516 research outputs found

    Assessment of hormonal parameters in long-term karate Practitioners

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    Introduction: Karate is a Japanese martial art which is widely practiced in the Western world as a form of self-defense, as well as a discipline to achieve physical and mental balance.However, little is known with respect to its specific psychobiological effects, particularly in relation to the influence that karate may exert on the endocrine system. Thus, in the present study we analyzed the effects of regular karate practice on several hormonal parameters. Methods: 27 healthy volunteer subjects participated in the study, of whom 15 were allocated to the experimental group, and 12 were assigned to the control group. Experimental subjects were karate players with a minimum of 3 years of practice in this discipline. Blood samples for the quantification of hormonal parameters (TSH, T3, T4, PTH, ACTH, cortisol, and DHEA) were taken in both groups. To compare the means of the control and experimental group, a t-test for independent groups was performed in each dependent variable. Results: Significant differences between the experimental and control group were found in T3, T4, and cortisol, with karate players showing lower blood levels of these hormones than control. Conclusions: These findings reveal that long-term karate practice is associated to a significant endocrine modulation, which suggests interesting psychobiological implications, and lends itself to potential clinical considerations. Further research is needed to properly assess the scope of the peculiar hormonal profile displayed by advanced karate practitioners.Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Immune modulation after long-term karate practice

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    Introduction: Karate is a Japanese martial arts system which traces its roots back to China, and is nowadays widely popular both as a method of self-defense, as well as a discipline with potential physical and psychological benefits. However, karate has been scarcely investigated from a psychobiological perspective, and its effects on the immune system remain virtually unknown. Therefore, we designed the present study with the aim of analyzing the effects of several years of regular karate practice on different immune parameters. Methods: 27 healthy volunteer subjects participated in the study, 15 being allocated to the experimental group, and 12 to the control group. Experimental subjects were all karate players who had practiced this martial art for a minimum of three years. Blood samples for the quantification of immune parameters (leukocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE) were taken in both groups. As statistical analysis, a t-test for independent groups was performed in each dependent variable. Results: Compared to the control group, karate practitioners exhibited a significantly higher number of leukocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes, as well as greater serum concentrations of IgG and IgM. Conclusions: Our findings show that long-term karate practice is related to a broad modulation of immune parameters, including leukocytes counts as well as immunoglobulin concentrations. This peculiar immunomodulatory profile, apart from its psychobiological relevance, may have noteworthy clinical implications. Further investigation would be necessary to fully elucidate the influence that long-term karate training can exert on the immune system.Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec


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    El patrón de sedimentación de la Formación Cerrejón es característicamente repetitivo y monótono. Presenta un espesor estratigráfico de aproximadamente 1000 m y una longitud en rumbo de al menos 30 km a lo largo del Valle del Cesar - Ranchería. Esta monotonía ha sido utilizada para definir ocho asociaciones de litofacies y tres secuencias típicas con las que es posible describir la totalidad de esta unidad. El arreglo vertical de dichas asociaciones de litofacies permite establecer los patrones de apilamiento, pero no el mecanismo generador de la repetición y arreglo vertical de estos ciclos. Este estudio pretende reconocer patrones de ciclicidad y así establecer las posibles relaciones causales de estos ciclos, para lo cual se utilizó modelamiento sintético como primera aproximación. Los resultados de este modelamiento sugieren que con subsidencia tectónica, tasas de sedimentación constantes y una variación rítmica en el nivel de base puede reproducirse el patrón progradacional puntuado de la Formación Cerrejón. Únicamente subsidencia tectónica o termal, compactación diferencial, o fenómenos autocíclicos podrían difícilmente generar el patrón observado en tal extensión regional. Palabras clave: Patrones ciclo, monotonía, modelamiento sintético, subsidencia tectónica        The Cerrejon Formation exhibits a stacking pattern characteristically repetitive and monotonous. It has a stratigraphic thickness of about 1000 m and a strike-length of at least 30 km through Cesar - Ranchería Valley. This monotony has been used to define eight lithofacies assemblages, and three typical sequences that describe the entire unit. The vertical arrangement of these lithofacies assemblages allows the recognition of stacking patterns, but not the mechanisms that generated the repetition and the vertical arrangement of these patterns. This study aims to identify cyclicity in the record and to establish a possible causal relationship for these patterns. To do this, forward modeling was used and preliminarily indicates that the punctuated progradational pattern observed in the Cerrejón Formation can be simulated keeping constant tectonic subsidence, sedimentation rates, and forcing a base level oscillation. Only tectonic or thermal subsidence, differential compaction or autocyclic phenomena could not easily generate the observed pattern on such regional extension. Key words: Cycle patterns, monotony, forward modelling, tectonic subsidence. &nbsp


