835 research outputs found

    Extended education at college in India. Advancing equity through the extension of public academic support programmes for students from the socially and economically disadvantaged groups

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    The paper seeks to expand our knowledge on the importance of public academic support programmes (ASPs) in higher education (HE) in India, which extend supplementary instruction with the aim to improve academic performance and support academic efforts of students from the socially and economically disadvantaged groups (SEDGs). This paper shows that students from the most disadvantaged amongst the SEDGs, that is, those residing in rural areas and women who experience multiple barriers that compound the effects of their disadvantages, have taken advantage of supplementary instruction classes. These classes have allowed HEIs to account for students\u27 academic needs and challenges related to their socioeconomic disadvantages, that remain unmet in regular classrooms. By targeting educational resources to students who are most disadvantaged, these programmes compensate for the absence of parental support and recognises the underlying socio-economic obstacles of students from achieving academic success at college. Given the acknowledged role of higher education in providing economic and social benefits to individuals, the paper argues that oncampus state enabled ASPs targeting students from the SEDGs make HE in India more equitable and contribute in reducing social inequalities in the wider society. (DIPF/Orig.

    The cost of trauma operating theatre inefficiency.

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    The National Health Service (NHS) is currently facing a financial crisis with a projected deficit of £2billion by the end of financial year 2015/16. As operating rooms (OR) are one of the costliest components in secondary care, improving theatre efficiency should be at the forefront of efforts to improve health service efficiency. The objectives of this study were to characterize the causes of trauma OR delays and to estimate the cost of this inefficiency. A 1-month prospective single-centre study in St. Marys Hospital. Turnaround time (TT) was used as the surrogate parameter to measure theatre efficiency. Factors including patient age, ASA score and presence of surgical and anaesthetic consultant were evaluated to identify positive or negative associations with theatre delays. Inefficiency cost was calculated by multiplying the time wasted with staff capacity costs and opportunity costs, found to be £24.77/minute. The commonest causes for increased TT were delays in sending for patients (50%) and problems with patient transport to the OR (31%). 461 min of delay was observed in 12 days, equivalent to loss of £951.58/theatre/day. Non-statistically significant trends were seen between length of delays and advancing patient age, ASA score and absence of either a senior clinician or an anaesthetic consultant. Interestingly, the trend was not as strong for absence of an anaesthetic consultant. This study found delays in operating TT to represent a sizable cost, with potential efficiency savings based on TT of £347,327/theatre/year. Further study of a larger sample is warranted to better evaluate the identified trends

    Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Coding of Images Using Wavelet Transform and Predictive Coding

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    Image compression techniques are necessary for the storage of huge amounts of digital images using reasonable amounts of space, and for their transmission with limited bandwidth. Several techniques such as predictive coding, transform coding, subband coding, wavelet coding, and vector quantization have been used in image coding. While each technique has some advantages, most practical systems use hybrid techniques which incorporate more than one scheme. They combine the advantages of the individual schemes and enhance the coding effectiveness. This paper proposes and evaluates a hybrid coding scheme for images using wavelet transforms and predictive coding. The performance evaluation is done using a variety of different parameters such as kinds of wavelets, decomposition levels, types of quantizers, predictor coefficients, and quantization levels. The results of evaluation are presented

    Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Fagopyrum esculentum starch: antifungal, antibacterial activity and its cytotoxicity

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    52-63Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been synthesized using Fagopyrum esculentum starch as a stabilizing and reducing agent. This reaction was carried out in an autoclave at 15 psi, 121°C for 20 min. UV-visible spectrum of the colloidal nanoparticles showed the surface plasmon absorption band with maximum absorbance at 418 nm. Interaction between functional groups present in the starch and nanoparticles were analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Size of the synthesized nanoparticles was found to be in the range of 20-30 nm, as revealed from transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the face-centred cubic (fcc) geometry of silver nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were found to be good antifungal agents against Aspergillus niger. The antibacterial activity of the nanoparticles was also studied. The nanoparticles showed higher inhibitory activity against Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli) than the Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus). These results thus show that F. esculentum starch stabilized AgNPs could be used as a promising antimicrobial agent against bacteria the fungi In vitro cytotoxicity assessment of starch stabilized AgNPs has shown no significant cytotoxic effect on human cervical carcinoma cells lines (HeLa) by MTT assay and AgNPs concentration at 200 ug/ml of showed 86% cell viability

    Traumatic Retrobulbar Haemorrhage: Aetio-pathology and management

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    Retrobulbar haematoma following blunt orbital trauma is a rare,but potentially serious complication, since it can evolve rapidly from visual impairment to permanent loss of vision. This sight-threatening situation most commonly arises from orbital bleeding accompanying undisplaced fractures of the orbital walls, an event that increases the pressure inside theorbit and results in vascular damage to the optic nerve. The clinical presentation includes pain, exophthalmos with proptosis, and internal ophthalmoplegia, with impairment or loss of the pupillary reXex. A thin-layer orbital CT scan is an essential diagnostic aid. Therapy is based on orbitaldecompression, via different surgical approaches, with the intention of reducing the pressure on the nerve and vascular structures inside the orbit. Emergent management is of utmost importance as any delay between the onset of symptoms and treatment can have a significant effect onrecovery

    Surgical interventions for anterior shoulder instability in rugby players: A systematic review

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    AIM: To systematically evaluate the evidence-based literature on surgical treatment interventions for elite rugby players with anterior shoulder instability. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review according to the PRISMA guidelines. A literature search was performed in PubMed, EMBASE and Google Scholar using the following search terms: rugby and shoulder in combination with instability or dislocation . All articles published from inception of the included data sources to January 1(st) 2014 that evaluated surgical treatment of elite rugby players with anterior shoulder instability were examined. RESULTS: Only five studies were found that met the eligibility criteria. A total of 379 shoulders in 376 elite rugby union and league players were included. All the studies were retrospective cohort or case series studies. The mean Coleman Methodological Score for the 5 studies was 47.4 (poor). Owing to heterogeneity amongst the studies, quantitative synthesis was not possible, however a detailed qualitative synthesis is reported. The overall recurrence rate of instability after surgery was 8.7%, and the mean return to competitive play, where reported, was 13 mo. CONCLUSION: Arthroscopic stabilization has been performed successfully in acute anterior instability and there is a preference for open Latarjet-type procedures when instability is associated with osseous defects

    Energy Dependence of Parameters Characterizing Multiply Backscattering of Gamma Photons

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    The present studies aimed to investigate the effects of energy dependence of parameters characterizing multiply backscattering of gamma photons. The numbers of multiply backscattered events are found to be increasing with thickness of copper target, and saturate for a particular thickness known as saturation thickness. The saturation thickness is found to be decreasing with increase in incident gamma photon energy, and also is not altered by the variation in collimator opening. The number, energy and dose albedos, characterizing the reflection probability of a material, are also evaluated. For each of the incident gamma photon energy, the number and energy albedos show an increase with increasing target thickness, and finally saturate. Monte Carlo calculations support the results of present experimental work