93 research outputs found

    Prediksi Modulus Elastisitas Batuan Utuh dan Modulus Deformasi Massa Batuan dari Kurva Perilaku Konstitutif

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi nilai modulus elastisitas batuan utuh dan modulus deformasi massa batuan. Pemboran inti pada batulempung di kedalaman 35, 42, dan 60 meter serta batubara di kedalaman 164 dan 181 meter telah dilakukan untuk mendapatkan contoh batu berbentuk silinder. Kemudian gaya diukur dan perpindahan titik diamati selama contoh diuji kuat tekan uniaksial. Selanjutnya regangan dan tegangan dihitung untuk membangun kurva perilaku konstitutif. Modulus elastisitas batuan utuh diprediksi dari Modulus Young Rata-rata karena tipe kurva tegangan-regangan contoh batubara dan batulempung yang diuji termasuk fase elastik pendek. Modulus deformasi massa batuan diprediksi dari Modulus Young Sekan yang diukur dari tegangan nol sampai lima puluh persen dari tegangan puncak. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Modulus Young contoh batubara 0.30 dan 0.44 GigaPascal (GPa), sedangkan contoh batulempung 3.92, 4.14, dan 4.28 GPa. Modulus deformasi massa batuan batubara  diprediksi 0.11 dan 0.35 GPa, sedangkan modulus deformasi massa batuan batulempung diprediksi 2.40, 3.86, dan 4.46 GPa. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa batuan sedimen di Formasi Tanjung Kalimantan Selatan memiliki karakteristik modulus deformasi massa batuan yang 20-63% kurang dari modulus elastisitas batuan utuh. Mengingat studi mengenai topik tersebut masih terbatas jumlahnya, data empiris yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini sangat berharga untuk berbagai kepentingan di bidang mekanika batuan. Contoh terapannya yaitu modulus deformasi massa batuan sebagai parameter masukan pada analisis tegangan-regangan di sekitar bukaan tambang bawah tanah menggunakan permodelan numerik, penilaian kondisi tegangan insitu dan distribusi tegangan terinduksi melalui pemantauan pergerakan massa batuan, atau perhitungan energi regangan dari ledakan batuan (rock bursts)

    Kajian Biologi Eboni (Diospyros Celebica Bakh.)

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    Eboni {Diospyros celebica Bakh.) adalah nama pohon penghasil kayu yang cantik dan mempunyai nilai komersial tinggi, yang termasuk dalam marga Diospyros L.dari suku Ebenaceae.Kayu eboni banyak digunakan untuk pembuatan mebel dan finir mewah, patung atau ukir-ukiran, kipas, barang-barang yang dibubut, alat-alat untuk dekorasi, badan sikat, alat musik tiup dan juga untuk konstruksi bangunan seperti tiang rumah dan jembatan

    Kajian Botani, Ekologi Dan Penyebaran Pohon Cendana (Santalum Album L.)

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    Cendana (Santalum album L.) yang merupakan flora maskot Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) adalah pohon yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi. Jenis pohon ini tumbuh secara alami di propinsi ini dan terutama berasal dari Pulau Timor dan P. Sumba. S. album merupakan salah satu jenis dari marga Santalum dan termasuk dalam suku Santalaceae. Sejarah mencatat bahwa Cina merupakan negara utama yang membeli kayu cendana ini. Perdagangan kayu cendana dari P. Timor dan P. Sumba ini telah berjalan sejak abad ke-3.Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas asal dan penyebaran, botani, ekologi dan sejarah perdagangan pohon cendana

    Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Produksi Dan Hubungannya Dengan Pengelolaan Persediaan Bahan Baku (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Indra BrotherĂ¢s Di Bandar Lampung)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how the management control system that is run by PT. Pola Marmer Kencana against baku. Material inventory method management analysis is qualitative analysis by using the theories in connection with the problems and issues and at the same time compare realities in the company. The analysis finds that the production process there are weaknesses in the company, this is because the control of management that are less well so no control over the production engine that would impede the course of the production process. From the results, it can be concluded that the production management control system for the management of inadequate supply of raw materials, in the absence of management control, especially on a production machine, so that it would impede the course of the production process. Therefore, companies should create a separate section in the organizational structure so that there is a part that controls the system and fix the machine if one day the damage occurred


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengawasan di bidang  perlindungan dan  pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan bagaimana pemberlakuan sanksi administratif di bidang perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Pengawasan di bidang perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dilakukan oleh Menteri, gubernur, atau bupati/walikota sesuai dengan kewenangannya wajib melakukan pengawasan terhadap ketaatan penanggung jawab usaha dan/atau kegiatan atas ketentuan yang ditetapkan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Menteri, gubernur, atau bupati/walikota dapat mendelegasikan kewenangannya dalam melakukan pengawasan kepada pejabat/instansi teknis yang bertanggung jawab di bidang perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Dalam melaksanakan pengawasan, Menteri, gubernur, atau bupati/walikota menetapkan pejabat pengawas lingkungan hidup yang merupakan pejabat fungsional. 2. Pemberlakuan sanksi administratif di bidang perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup diterapkan oleh Menteri, gubernur, atau bupati/walikota kepada penanggung jawab usaha dan/atau kegiatan jika apabila dalam pengawasan ditemukan pelanggaran terhadap izin lingkungan. Sanksi administratif terdiri atas: teguran tertulis; paksaan pemerintah; pembekuan izin lingkungan; atau  pencabutan izin lingkungan.Kata kunci: Pengawasan, Sanksi Administratif,  Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidu