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    El patrón de sedimentación de la Formación Cerrejón es característicamente repetitivo y monótono. Presenta un espesor estratigráfico de aproximadamente 1000 m y una longitud en rumbo de al menos 30 km a lo largo del Valle del Cesar - Ranchería. Esta monotonía ha sido utilizada para definir ocho asociaciones de litofacies y tres secuencias típicas con las que es posible describir la totalidad de esta unidad. El arreglo vertical de dichas asociaciones de litofacies permite establecer los patrones de apilamiento, pero no el mecanismo generador de la repetición y arreglo vertical de estos ciclos. Este estudio pretende reconocer patrones de ciclicidad y así establecer las posibles relaciones causales de estos ciclos, para lo cual se utilizó modelamiento sintético como primera aproximación. Los resultados de este modelamiento sugieren que con subsidencia tectónica, tasas de sedimentación constantes y una variación rítmica en el nivel de base puede reproducirse el patrón progradacional puntuado de la Formación Cerrejón. Únicamente subsidencia tectónica o termal, compactación diferencial, o fenómenos autocíclicos podrían difícilmente generar el patrón observado en tal extensión regional. Palabras clave: Patrones ciclo, monotonía, modelamiento sintético, subsidencia tectónica        The Cerrejon Formation exhibits a stacking pattern characteristically repetitive and monotonous. It has a stratigraphic thickness of about 1000 m and a strike-length of at least 30 km through Cesar - Ranchería Valley. This monotony has been used to define eight lithofacies assemblages, and three typical sequences that describe the entire unit. The vertical arrangement of these lithofacies assemblages allows the recognition of stacking patterns, but not the mechanisms that generated the repetition and the vertical arrangement of these patterns. This study aims to identify cyclicity in the record and to establish a possible causal relationship for these patterns. To do this, forward modeling was used and preliminarily indicates that the punctuated progradational pattern observed in the Cerrejón Formation can be simulated keeping constant tectonic subsidence, sedimentation rates, and forcing a base level oscillation. Only tectonic or thermal subsidence, differential compaction or autocyclic phenomena could not easily generate the observed pattern on such regional extension. Key words: Cycle patterns, monotony, forward modelling, tectonic subsidence. &nbsp

    Riding out of the storm: How to deal with the complexity of grid and cloud management

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    Over the last decade, Grid computing paved the way for a new level of large scale distributed systems. This infrastructure made it possible to securely and reliably take advantage of widely separated computational resources that are part of several different organizations. Resources can be incorporated to the Grid, building a theoretical virtual supercomputer. In time, cloud computing emerged as a new type of large scale distributed system, inheriting and expanding the expertise and knowledge that have been obtained so far. Some of the main characteristics of Grids naturally evolved into clouds, others were modified and adapted and others were simply discarded or postponed. Regardless of these technical specifics, both Grids and clouds together can be considered as one of the most important advances in large scale distributed computing of the past ten years; however, this step in distributed computing has came along with a completely new level of complexity. Grid and cloud management mechanisms play a key role, and correct analysis and understanding of the system behavior are needed. Large scale distributed systems must be able to self-manage, incorporating autonomic features capable of controlling and optimizing all resources and services. Traditional distributed computing management mechanisms analyze each resource separately and adjust specific parameters of each one of them. When trying to adapt the same procedures to Grid and cloud computing, the vast complexity of these systems can make this task extremely complicated. But large scale distributed systems complexity could only be a matter of perspective. It could be possible to understand the Grid or cloud behavior as a single entity, instead of a set of resources. This abstraction could provide a different understanding of the system, describing large scale behavior and global events that probably would not be detected analyzing each resource separately. In this work we define a theoretical framework that combines both ideas, multiple resources and single entity, to develop large scale distributed systems management techniques aimed at system performance optimization, increased dependability and Quality of Service (QoS). The resulting synergy could be the key 350 J. Montes et al. to address the most important difficulties of Grid and cloud management

    A Low-Cost Visible Light Positioning System for Indoor Positioning

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    Currently, a high percentage of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and this proportion will increase in the coming decades. In this context, indoor positioning systems (IPSs) have been a topic of great interest for researchers. On the other hand, Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems have advantages over RF technologies; for instance, they do not need satellite signals or the absence of electromagnetic interference to achieve positioning. Nowadays, in the context of Indoor Positioning (IPS), Visible Light Positioning (VLP) systems have become a strong alternative to RF-based systems, allowing the reduction in costs and time to market. This paper shows a low cost VLP solution for indoor systems. This includes multiple programmable beacons and a receiver which can be plugged to a smartphone running a specific app. The position information will be quickly and securely available through the interchange between the receiver and any configurable LED-beacon which is strategically disposed in an area. The implementation is simple, inexpensive, and no direct communication with any data server is required.This research was funded by INDRA-Adecco Foundation Chair on Accessible Technology, Comunidad de Madrid and the FSE/FEDER Program under grant SINFOTON2-CM (S2018/NMT-4326) and the UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID under grant 2020/00038/001