471 research outputs found

    Wound healing property of paroxetine in immunosuppressed albino rats

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    Background: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the wound healing activity of Paroxetine in different wound models in wistar rats and to study its effects on dexamethasone suppressed wound healing.Methods: For assessment of wound healing activity, excision and incision wound models were used. Group I was assigned as control, orally, Group II received Paroxetine, i.p, Group III received Dexamethasone intramuscularly (i.m) and Group IV received Dexamethasone i.m and Paroxetine, i.p. Parameters observed were epithelization and wound contraction of excision model and breaking strength of incision wound model.Results: In incision model, it was noted that the breaking strength was not significantly increased in paroxetine treated group when compared to control group. Paroxetine hastened the period of epithelization and the effect of dexamethasone was reversed by paroxetine in incision and excision modelsConclusion: It is concluded that Paroxetine could be an effective agent for healing wounds in immunocompromised patients


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    Mangrove ecosystems are considered to be the most productive and complex wetlands. Ayiramthengu is situated about 6 km west of Oachira town on the bank of the Kayamkulam estuary, its an important part of this estuary. Present study is aimed to analyse the copepod diversity and water quality parameters in this region. Because copepods are one of the important group in zooplankton , they are important food for fishes and its relation with water quality parameters is very important. Copepods were collected monthly using plankton net (60µ). During the whole study period (september 15 to august16) total 15 species of copepods are en counted belong in 3 order .6 species of cyclopoida,7 species calanoida and 2 species of Herpacticoida .Standard procedure are adopted for determination of physico-chemical parameters of water viz: , salinity, Temperature, DO, BOD, pH, are found thatinfluence the copepod diversity


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    Amavata is one of the crippling diseases. It is the systemic disorder in which pathogenic constituents are mainly Aama and Vata. The symptoms of Amavata are identical to Rheumatoid arthritis and Rheumatic fever. According to Ayurveda, Amavata is the disease which is mentioned under the category of Vata- Kaphaja vyadhi. Research has proven that Ayurvedic treatment is effective in the management of Amavata. Present case study was done on the female patient of Amavata, we found that Ayurvedic medicines improve Jatharagni and leads to the formation of other Dhatu as well as stop the formation Aam. In this study, patient is having many complaints such as joint pain, joint stiffness, cough, breathlessness, hoarseness of voice etc. Patient was given Ayurvedic medicines such as Suvarnabhasma, Sihnad Guggul, Amavatari Rasa and some Pancharkarma therapy such as Hrudyabasti, Nasya. Patient was feeling much better than earlier and she felt that about 95% of her symptoms got decreased. From the modern aspect, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID`S) and disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARD`S) are the main stay in this condition, however they have serious adverse effects and have limitations for long term therapy. Continuous use of allopathic drugs leads to symptoms like constipation, nausea, abdominal discomfort. So we stopped the allopathic medicine and started above mentioned Ayurvedic medicine and Panchakarma treatment and gradually alleviated above symptoms

    Connected Component Algorithm for Gestures Recognition

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    This paper presents head and hand gestures recognition system for Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Head and Hand gestures are an important modality for human computer interaction. Vision based recognition system can give computers the capability of understanding and responding to the hand and head gestures. The aim of this paper is the proposal of real time vision system for its application within a multimedia interaction environment. This recognition system consists of four modules, i.e. capturing the image, image extraction, pattern matching and command determination. If hand and head gestures are shown in front of the camera, hardware will perform respective action. Gestures are matched with the stored database of gestures using pattern matching. Corresponding to matched gesture, the hardware is moved in left, right, forward and backward directions. An algorithm for optimizing connected component in gesture recognition is proposed, which makes use of segmentation in two images. Connected component algorithm scans an image and group its pixels into component based on pixel connectivity i.e. all pixels in connected component share similar pixel intensity values and are in some way connected with each other. Once all groups have been determined, each pixel is labeled with a color according to component it was assigned to


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    Snake bites possess significant amount of mortality as well as morbidity all over the world including India. Despite various species of snakes, only few of these can be potentially lethal to humans. Snake antivenom being only therapeutic option available in snake bite management, but has many drawbacks in actual clinical practice like species specificity, difficulty in availability, affordability and ideal storage conditions. The medicinal plants, available locally and used widely by traditional healers, therefore need attention in this aspects. Large number of plants and their active principles has been evaluated for pharmacological properties useful in the treatment of snake bites. However, numerous unexplored plants are claimed to have definite role in this issue need to be further studied. This review is an attempt to present a comprehensive account of various Indian herbal plants used in the treatment of snake bite in any forms like venom neutralization, topical application for local pain relief, oral formulation for pain relief etc. Keywords: Herbal plants, Snake bite, Anti-snake venom, Venom neutralisatio


