22 research outputs found

    The AU/NEPAD Peace and Security Governance in Africa

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    Peace and security sustainability in Africa has become a vital tool for the developmental agenda of the Africa Union. Hence, the continent’s conflicting issues and fighting against various groups that emerged from militancy, insurgency and terrorism in Africa is the reason why the peace and security department of the African Union was established for the purpose of solving such problems in order to sustain a peaceful African environment. The main objective of the paper is to draw the role of the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in assisting the African countries in resolving the conflicts which could lead to a state of insecurity. The work made use of qualitative research design through the conduct of interviews as well as the use of other sources such as AU/NEPAD documents, internet sources and journals for the purpose of data collection. The findings revealed that, NEPAD works with the African countries at the country level through the provision of advisory and partnership role on peace and security governance. At the continental level, NEPAD report to the African Union on issues relating to peace and security sustainability which are handled by the AU’s department for Peace and Security.

    Investigation of the reactivity of AlCl3 and CoCl2 toward molten alkali-metal nitrates in order to synthesize CoAl2O4

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    Cobalt aluminate CoAl2O4 powder, constituted of nano-sized crystallites, is prepared, involving the reactivity of AlCl3 and CoCl2 with molten alkali-metal nitrates. The reaction at 450 °C for 2 h leads to a mixture of spinel oxide Co3O4 and amorphous γ-Al2O3. It is transformed into the spinel oxide CoAl2O4 by heating at 1000 °C. The powders are mainly characterized by XRD, FTIR, ICP, electron microscopy and diffraction, X-EDS and diffuse reflection. Their properties are compared to those of powders obtained by solid state reactions of a mechanical mixture of chlorides or oxides submitted to the same thermal treatment

    Impact of Trypanosomosis on Food Security in Nigeria: A Review

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    Abstract: The aims of these review is to further highlight the direct and indirect impact of trypanosomiasis on food security in Nigeria. The direct impact on livestock productivity, include reduce meat and milk off take, calving rate, increase in calf mortality, decreases both lamping and kidding rates in sheep, goat and increase in cost of live stock management. Indirect impact of trypanosomosis include decrease crop production, decrease traction power, reduces work efficiency of both man and animals. The economic contribution of crop and animal production in ensuring food security in Nigeria is indispensable. Livestock production constitutes an important component of Nigeria agricultural development; animal protein raw materials for agro allied based industries. In conclusion, the potential for increasing livestock production can only be fully realized if the animals are adequately protected against the adverse effects of periodic stresses and diseases. Profitability of animal product demand efficient husbandry of animals, as disease remains a profit limitation factor in many tropical countries. For sufficient livestock production to be fully realized to meet the growing population of Nigeria, integrated approach to trypanosomiasis control is required to increase the present level of livestock production

    Species Diversity, Abundance and Seasonal Occurrence of Some Biting Flies in Southern Kaduna, Nigeria.

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    A survey of biting dipterans was conducted in Kaura LGA of Kaduna State between November 2000 and October 2001. Fifteen species of biting flies were caught in two families, Tabanidae and Muscidae distributed in the following 4 genera: Tabanus 10, Haematopota 2, Chrysops 1 and Stomoxys 2. The genus Stomoxys represented by Stomoxys calcitrans Linnaeus and S. nigra Macquart had the highest abundance (62.5%), followed by the Tabanus (34.6%), Haematopota (1.8%) and Chrysops (1.1%). Generally, more flies were collected during the wet (1431; 85.1%) than the dry season (250; 14.9%) with some species occurring all year round. The widespread presence of haematophagous dipterans in the study area suggest that they could be playing a greater role in disease transmissions than previously thought. Optimum temperatures that stimulate rapid reproduction appear to fall between mean temperatures of 22.8-24.1°C. The species showed a general increase in relative abundance during the wet season and a decline in the dry season. No new country record was found

    Trypanosomosis in hunting dogs in kaduna, north central Nigeria: implications on the disease in humans

