690 research outputs found

    Enterprise Development through Incubation Management

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    This paper examines incubation management as a veritable growth stimulus vitally needed by the emerging economies with emphasis on the business and technology incubators. It discusses the need for management incubation, incubation models, the goals of business incubation, best practices for incubation processes, studentsā€™ participation in the activities of the business incubator, characteristics of itā€™s managerial structure among others. The term ā€˜Incubationā€™, with its etymological roots in the Latin word incubatio, which referred to a practice by the ancient Romans of carrying rudimentary ideas with them for developing them into visionary dreams over a period of time. Incubators shared business services and equipment, technology support services, and assistance in obtaining financing necessary for company growth. It is recognized as a way of meeting a variety of economic and socio-economic policy needs which can include:Employment and wealth creation,support for small firms with high growth potential Transfer of technology Promoting innovation Enhancing links between universities, research institutions and the business community Industry cluster development and assessment of a companyā€™s risk profile Business incubators accelerate the successful development of entrepreneurial companies through an array of business support resources and services. Itā€™s main goal is to produce successful firms that leave the program financially viable and freestanding. These incubator graduates have the potential to create jobs and wealth, revitalize neighborhoods, commercialize new technologies and strengthen local and national economies. Technology Incubators bring about the development of technology-based firms. These are mainly located at or near universities / polytechnics and science and technology parks. Given the multitude of challenges being faced by entrepreneurs in emerging economies, there is a strong case for fostering incubation systems. The mentoring and business assistance provided by incubators are especially useful to individuals who are not part of business communities and/or do not enjoy support from families. Established businesses and promotional organizations associated with incubators would provide the latterā€™s clients with the much needed know-how available in such networks. Keywords: Economic growth, Entrepreneurship, Business start ā€“ ups, Incubation management, Technology transfer andĀ  Job creation

    Social Entreprenuershipā€™s Economic Empowerment Strategy

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    This paper examines social entrepreneurship as a powerful mantra for economic empowerment with emphasis on the youths of Nigeria. Social entrepreneurship signals the imperative to drive social change, and it is that potential payoff, with its lasting, transformational benefit to society, that sets the field and its practitioners apart. Social entrepreneurs are setting trends and sparking movements that are spreading across the world. These could have far-reaching effects in different locations and future scenarios. What is most important about social entrepreneurs, wherever they operate, is that they challengeĀ Ā  existing rules and institutions and create innovative vehicles to achieve their social goals. These may end up directly provoking markets through competition or providing alternatives, or they may indirectly put pressure on industries by creating awareness and stimulating behavioral and attitude change. The paper discuses, social entrepreneurship schools of practiceĀ Ā Ā  the ecosystem of social entrepreneurship , principles of social entrepreneurship, models of social entrepreneurship and the Ā assumptions of social entrepreneurship among others. Youth social entrepreneurship should grow out of young peopleā€™s own interests, motivations and ideas. It entails young people being actively involved by initiating their own activities rather than just being told what to do. Yet it also requires resources and supportive and experienced adults who can mentor/guide young people without being controlling. The key now is to focus on how social enterprise can sustain growth and generate more impact. The role of public policy is to stimulate and orchestrate this process of collective innovation. Politicians, policy-makers and civic leaders can make a unique contribution by changing the way society frames its challenges and mobilizes public, private and voluntary resources to meet them. Demand for social enterprise solutions will not lessen becauseĀ  they attack fundamental issues of how to create public goods and solutions to social problems in an open market economy. Keywords: Social entrepreneurship; Youth empowerment; Volunteerism and Economic Development