    Analisis Perbandingan Pengungkapan Dan Pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Pt.Bank Negara Indonesia (Study Kasus Pada PT.Bank Negara Indonesia)

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    This study aims to analyze the comparative disclosure and implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Bank Negara Indonesia. This study was conducted to analyze how Bank Negara Indonesia, said corporate social responsibility. This study uses a case study of sustainable annual report of Bank Negara Indonesia. Results of this study indicate that social responsibility disclosure in accordance with Bank Negara Indonesia implementation

    Web-Based Implementation of E-Marketing to Support Product Marketing of Chemical Manufacturing Company

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    Currently, many company's marketing strategies are limited only to face-to-face communication, telephone, facsimile, company portfolio, and product brochures. However, those marketing strategies are well- known to have limited impacts. Therefore, the presence of e-marketing as one of the marketing strategies would be appropriate to cover the weaknesses and to solve a number of the marketing problems. The purpose of this study is to discuss matters related to marketing, such as, proposing a marketing plan using website, expanding marketing segment, and introducing existing products for a chemical manufacturing company. The adopted research method is a descriptive method where the study is directly performed on the research object to acquire necessary data. The collected data are further analyzed using the Porter's Five Force and SWOT analysis. Fi- nally, the work provides a number of recommendations for implementing e-marketing strategies to support the company business

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Barriers Towards Evidence-based Practice Among Government Sector Physiotherapists in Sri Lanka

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    Introduction: Implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) is beneficial for the patients as they can receive the best available treatment while improving the reputation of the profession. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and perceived barriers towards EBP among physiotherapists serving in Sri Lankan government hospitals. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted using a convenient sampling method among 264 physiotherapists in thirty-nine government hospitals in Sri Lanka between 18th November 2019 and 23rd December 2019. A pre-tested, validated, and self-administered questionnaire with twenty-six items was categorized into four main parts. These included demographic data of the participants (seven items), their knowledge (six items), attitudes (five items), and perceived barriers towards EBP (eight items). The responses under attitudes and knowledge sections were scored using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 0-4, with higher scores indicating favourable results. Based on the sum of marks obtained for the attitude part, subjects were categorized as; negative (0-7), neutral (8-15), and positive (16-24) attitudes. Based on the sum of the marks obtained for the knowledge part, subjects were categorized as; poor (0-6), average (7-13), and good (14-20) knowledge. Data analysis was done using the statistical software Minitab version 2018. Results: Among the participants, 1.5% had a poor level of knowledge, 22.7% had an average level of knowledge, and 75.8% had good knowledge regarding EBP. Attitudes toward EBP were positive among 87.9% of participants while 11.7% had neutral attitudes, and 0.4% had negative attitudes. The common perceived barriers to practice EBP were, lack of time, research skills, information resources, and interest towards EBP. Conclusion: A selected sample of government physiotherapists in Sri Lanka had positive attitudes and good knowledge towards EBP and are inclined to incorporate evidence into their clinical practice. Keywords: Evidence-based practice, Physiotherapists, Knowledge, Attitudes, Barriers, Implementatio

    Antimicrobial Applications of Transition Metal Complexes of Benzothiazole Based Terpolymer: Synthesis, Characterization, and Effect on Bacterial and Fungal Strains

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    Terpolymer of 2-amino-6-nitro-benzothiazole-ethylenediamine-formaldehyde (BEF) has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis and various spectral techniques like FTIR, UV-Visible, and 1H and 13C-NMR. The terpolymer metal complexes were prepared with Cu2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ metal ions using BEF terpolymer as a ligand. The complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis and IR, UV-Visible, ESR, 1H-NMR, and 13C-NMR spectral studies. Gel permeation chromatography was used to determine the molecular weight of the ligand. The surface features and crystalline behavior of the ligand and its complexes were analyzed by scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction methods. Thermogravimetric analysis was used to analyze the thermal stability of the ligand and its metal complexes. Kinetic parameters such as activation energy (Ea) and order of reaction (n) and thermodynamic parameters, namely, ΔS, ΔF, S*, and Z, were calculated using Freeman-Carroll (FC), Sharp-Wentworth (SW), and Phadnis-Deshpande (PD) methods. Thermal degradation model of the terpolymer and its metal complexes was also proposed using PD method. Biological activities of the ligand and its complexes were tested against Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and Salmonella typhimurium bacteria and Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium species, Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, Mucor species fungi
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