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    A parasitological survey of hunting dogs during the month of August, peak of rainy season, was carried out in Kaduna, North Central Nigeria using the standard trypanosome detection techniques and concentration methods. This was with the view of assessing the socio-economic importance and public health implications of canine trypanosomosis in the area. About 3mls of cephalic blood was collected into Bijou bottles containing ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) as anticoagulant. Identification of trypanosome, was done using Giemsa stained films. The over all infection rate in the hunting dogs was 17.39%. The infection due to trypanosome brucei (75%) was higher compared to infection due to T. congolense (25%), while the packed cell volume of infected dogs was significantly (P≤0.05) lower than that of parasitogically negative ones. The study confirms the resurgence of canine trypanosomosis in Nigeria and the roles of dogs as reservoir hosts for hunting infective T. brucei gambiense in the area. It was concluded that hunting occupation predisposes to human trypanosomosis in Nigeria. Keywords: Hunting dogs, Trypanosomosis, infection rate, Nigeria. Journal of Biomedical Investigation Vol. 4 (1) 2006: pp. 15-1

    Seasonal Variation in Trypanosomosis Rates in Small Ruminants at the Kaduna Abattoir, Nigeria

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    Seasonal variation in trypanosome parasitological infection rates in small ruminants was studied at the Kaduna Central abattoir, North Central Nigeria. Blood samples were obtained at slaughter from 320 goats and 209 sheep during the dry and rainy seasons and examined using the Haematocrit Centrifugation Technique, Buffy coat method and Giemsa stained blood smears. The packed cell volume of the animals were also obtained. The over all trypanosome infection rate in all small ruminants was 2.10%. Infection rates in sheep and goats were 2.39% and 1.88% respectively. The infection rates were higher in rainy season than the dry season while Trypanosoma vivax was the dominant infecting trypanosome in all the ruminants followed by T. congolense and T. brucei. Infection rates observed here were relatively high and confirmed the resurgence of animal trypanosomosis in the country and its threat to sustainable livestock production

    Seasonal Variation in Trypanosomosis Rates in Small Ruminants at the Kaduna Abattoir, Nigeria

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    Seasonal variation in trypanosome parasitological infection rates in small ruminants was studied at the Kaduna Central abattoir, North Central Nigeria. Blood samples were obtained at slaughter from 320 goats and 209 sheep during the dry and rainy seasons and examined using the Haematocrit Centrifugation Technique, Buffy coat method and Giemsa stained blood smears. The packed cell volume of the animals were also obtained. The over all trypanosome infection rate in all small ruminants was 2.10%. Infection rates in sheep and goats were 2.39% and 1.88% respectively. The infection rates were higher in rainy season than the dry season while Trypanosoma vivax was the dominant infecting trypanosome in all the ruminants followed by T. congolense and T. brucei. Infection rates observed here were relatively high and confirmed the resurgence of animal trypanosomosis in the country and its threat to sustainable livestock production

    Susceptibility of female Anopheles mosquito to pyrethroid (Alphacympermethrin 0.5%) and Carbamate (Propoxur 0.1%) in Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, north-central Nigeria

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    The detection of insecticides resistance status in a natural population of Anopheles vectors is a vital tool for malaria control intervention strategy against Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, which is the main malaria vector in Nigeria. This study was conducted to determine the susceptibility status of the female Anopheles mosquitoes to Propoxor (0.1%) (Carbamate) and Alphacympermetrin (0.5%) (Pyrethroid) insecticides in Keffi LGA of Nasarawa State, Nigeria, between March and June, 2015. The larvae were collected from natural water bodies and other potential breeding sites from five different sites in Keffi LGA namely; Angwan Lambu, High Court, Angwan Kwara, Antau Bridge and Pyanku they were raised in the insectary located at Nasarawa State University, Keffi. WHO bioassay were performed using 2-3 days old, glucose-fed but non-blood fed female Anopheles mosquitoes. The knock down effect of Propoxur in the five locations in Keffi LGA was more pronounced with mortalities ranging from 84%-98% (p<0.05) and Alphacympermethrin recording a higher knock down in Angwan Kwara with 95% and with mortalities ranging from 78%-85% (p<0.05). The result of the bioassay showed reduced efficacy of Alphacypermethrin with resistance in some locations. However, Propoxur recorded higher mortality (100%, 100%, 95%, 100%, and 100%) respectively in the five sampled areas. Using chi-square statistical analysis; there was a significant difference between knockdown times with respect to Propoxur (p<0.05). Insecticide based intervention strategy remain the principal vector control measure in malaria endemic countries prompting the recommendation of Propoxur in the future vector control programs because high mortalities of the vectors were noticed in the assay run by the Carbamate class of insectide (Propoxur).Keywords: Anopheles mosquitoes, Pyrethroid and Carbamate insecticides, resistance, Nasarawa Stat