493 research outputs found

    Optimal antibunching in passive photonic devices based on coupled nonlinear resonators

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    We propose the use of weakly nonlinear passive materials for prospective applications in integrated quantum photonics. It is shown that strong enhancement of native optical nonlinearities by electromagnetic field confinement in photonic crystal resonators can lead to single-photon generation only exploiting the quantum interference of two coupled modes and the effect of photon blockade under resonant coherent driving. For realistic system parameters in state of the art microcavities, the efficiency of such single-photon source is theoretically characterized by means of the second-order correlation function at zero time delay as the main figure of merit, where major sources of loss and decoherence are taken into account within a standard master equation treatment. These results could stimulate the realization of integrated quantum photonic devices based on non-resonant material media, fully integrable with current semiconductor technology and matching the relevant telecom band operational wavelengths, as an alternative to single-photon nonlinear devices based on cavity-QED with artificial atoms or single atomic-like emitters.Comment: to appear in New J. Physic

    Spectrum and thermal fluctuations of a microcavity polariton Bose-Einstein condensate

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    The Hartree-Fock-Popov theory of interacting Bose particles is developed, for modeling exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities undergoing Bose-Einstein condensation. A self-consistent treatment of the linear exciton-photon coupling and of the exciton non-linearity provides a thermal equilibrium description of the collective excitation spectrum, of the polariton energy shifts and of the phase diagram. Quantitative predictions support recent experimental findings

    Superfluid to Bose-glass transition in a 1D weakly interacting Bose gas

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    We study the one-dimensional Bose gas in spatially correlated disorder at zero temperature, using an extended density-phase Bogoliubov method. We analyze in particular the decay of the one-body density matrix and the behaviour of the Bogoliubov excitations across the phase boundary. We observe that the transition to the Bose glass phase is marked by a power-law divergence of the density of states at low energy. A measure of the localization length displays a power-law energy dependence in both regions, with the exponent equal to -1 at the boundary. We draw the phase diagram of the superfluid-insulator transition in the limit of small interaction strength.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Partially suppressed long-range order in the Bose-Einstein condensation of polaritons

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    We adopt a kinetic theory of polariton non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation, to describe the formation of off-diagonal long-range order. The theory accounts properly for the dominant role of quantum fluctuations in the condensate. In realistic situations with optical excitation at high energy, it predicts a significant depletion of the condensate caused by long-wavelength fluctuations. As a consequence, the one-body density matrix in space displays a partially suppressed long-range order and a pronounced dependence on the finite size of the system

    Quantum complementarity of microcavity polaritons

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    We present an experiment that probes polariton quantum correlations by exploiting quantum complementarity. Specifically, we find that polaritons in two distinct idler-modes interfere if and only if they share the same signal-mode so that "which-way" information cannot be gathered. The experimental results prove the existence of polariton pair correlations that store the "which-way" information. This interpretation is confirmed by a theoretical analysis of the measured interference visibility in terms of quantum Langevin equations

    Mean-field phase diagram of the 1-D Bose gas in a disorder potential

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    We study the quantum phase transition of the 1D weakly interacting Bose gas in the presence of disorder. We characterize the phase transition as a function of disorder and interaction strengths, by inspecting the long-range behavior of the one-body density matrix as well as the drop in the superfluid fraction. We focus on the properties of the low-energy Bogoliubov excitations that drive the phase transition, and find that the transition to the insulator state is marked by a diverging density of states and a localization length that diverges as a power-law with power 1. We draw the phase diagram and we observe that the boundary between the superfluid and the Bose glass phase is characterized by two different algebraic relations. These can be explained analytically by considering the limiting cases of zero and infinite disorder correlation length.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Endometrial adenocarcinoma in the Maltese population : an epidemiological study

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    The Maltese population has been shown to have a high incidence of endometrial adenocarcinoma when compared to other European countries. This high incidence has been correlated to the high prevalence of abnormal glucose metabolism and rather high dietary fat intake in the Maltese population. Hypertension and low parity were also found to be more frequent in the carcinoma group.peer-reviewe

    Emergence of entanglement from a noisy environment: The case of polaritons

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    We show theoretically that polariton pairs with a high degree of polarization entanglement can be produced through parametric scattering. We demonstrate that it can emerge in coincidence experiments, even at low excitation densities where the dynamics is dominated by incoherent photoluminesce. Our analysis is based on a microscopic quantum statistical approach that treats coherent and incoherent processes on an equal footing, thus allowing for a quantitative assessment of the amount of entanglement under realistic experimental conditions. This result puts forward the robustness of pair correlations in solid-state devices, even when noise dominates one-body correlations.Comment: revised version. new figure

    Genetic factors in risk assessment for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a small case series

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    Abstract. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the role of genetic biomarkers in assessing risk for the eventual development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods: Three Maltese women with a history of previous severe GDM and with apparent similar clinical risk factors underwent anthropomorphic and metabolic reassessment 4–7 years post-partum. They were further genotyped for four specific genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using the qPCR technique for the alleles of SLC2A2 (rs5393A/C), FTO (rs9939609A/T), PCK (rs2071023C/G) and CDKAL1 (rs10946398A/C). Results: While the previous obstetric history of all the caseswas similar, the biological statuswas characterized by an increasing degree of obesity correlating to increasing severity of current carbohydrate intolerance. Genotyping showed that all the tested SNPs were homozygous mutant in the T2DM woman and heterozygous in the impaired glucose tolerance woman. The woman with normal glucose tolerance was shown to be wild type for SLC2A2 (rs5393A/C). Conclusions: There appeared to be an interrelationship between eventual severity of carbohydrate metabolism abnormalities and the genetic allele status. It would appear that the specific allele-scoring can be used to identify further the potential risk of developing T2DM.peer-reviewe

    The new physics of non-equilibrium condensates: insights from classical dynamics

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    We discuss the dynamics of classical Dicke-type models, aiming to clarify the mechanisms by which coherent states could develop in potentially non-equilibrium systems such as semiconductor microcavities. We present simulations of an undamped model which show spontaneous coherent states with persistent oscillations in the magnitude of the order parameter. These states are generalisations of superradiant ringing to the case of inhomogeneous broadening. They correspond to the persistent gap oscillations proposed in fermionic atomic condensates, and arise from a variety of initial conditions. We show that introducing randomness into the couplings can suppress the oscillations, leading to a limiting dynamics with a time-independent order parameter. This demonstrates that non-equilibrium generalisations of polariton condensates can be created even without dissipation. We explain the dynamical origins of the coherence in terms of instabilities of the normal state, and consider how it can additionally develop through scattering and dissipation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted for a special issue of J. Phys.: Condensed Matter on "Optical coherence and collective phenomena in nanostructures". v2: added discussion of links to exact solution
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