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    Objective: The present study was conducted to verify the effect of Caesalpinia bonducella and Cyclea peltata extracts on experimentally induced excision wounds in diabetic rats.Methods: Methanolic and ethyl acetate extract of test sample in PEG base was applied and observed for wound healing effect for a period of 15 d.Results: The data demonstrated statistically significant wound contraction up to 98% in the treated sample as compared to 90% in diabetic control group. The results correlated (r Ă‚Âł 0.95) with fasting blood glucose level, indicating the deleterious effect of hyperglycemia in wound healing. Histopathological studies indicated moderate granulation with marked epithelial enclose and moderate hyperplasia in groups treated with high dose (100 mg/kg BW) of methanolic extract of aerial part of Cyclea peltata and root of Caesalpinia bonducella. Conclusion: From the study, it can be hypothesized that tested plant extracts favours wound healing in diabetic animals and paves the way for the more detailed study of the phytochemical constituent for therapeutic applications. The present investigation adds to the existing knowledge in the field of therapeutic medicine and may even become the base for the development of herbal based gel formulations or ointments for treating wounds in diabetic patients and thereby continuous usage of synthetic drugs, its associated side effects could be avoided

    Socio-economic impacts of Sorang hydroelectric power project in District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, India.

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    Electricity is one of the key determinants for economic growth of a nation.  Over the past decade or so, hydropower projects (HEP) around the world have attracted much attention concerning the environmental and social impacts that have arisen from such developments. Construction and operations of dams have always been associated with changes in the physical and biological environment. No doubt electricity generation is the need of the hours for development, but the large projects do involve the submersion of forests and the displacement of people. Socio-economic and cultural impacts arising from project construction and environmental transformations are rooted in the complex interactivity between social and biophysical environments. Human communities are integral components of their environment as well as potential agents for environmental change. Hence environmental changes in settled areas are often profoundly interlinked with subsequent changes that occur within society. The interests of local must be listened to and taken care of during the planning and the policy makers must adopt a model or strategies so that the impacts and effects of such type developmental activities can be minimized and local people who are living in the vicinity as well as who have sacrificed their belongings. To maximize the positive impacts and mitigate the negative environmental, social and economic impacts sustainability of water resources projects is required.  This paper refers the perception of the public with regards to the impact of the Sorang HEP and other development activities and need for sustainable development to maintain balance with the environment of hilly and fragile area. Keywords: Hydropower Projects (HEP), Socio-economic, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Sustainability

    Procedural Performance: Possible Costs of Time Pressure, Shift Change, and Task Complexity

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    PresentationProcedural tasks, which typically involve performing a sequence of steps in a regular and consistent manner, are an inherent part of almost all high-risk industrial settings. Further, it is not uncommon for a need to arrive when these tasks need to be performed at an accelerated rate to meet a deadline or accommodate a mechanical state in the facility. Additionally, because these industries operate on 24-hour cycles, the workers performing these procedural tasks work shift work—often working 12-hour shifts and varying between day and night shifts. Extensive research has shown that changing between day and night (or vice versa) work shifts causes fatigue and can result in decrease performance. Finally, given the nature of these complex socio-technical systems, some of the procedural tasks are more complex than others. These three variables—time pressure, shift change, and task complexity—could of course individually have impacts on workers’ performance with procedures as well as have combined impacts on performance. However, there is little objective research investigating workers’ performance on procedural tasks in this domain. It is conceivable that workers maybe able to sustain task performance for a period of time with a combination of these three variables with increased effort and focus. However, this task performance likely comes at a cost. For instance, Metha and her colleagues found that when stressed, participants were able to maintain a certain performance but it required a higher physiological load, which, if sustained can lead to fatigue. This presentation will share the results of participants who completed 24 different procedural tasks (procedures) representing the 3 variables mentioned above. They completed 12 during a day shift and 12 during a night shift. For each of the 12 day/night shift, half required the participant to complete the procedure under time pressure and the other half were self-paced, and the procedures varied in their levels of complexity. Participants’ performance on the procedures at a step level (2-perfect, 1-some problems, 0-fail) were scored and their physiological responses (Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variability) were recorded

    A Clinical Histomorphological and Immunohistochemical Analysis of Breast Neoplasms.

