457 research outputs found

    Thilakavathy's Unakagava Naan Novel

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    The author of the novel Unkakagava Naan deals with the problems faced by women in the society and it also brings out how those women overcomes many obstacles and succeeds in life. This article highlights the sufferings of the woman named Pragathi in this novel. This article tells us that no matter how educated a woman is, she is always known for her beauty. And the author narrates her hardships from her father to the teacher who comes to teach her. It also highlights her migration from Tamil Nadu to Kolkata, marriage interrupted several times and waiting as an old woman. It captures her perspective on men. Later she married a boy named Tarun and expressed her love to him. Marrying someone who is less educated thanher and promoting him in life is a very great thing and she raised him to big level. The purpose of this article is to raise the status of the woman through her knowledge to fight the hardships

    Evaluation of analgesic activity of glucose in Swiss Albino mice

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    Background: Pain is the first and foremost symptom which alerts us about the underlying diseases, injuries or inflammation. Varied treatments are followed for pain relief worldwide. Nowadays tramadol, a centrally acting opioid analgesic is used widely. There are evidences that sweet substances like sucrose produce analgesia through endogenous opioid system. Sucrose has been proved to produce analgesic effect in healthy neonates and also in animals. Likewise, analgesic effect of glucose has also been studied but only limited no. of studies available.Methods: Swiss Albino mice of either sex (20-30g) were procured from the central animal house of KFMS and R, Coimbatore. Animals were maintained under controlled temperature and light conditions with food and water ad libitum. Mice were kept in the department to get acclimatized. 24 mice were divided into 4 groups (n=6). Drugs were given orally after 12hours of fasting. Group I was the control. Group II received standard-tramadol (40mg/kg). Group III received glucose (200mg/kg). Group IV received glucose (400mg/kg).Results: The latency period of glucose was significant (p<0.001) compared to controls and standard was significant (p<0.001) when compared to glucose by hot plate method.Conclusions: Analgesic activity of glucose may be due to both central and peripheral inhibition of PG synthesis. This has been proved in previous studies. This study showed that glucose can be used as an add-on in non-diabetic patients with better compliance

    Evaluation of Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Dissimilar Materials by Friction Welding

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    AbstractFriction welding has been widely used to metals with dissimilar materials due to solid state joining process and shows good mechanical properties. In this study, the effect of mechanical and metallurgical properties of austenitic stainless steel (304L) and copper were experimentally investigated by tensile and hardness test while the metallurgical properties of optical, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy was used to analyze the microstructure of the welded joint. The joints were also examined with EDX line in order to understand the phases formed during welding. The material is evaluated by tensile test and their strength is determined and the hardness test measurements are examined in base metal and heat affected zone. The bonded materials of austenitic stainless steel and copper joint were produced by varying the friction pressure, upset pressure and rotational speed through Taguchi's orthogonal array. The highest tensile strength obtained in friction welded joint was 2.52% higher than parent material of copper. The effects of metallurgical characterization are discussed based on the microstructural studies
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