26 research outputs found

    Implementation the Knuth Morris Pratt (KMP) Algorithm in Interactive Web Monitoring and Recording Rabbit Reproduction System

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    Recording and monitoring rabbit reproduction data at Balai Penelitian Ternak (Balitnak) are yet integrated using systematic recording and searching system approach. Thus the purpose of this study is to build an interactive web monitoring and recording rabbit reproduction system as well as implementing the Knuth Morris Pratt (KMP) algorithm in order to provide a reliable search function. This research produced an interactive monitoring of recording rabbit reproduction data which record important information about rabbit codes, dates (mating, palpation, childbirth, 21 days, 35 days), weight (mating, palpation, after giving birth, 21 days, 35 days ), the number of children born alive or dead (giving birth, 21 days, 35 days). The results of the implementation of the KMP algorithm generated a search with a time of 0.015095 milliseconds with an algorithm test based on the search for rabbit names as many as 20 types of rabbits

    Gambaran Anatomi Mikroskopik Dan Kadar Malondialdehida Pada Hati Mencit Setelah Pemberian Minyak Kelapa Sawit Bekas Menggoreng

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    Palm oil has been widely used in Indonesia as cooking oil. Repeated heating at  high temperatures will damage the cooking oils by the formation of peroxide, aldehyde, ketone, alcohol, and hydrocarbon compound. Previous studies reported that giving cooked and oxidized cooking oils to livestocks has resulted in various poisonous phenomena. To examine liver damage caused by using cooked palm oil, 36 male Balb/c mice are divided randomly into 6 groups (n = 6), and to each group were administered orally: (1) water, (2) fresh palm oil, (3) 4 times cooked palm oil, (4) 10 times cooked palm oil, (5) 20 times cooked palm oil, and (6) 40 times cooked palm oil; using gavage needle at a dose of 0,5 ml/100 g body weight/day, once a day for 7 successive days. On the eighth day, part of the liver of each mouse was examined histologically, stained using Hematoxylin-Eosin to count the number of necrotic hepatocytes in 20 centrilobular regions randomly. The number of neutrophils stained using Naphthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase were also counted in 20 centrilobular regions randomly. The other part of the liver was homogenized to determine the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) using TBARS method. The results show a significant increased (p<0,05) in the number of necrotic hepatocytes, the number of neutrophils, and the concentration of MDA of the groups treated with 10, 20, and 40 times cooked  palm oil compared with the group treated with  fresh palm oil. Further studies about the toxicology of cooked palm oils are warranted to elucidate the biomolecular basis underlying the xenobiotic metabolism and the defence mechanisms of the liver

    P-wave and s-wave estimation for GPS derived seismic signal

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    The availability of GPS (Global Positioning System) provides an alternative technology to seismography to detect earthquakes and detect their epicenters. However, the limited sampling rate and processing errors could potentially reduce the accuracy for estimating the required signal parameters. This paper evaluates the methods for analysing GPS derived seismic signals from the 2004 Sumatra Andaman Earthquake based on their timerepresentation, power spectrum and time-frequency representation. Between the three representations, the parameters of the earthquake signals such as P-wave and S-wave are clearly represented on the time-frequency representation

    KUALITAS YOGHURT YANG DIBUAT DENGAN KULTUR DUA (Lactobacillus bulgaricus DAN Streptococcus thermophilus) DAN TIGA BAKTERI (Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus DAN Lactobacillus acidophilus)

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    Yoghurt merupakan produk susu terfermentasi yang dibuat dengan menambahkan kultur bakteri asam laktat (BAL) ke dalam susu. Kultur BAL yang ditambahkan dapat berupa kultur bakteri tunggal ataupun campuran. Pada umumnya, kultur campuran yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat yoghurt adalah campuran antara Lactobacilus bulgaricus (Lb) dan Streptococcus thermophilus (St). Namun berdasarkan beberapa penelitian kedua bakteri ini tidak bertahan lama pada saluran pencernaan. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan Lactobacillus acidophilus (La) untuk memperbaiki sifat probiotik dari produk yoghurt. Pada pembuatan kultur starter, kultur tunggal bakteri ditumbuhkan pada media susu skim 10%. Kemudian susu sapi hasil pasteurisasi diinokulasi dengan kultur starter dengan perbandingan kultur yang berbeda-beda yaitu 1:1, 1:4 dan 4:1 (Lb:St) untuk kultur dua bakteri serta 1:1:1, 1:4:1 dan 4:1:1 (Lb:St:La) untuk kultur tiga bakteri. Susu yang telah diinokulasi kemudian diinkubasi pada suhu 40°C selama 12 jam. Analisis terhadap produk yoghurt meliputi pengukuran pH, kadar laktosa, kadar asam laktat dan kadar protein. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penambahan L. acidophilus cenderung memberikan efek penghambatan pembentukan asam laktat, seperti ditunjukkan oleh pH yang lebih tinggi, kadar asam laktat yang lebih rendah serta kadar laktosa sisa yang lebih tinggi pada yoghurt yang menggunakan kultur tiga bakteri

    MoniPoly---An Expressive qq-SDH-Based Anonymous Attribute-Based Credential System

