure times, trajectories, flight flexibility and the list of saturated sector-hours throughout the day, based on the configurations used during the day. In order to make the output understandable to various stakeholders, we use a visualization tool and a set of performance indicators. The information on the saturated sectors, and their impact on flexibility (criticality index) is taken as an input in the example of mitigation action application by Air Navigation Service Providers, aimed at improving the situation. A mitigation strategy of increasing capacity of saturated airspace is implemented, and results show that the improvements in flexibility can be achieved

    Near-real-time damage estimation for buildings based on strong-motion recordings: An application to target areas in northeastern italy

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    The rapid estimation of expected impacts in case of an earthquake is extremely important for emergency managers and first responders. Current near-real-time damage assessment methods rely on ground-motion estimates and exposure or fragility datasets, in some cases integrating the shaking recorded at the site (e.g., from strong-motion monitoring networks). We propose a method that estimates the expected damages on buildings based on strong-motion recordings of a seismic event. The damage assessment is based on themaximumdrift (interstory) or the displacement, which is estimated by considering in a first approximation the behavior of a specific building typology as a single-degree-offreedom oscillator. The oscillator is characterized based on the analysis of the building stock and a large number of ambient vibration measurements performed in buildings. A specific damage state occurs when the interstory drift or displacement limits available in the literature for the specific building typology are exceeded. The method, here applied to a case study in northeastern Italy, can be applied to other seismic areas worldwide to provide quick, first-level estimates of expected damage

    The mediation of care and overprotection between parent-adolescent conflicts and adolescents’ psychological difficulties during the pandemic: which role for fathers?

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    Background: There is evidence of a significant raise in youths’ emotional and behavioral difficulties during the pandemic. Only a few studies have addressed parent-adolescent conflict, and none investigated the possible mediating effect of parenting in the association between conflicts with parents and adolescents’ symptoms. This study aimed at investigating youths’ psychological symptoms during the pandemic, focusing on the predicting effect of parent-adolescent conflict. The mediating role of care and overprotection was also explored, considering whether adolescent gender moderated this mediation. Methods: 195 adolescents aged 14–18 years participated in an online longitudinal study. Perceived conflict with parents and parenting dimensions (Parental Bonding Instrument; PBI) were assessed at baseline (2021). Self-reported psychological difficulties (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; SDQ) were collected at baseline and after one year (2022). Results: A significantly severer symptomatology was found in adolescents having a conflictual relationship with one or both parents. Major conflicts with parents correlated with lower care and greater overprotection in mothers and fathers. However, parental overprotection and maternal care were not mediators of the relationship between conflict and youths' difficulties. The only exception was represented by paternal care that fully mediated this relationship in both adolescent males and females. Conclusions: Although further investigations are needed to overcome limitations due to the small sample, findings extend our insight into the impact of parent-adolescent conflict, highlighting the role of fathers’ care and the need to maximize their involvement in clinical interventions

    A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes – Part 1: Hazard assessment

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from EGU via the DOI in this record.In order to assist the elaboration of proactive measures for the management of future volcanic eruptions in Iceland, we developed a new scenario-based approach to assess the hazard associated with tephra dispersal and sedimentation at various scales and for multiple sources. The target volcanoes are Hekla, Katla, Eyjafjallajökull and Askja, selected either for their high probabilities of eruption and/or their high potential impact. By coupling tephrostratigraphic studies, probabilistic techniques and modelling, we developed comprehensive eruption scenarios for both short- and long-lasting eruptions and compiled hazard maps for tephra ground deposition at a national scale and air concentration at a European scale using the TEPHRA2 and FALL3D models, respectively. New algorithms for the identification of realistic sets of eruptive source parameters are investigated, which assist the generation of probability density functions of eruption source parameters for the selected scenarios. Aggregation processes were accounted for using various empirical models. Outcomes, i.e. probabilities conditioned to the occurrence of an eruption, help the assessment and comparison of hazard levels at different scales. For example, at a national scale Askja has a 5–10% probability of blanketing the easternmost half of the country with a tephra accumulation of at least 1 kg m−2. At a continental scale, Katla has a 5–10% probability of producing ash clouds with concentrations of 2 mg m−3 over the UK, Scandinavia and northern Europe with a mean arrival time of 48–72 h and a mean persistence time of 6–18 h. In a companion paper, Scaini et al. (2014) present a vulnerability assessment for Iceland to ground deposition of tephra and for the European air traffic to airborne ash which, combined with the outcomes of the present paper, constitute one of the first comprehensive multi-scale risk assessment associated with tephra dispersal and sedimentation.S. Biass is supported by SNF (#200021-129997) and ESF/MemoVolc (#5193) subsides. C. Scaini is partly supported by the Spanish Research Project ATMOST (CGL2009-10244) and by the SNF (IZK0Z2_ 142343)

    Parental Internalizing Psychopathology and PTSD in Offspring after the 2012 Earthquake in Italy.

