83 research outputs found

    The Pattern of Female Nuptiality in Oman

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    The purpose of this study was to examine Omani patterns of female nuptiality, including the timing of marriage and determinants of age at a woman’s first marriage. Methods: The study utilised data from the 2000 Oman National Health Survey. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistical methods, including logistic regression analysis, were used for data analysis. Results: One of the most important aspects of the marriage pattern in Oman is the high prevalence of consanguineous marriages, as more than half (52%) of the total marriages in Oman are consanguineous. First cousin unions are the most common type of consanguineous unions, constituting 39% of all marriages and 75% of all consanguineous marriages. About 11% of the marriages are polygynous. Early and universal marriage is still highly prevalent in Oman. Three-quarters (75%) of married women respondents aged 20–44 years were married by age 20, with their median age at their first wedding being 16 years. However, women’s average age upon marriage is gradually increasing. The change is especially apparent in more recent marriages or among younger cohorts of women, and for certain socio-cultural groups. Multivariate analysis identified female education, age cohort, residential status, region of residence, types of marriage, and employment as strong predictors of Omani women’s age at marriage. Conclusion: The growing number of young adults, accompanied by their tendency to delay marriage, may have serious demographic, social, economic, and political ramifications for Oman, highlighting the need to understand the new situation of youth, their unique characteristics, and their interests and demands. Culturally appropriate policies need to be implemented to address the issues and challenges of unmarried young adults

    Phylogenetic and microscopic studies in the genus Lactifluus (Basidiomycota, Russulales) in West Africa, including the description of four new species

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    Despite the crucial ecological role of lactarioid taxa (Lactifluus, Lactarius) as common ectomycorrhiza formers in tropical African seasonal forests, their current diversity is not yet adequately assessed. During the last few years, numerous lactarioid specimens have been sampled in various ecosystems from Togo (West Africa). We generated 48 ITS sequences and aligned them against lactarioid taxa from other tropical African ecozones (Guineo-Congolean evergreen forests, Zambezian miombo). A Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree was inferred from a dataset of 109 sequences. The phylogenetic placement of the specimens, combined with morpho-anatomical data, supported the description of four new species from Togo within the monophyletic genus Lactifluus: within subgen. Lactifluus (L. flavellus), subgen. Russulopsis (L. longibasidius and L. pectinatus), and subgen. Edules (L. melleus). This demonstrates that the current species richness of the genus is considerably higher than hitherto estimated for African species and, in addition, a need to redefine the subgenera and sections within it

    Pre-Impoundment Fish Stock Assessment of the Black Volta: A Contribution to Fisheries Management of Bui Reservoir in Ghana

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    A length-based fish stock assessment of the Black Volta River in Ghana was undertaken prior to its damming at Bui in 2011. The approach involved estimation of the population parameters and exploitation rates of dominant fish stocks using TropFish R. The targeted species were: Alestes baremoze, Hydrocynus forskalii, Hemisynodontis membranaceus and Labeo coubie. The estimated asymptotic length (L∞) ranged from 30.8 – 48.2 cm standard length (SL) with derived longevity of 11 – 27 years for the assessed species. The estimated growth coefficient (K) value ranged from 0.10 – 0.25 yr-1 which suggested slow growth rates. The estimated length at first capture (Lc50) was lower than the length at first maturity (Lm50) for all the assessed fish species which suggests the presence of recruitment overfishing within the fish stocks. The total mortality rate (Z) was relatively high ranging between 0.51 and 1.34 yr-1 suggesting that the stocks were over-exploited during the pre-impoundment period. The exploitation rate (E) for the assessed fish species were lower than the maximum exploitation rate (Emax) which indicates that the species are far from collapse. These estimates are baseline scientific information for designing a Fisheries Management Plan for the Bui reservoir. Meanwhile, alternative livelihood and employment opportunities such as cage fish culture are to be explored to reduce the fishing pressure on the reservoir

    The genus Lactarius s. str. (Basidiomycota, Russulales) in Togo (West Africa) : phylogeny and a new species described