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    Modern attribute-based anonymous credential (ABC) systems benefit from special encodings that yield expressive and highly efficient show proofs on logical statements. The technique was first proposed by Camenisch and Groß, who constructed an SRSA-based ABC system with prime-encoded attributes that offers efficient AND, OR and NOT proofs. While other ABC frameworks have adopted constructions in the same vein, the Camenisch-Groß ABC has been the most expressive and asymptotically most efficient proof system to date, even if it was constrained by the requirement of a trusted message-space setup and an inherent restriction to finite-set attributes encoded as primes. In this paper, combining a new set commitment scheme and a SDH-based signature scheme, we present a provably secure ABC system that supports show proofs for complex statements. This construction is not only more expressive than existing approaches, it is also highly efficient under unrestricted attribute space due to its ECC protocols only requiring a constant number of bilinear pairings by the verifier; none by the prover. Furthermore, we introduce strong security models for impersonation and unlinkability under adaptive active and concurrent attacks to allow for the expressiveness of our ABC as well as for a systematic comparison to existing schemes. Given this foundation, we are the first to comprehensively formally prove the security of an ABC with expressive show proofs. Specifically, we prove the security against impersonation under the qq-(co-)SDH assumption with a tight reduction. Besides the set commitment scheme, which may be of independent interest, our security models can serve as a foundation for the design of future ABC systems

    Pelaksanaan Jasa Audit, Accounting Service, Dantax Service di Accounting Clinic

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    The internship was conducted at Accounting Clinic in Accounting and Taxation division. Accounting Clinic is accounting consultant supported by some partners who are experienced and professional. Accounting clinic serves all types of companies. During the internship, the main task was to provide accounting services and taxation for PT GL, PT CH, PT EO, PT CE, and PT DT. The tasks performed were calculation for depreciation of assets, record petty cash, sales, cash, bank book, and bank statement, calculation of bank rate in rupiah, calculation of inventory,input of income tax article 21, Prepare SPT 1770, 1770S and 1770 SS, input income tax to e-SPT, audit of bank receipts and expenditures, audit of sales, and check value added tax (VAT). The constraints experienced during internship were unclear classification of transactions, incompatibility between evidence and recapitulation document from client, and some documents were not provided by client. The solutions to this problem were informing senior staff and asking the client to provide the data needed. Suggestion for Accounting Clinic is to provide a list of required documents to client prior to the start of engagement. The client must give complete documents to facilitate the accounting, tax and audit services given by accounting clinic

    An efficient anonymous reputation system for crowd sensing

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    Recently, crowd sensing has been intensively researched, due to the rapid growth of sensor-integrated mobile devices. Crowd sensing is a participatory sensing service where a server gathers and analyzes sensing data submitted from mobile devices of lots of users. In crowd sensing, the user's anonymity is desired, since the server gathers sensitive data from the participants including their GPS locations and moving path. However, the anonymous data submission may compromise the trust of the sensing data, because anonymous users may submit inappropriate sensing data, but they cannot be traced. Therefore, as the system to achieve both anonymity and trust in crowd sensing, ARTSense has been proposed. In the system, the trust of the sensing data is assessed on the sensed environment, other users' sensing, and the reputation of the user, and furthermore the reputation of the user is anonymously managed on the feedback from the trust assessment for the data. However, the anonymous reputation system of ARTSense has the efficiency problem, i.e., the user needs to wait a random time after the data submission phase before requesting the reputation update, which causes the communication delay. In this paper, we propose an efficient anonymous reputation system for crowd sensing, which can be integrated to the trust assessment in ARTSense. In the proposed system, during the data submission, the reputation update is anonymously completed. This is because the server does not manage the reputation of each user, but each user manages his/her reputation in the user side, where the the validity of the reputation is ensured by a certificate and anonymously checked by zero-knowledge proofs. Therefore, the proposed system achieves the better efficiency with no delay

    Hubungan Persepsi Keluarga Tentang Gangguan Jiwa dengan Keteraturan Pemeriksaan Pasien Gangguan Jiwa

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    Gangguan jiwa merupakan penyakit ini dapat mengenai setiap orang tanpa mengenal umur, ras, agama maupun status ekonomi. Bahkan menimbulkan penderitaan yang mendalam bagi individu serta beban berat bagi keluarga. Sehingga persepsi keluarga tentang gangguan jiwa sangat penting dan berarti dalam keteraturan pemeriksaan dan pengobatan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi keluarga tentang gangguan jiwa dengan keteraturan pemeriksaan pasien gangguan jiwa di Poli Jiwa RSJ Lawang Malang tahun 2010.Jenis penelitian analitik dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional. Populasinya keluarga pasien gangguan jiwa di Poli Jiwa RSJ Lawang Malang tahun 2010, dengan jumlah sampel 83 responden. Variabel nya yaitu variabel indepent Metode accidental sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner, kemudian dilakukan editing, coding, tabulating, dianalisa menggunakan tabulasi silang (cross table).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi keluarga dalam kategori positif (80,73%), sedangkan pemeriksaan pasien gangguan jiwa dalam kategori teratur (73,49%). Hasil analisa dengan tabulasi silang dan dcurve estimasi didapatkan nilai signifikan 0,018 < a : 0,05, yang berarti H0 ditolak.Kesimpulannya adanya hubungan antara persepsi keluarga tentang gangguan jiwa dengan keteraturan pemeriksaan pasien gangguan jiwa. Untuk itu diharapkan bagi responden lebih mengerti dan memahami pasien jiwa sehingga bisa memberikan persepsi yang positif dan mengambil keputusan yang tepat untuk melakukan pengobatan atau pemeriksaan secara teratur