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    Breast Cancer Is The Most Common Carcinoma In Females Which Accounts For 22% Of All Female Cancers. It Is More Than Twice The Occurrence Of Carcinoma In Females At Any Other Site.29 In Southern India, Breast Cancer Is The Second Most Common Cancer Among Women.28 The Incidence Of The Disease Had Been Increasing In Both Developed And Developing Countries Until 1980, But Still Continues To Increase In The Developing Countries. Breast Disorders Encompass A Heterogenous Group Of Lesions That May Be Presenting As A Palpable Mass, Non-Palpable Abnormality Detected On Breast Imaging Or An Incidental Microscopic Finding. Women Who Have Undergone Breast Biopsies Reflect A Spectrum Of Histologic Conditions From Normal Breast Tissue Of Varying Physiologic States At One Extreme To Changes Approximating To Carcinoma At The Other End.60 Etiology Of Breast Cancer Is Multifactorial. It Includes Diet, Reproductive Life Style, Exogenous And Endogenous Hormones, Body Weight, Alcohol, Smoking And Physical Activity. However, More Than Most Other Neoplasms, Breast Cancer Shows Familial Clustering.29 Two High Penetrance Genes Brca1 & Brca2 Greatly Increase The Cancer Risk. Multigenic Traits Also Play A Significant Role In The Inherited Susceptibility To Cancer. Literatures Say Carcinoma Breast Is A Disease Of Affluent Societies Which Have Acquired The Western Style Characterized By High Calorie Diet Combined With Lack Of Exercise.29 There Have Been Two General Approaches To Prognostication Via Histopathologic Analysis. The First Categorizes Carcinomas Based On Specific Features, Recognizing The So Called Special Type Carcinoma. Histopathologic Features Have Been Recognized As A Necessary Element For Appropriate Management Of Breast Carcinoma. The Second Approach Evaluates Individual Characteristics Of The Carcinoma – Grading Which Is Shown To Be Robust Determinant Of Outcome Of Breast Carcinoma.15 Establishment Of A Uniform System Of Grading Will Increase The Frequency Of Grading By Pathologists, Significantly Reduce Observer Variation And Strengthen The Predictive Value Of Histologic Grade. The Most Widely Accepted System For Grading Invasive Breast Carcinoma Is The Elston-Ellis System Which Represents The Modification Of The Scarf-Bloom- Richardson System Established In The Middle Of The Last Century. It Is Performed By Combining Tissue Architecture (Tubule Formation), Cell Morphology (Nuclear Pleomorphism) And Assessment Of Cell Proliferation Rate (Mitotic Count).24,29,35,36,52. Histological Grading Has Been Considered As Too Subjective To Be Used Clinically And Grading May Be Associated With Lack Of Reproducibility Even When Performed By Experienced Pathologists. On The Other Hand, Numerous Studies Have Shown A Significant Association Between Histological Grade And Survival In Breast Cancer And There Is No Doubt That Grading Is Simple, Quick And Economical To Perform. Low Histological Grade Is Significantly Related To Recent Or Current Use Of Combined Hormone Replacement Therapy.42 Histological Grading Identifies Patients With Low Risk Of Breast Cancer Recurrence. Since It Is Associated With Minimal Cost, Its Use In Clinical Decision Making May Result In Substantial Savings. Omission Of Grading From Clinical Decision Making Results In Overseas Of Adjuvant Therapies. Histological Grade Was Correlated Strongly With Survival. Women With Well Differentiated Node Negative Cancer Had 97% 5year Distant Disease Free Survival Rate As Compared With 78% For Women With Poorly Differentiated Cancer.39 The Relative Importance Of Histologic Grade In Multivariate Analysis May Depend On Many Factors Such As The Selection Process Of Breast Cancers For The Series Being Analyzed, The Quality Of Assessment, End Points Chosen And Personal Skill Of The Pathologist Responsible For Grading.39 It Is Important To Evaluate The Prognostic Value Of Histologic Grade In Relation To Novel Molecular Genetic Markers. It Remains To Be Seen Whether Some Of The Novel Biologic Factors Can Replace Histologic Grade As A Simple And Powerful Prognostic Variable And Produce Superior Result When Performed In Routine Clinical Setting. A Recent Study Indicates That Grade May Yet Be A More Powerful Predictor Than Intensively Studied Molecular Genetic Factors Such As P53 And Cerb-2.39 This Study Is Undertaken In View Of Evaluating The Actual Incidence Of Breast Neoplasms In Semi-Urban Areas Like Thanjavur With Particular Attention To Demographic Characteristics, Clinical Presentation, Histopathology And Grading
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