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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common in youths after earthquakes, with parental psychopathology among the most significant predictors. This study investigated the contribution and the interactional effects of parental internalizing psychopathology, the severity of exposure to the earthquake, and past traumatic events to predict PTSD in offspring, also testing the reverse pattern. Two years after the 2012 earthquake in Italy, 843 children and adolescents (9\u201315 years) living in two differently affected areas were administered a questionnaire on traumatic exposure and the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index. Anxiety, depression, and somatization were assessed in 1162 parents through the SCL-90-R. General linear model showed that, for offspring in the high-impact area, predictors of PTSD were earthquake exposure, past trauma, and parental internalizing symptoms, taken individually. An interaction between earthquake exposure and parental depression or anxiety (not somatization) was also found. In the low-impact area, youth PTSD was only predicted by earthquake exposure. The reverse pattern was significant, with parental psychopathology explained by offspring PTSD. Overall, findings support the association between parental and offspring psychopathology after natural disasters, emphasizing the importance of environmental factors in this relationship. Although further research is needed, these results should be carefully considered when developing mental health interventions

    A multi-scale risk assessment for tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes – Part 2: Vulnerability and impact

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from EGU via the DOI in this record.We perform a multi-scale impact assessment of tephra fallout and dispersal from explosive volcanic activity in Iceland. A companion paper (Biass et al., 2014; "A multi-scale risk assessment of tephra fallout and airborne concentration from multiple Icelandic volcanoes – Part I: hazard assessment") introduces a multi-scale probabilistic assessment of tephra hazard based on selected eruptive scenarios at four Icelandic volcanoes (Hekla, Askja, Eyjafjallajökull and Katla) and presents probabilistic hazard maps for tephra accumulation in Iceland and tephra dispersal across Europe. Here, we present the associated vulnerability and impact assessment that describes the importance of single features at national and European levels and considers several vulnerability indicators for tephra dispersal and deposition. At the national scale, we focus on physical, systemic and economic vulnerability of Iceland to tephra fallout, whereas at the European scale we focus on the systemic vulnerability of the air traffic system to tephra dispersal. This is the first vulnerability and impact assessment analysis of this type and, although it does not include all the aspects of physical and systemic vulnerability, it allows for identifying areas on which further specific analysis should be performed. Results include vulnerability maps for Iceland and European airspace and allow for the qualitative identification of the impacts at both scales in the case of an eruption occurring. Maps produced at the national scale show that tephra accumulation associated with all eruptive scenarios considered can disrupt the main electricity network, in particular in relation to an eruption of Askja. Results also show that several power plants would be affected if an eruption occurred at Hekla, Askja or Katla, causing a substantial systemic impact due to their importance for the Icelandic economy. Moreover, the Askja and Katla eruptive scenarios considered could have substantial impacts on agricultural activities (crops and pastures). At the European scale, eruptive scenarios at Askja and Katla are likely to affect European airspace, having substantial impacts, in particular, in the KeflavĂ­k and London flight information regions (FIRs), but also at FIRs above France, Germany and Scandinavia. Impacts would be particularly intense in the case of long-lasting activity at Katla. The occurrence of eruptive scenarios at Hekla is likely to produce high impacts at KeflavĂ­k FIR and London FIRs, and, in the case of higher magnitude, can also impact France's FIRs. Results could support land use and emergency planning at the national level and risk management strategies of the European air traffic system. Although we focus on Iceland, the proposed methodology could be applied to other active volcanic areas, enhancing the long-term tephra risk management. Moreover, the outcomes of this work pose the basis for quantitative analyses of expected impacts and their integration in a multi-risk framework.This work has been funded by the Spanish research project “Atmospheric transport models and massive parallelism: applications to volcanic ash clouds and dispersion of pollutants at an urban micro-scale” (ATMOST, CGL2009-10244) and the Fonds National Suisse project “Volcanic-Ash Dispersal from Selected Icelandic Volcanoes: Risk Assessment for the European Region” (IZK0Z2_142343). S. Biass is supported by SNF (#200021-129997) and ESF/MemoVolc (#5193) subsidies