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    Lactarius s. str. represents a monophyletic group of about 40 species in tropical Africa, although the delimitation of the genus from Lactifluus is still in progress. Recent molecular phylogenetic and taxonomic revisions have led to numerous changes in names of tropical species formerly referred to Lactarius. To better circumscribe the genus Lactarius in Togo, we combined morphological data with sequence analyses and phylogeny inference of rDNA ITS sequences. Morphological and molecular data were generated from specimens sampled in various native woodlands and riverside forests; Lactarioid- and Russula sequences from public GenBank NCBI, and UNITE are included for phylogenetic analysis. The Maximum likelihood phylogeny tree inferred from aligned sequences supports the phylogenetic position of the studied samples from Togo within the subgenera Piperites, and Plinthogali. Lactarius s. str. includes about 13 species described from West Africa, of which eight were not previously known from Togo, including one new species: Lactarius subbaliophaeus identifiable by the presence of winged basidiospores, a pallisadic pileipellis with a uprapellis composed of cylindrical cells, inconspicuous pleurocystidia, and fusiform or tortuous, often tapering apex marginal cells. It can also be recognised by a transparent white latex that turns pinkish and then blackish, and a bluish reaction of the flesh context with FeSO4. These features mentioned do not match any of the morpho-anatomically most similar species, notably L. baliophaeus and L. griseogalus

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and parental factors in school children aged nine to ten years in urban regions of Oman

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    Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and specific parental risk factors that may contribute to the development of ADHD. Methods: The study was conducted in Oman among fourth-grade students (aged nine to 10 years). A standardized Arabic version of the National Initiative for Children’s Health Quality Vanderbilt Assessment Scale (Teachers questionnaire) was used to determine the presence of ADHD. Specific parental factors such as socioeconomic status, education and occupation were documented. Results: The prevalence rate of ADHD was 8.8%. Parental factors were significantly associated with increased risk of ADHD; including poor maternal education status, low familial socioeconomic status, and paternal occupation. Conclusions: This was the first study that examined familial and parental characteristics of children with ADHD as potential risk factors for the condition. Such psychosocial factors could be employed to further the development of more proficient preventative measures and remedial services

    Methylphenidate improves executive functions in patients with traumatic brain injuries : a feasibility trial via the idiographic approach

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    Background: Road traffic accidents are known to be the main cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI is also a leading cause of death and disability. This study, by means of the idiographic approach (single-case experimental designs using multiple-baseline designs), has examined whether methylphenidate (MPH - trade name Ritalin) had a differential effect on cognitive measures among patients with TBI with the sequel of acute and chronic post-concussion syndromes. The effect on gender was also explored. Methods: In comparison with healthy controls, patients with TBI (acute and chronic) and accompanying mild cognitive impairment (MCI) were screened for their integrity of executive functioning. Twenty-four patients exhibiting executive dysfunction (ED) were then instituted with the pharmacological intervention methylphenidate (MPH). The methylphenidate was administered using an uncontrolled, open label design. Results: The administration of methylphenidate impacted ED in the TBI group but had no effect on mood. Attenuation of ED was more apparent in the chronic phases of TBI. The effect on gender was not statistically significant with regard to the observed changes. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first feasibility trial from the Arabian Gulf to report the performance of a TBI population with mild cognitive impairment according to the IQCODE Arabic version. This investigation confirms anecdotal observations of methylphenidate having the potential to attenuate cognitive impairment; particularly those functions that are critically involved in the integrity of executive functioning. The present feasibility trial should be followed by nomothetic studies such as those that adhere to the protocol of the randomized controlled trial. This evidence-based research is the foundation for intervention and future resource allocation by policy- or public health decision-makers

    Estimation of solar radiation from the number of sunshine hours

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    Several expressions have been used to estimate global solar radiation from sunshine hours for weather stations in Oman, an arid region. These included original (linear) and modified (linear-logarithmic) Angström-Black type regression functions, a quadratic function, a power relationship, a power-trigonometric equation and one from a new Angström-Black type logarithmic model. For the power-trigonometric model, the solar altitude of the station was used as additional information for estimating the solar radiation. All the models performed well as estimators of global solar-radiation from sunshine hours but the non-linear models were better than the basic linear model. The power-trigonometric model estimated the radiation values best. The quadratic and linear-logarithmic models are the preferred models when only the relative sunshine is used.
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