    Easing the ā€œDiseaseā€ of Poverty in Nigeria

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    This paper examines the issue of poverty in Nigeria, its causes, previous attempts made by past and present administrations aimed at taming the monster coupled with the way forward for the country. Poverty itself is as old as the whole world. One of the Holy Scriptures even stated that the poor shall never seize in your midst. Poverty is a devilĀ Ā  it stirs a lot of misgiving. This is because it has a very devastating influence on its victims. It reduces the social and psychological prestige of its victims. Poverty is a condition of being poor. The quest to eradicate poverty has been identified as the most critical challenge facing development in the world today. Women and children are disproportionately affected by poverty. Poverty has been a serious challenge to governments in Nigeria. Its effect, which includes lack and deprivation in the basic necessities of life, is worrisome. Poverty humiliates and dehumanizes its victim . Nigeria is Africaā€™s most populous nation. It is also one of the poorest countries in the world. Rapid progress in reducing poverty in Nigeria is dependent upon improved access to basic services, particularly health and education. If Nigeria fails to reduce poverty quickly enough, it is unlikely that the Millennium Development Goals will be achieved in Africa or globally. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are targeted at eradicating extreme hunger and poverty in the 189 member countries of the United Nations (UN). Nigeria as a member of the United Nation keyed into the implementation of the framework of the goals by formulating the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS), NEEDS as a policy is targeted at eradicating poverty and bringing about sustainable development. This is done through the establishment of Agencies like the National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP). However, the scourge of poverty is till been felt by the majority of the citizens of the country who do not have access to primary health care, water and food. Unemployment, corruption, non-diversification of the economy, income inequality, laziness, and a poor education system can be considered to be some of the key factors contributing to poverty in Nigeria. Poverty prevention is more dependent on education than on any other factor, as an escape from poverty. Education is the primary means by which people can lift themselves out of poverty, yet the amount spent on education targeting low-income children falls far short of the need. Keywords: Poverty and itā€™s causes; Alleviation programmes; Job Creation andĀ Ā  EconomicĀ  empowermen

    Business Revolution through Corporate Entreprenuership

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    This paper examines corporate entrepreneurship as a tool for economic prosperity in the global arena from the standpoint of the roles to be played by the business organizations.The global economy is creating profound and substantial changes for organizations and industries throughout the world. In times of global crisis and increasing pressures on companies to follow strategies for a competitive position on the global markets, many top management executives have to apply different approaches referred toĀ  as corporate entrepreneurship and the creation and maintenance of knowledge networks. Many organizations are increasingly looking to ā€œcorporate entrepreneurshipā€ as a way of combating the lethargy andĀ Ā Ā  bureaucracy that oftenĀ  accompany size due to the fact that for organizations to grow and survive they must change and adapt to increasing competition, client needs and the economic climate in which they live.Corporate entrepreneurship is defined as entrepreneurship activities within an existing Company. It involves innovative activities and orientations such as development of new products services, technologies, administrative techniques, strategies and competitive postures.Ā  It has been recognized as an important element in organizational and economic development, performance and wealth creation. It characterizes a new management philosophy that promotes strategic agility, flexibility, creativity, and continuous innovation with the aim of transforming administrative-oriented employees into intrapreneurs. It can be a powerful antidote to large company staleness, lack of innovation, stagnated top-line growth, and the inertia that often overtakes the large, mature companies of the world. Four broad typologies or categories of corporate entrepreneurship have been identified in the literature namely: Corporate venturing; Intrapreneuring; Organizational transformation; and Industry rule-breaking. Welcome to the world of corporate entrepreneurship. Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship; Business Renewal; Employment Generation; Economic Growth and Development

    Large outbreak of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever in Iraq, 2022

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    Background Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is reported sporadically in Iraq. The lack of preventive veterinary activities during 2 years of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (2020 and 2021) led to the largest CCHF outbreak in Iraq since 1979. Objective To describe the epidemiological characteristics of CCHF cases that occurred during the first half of 2022 in Iraq in terms of age, sex, residence, history of contact with another case, and history of contact with animals. Materials and methods This descriptive study included laboratory-confirmed cases of CCHF between 1st January 2022 and 26th June 2022. Frequencies and percentages were used to describe the demographic and epidemiologic criteria of the cases. The epidemic curve of the cases was used to describe the timing and duration of the outbreak. Results In total, there were 219 confirmed cases of CCHF from 1st January 2022 to 26th June 2022. The first confirmed case was reported in March 2022, and cases continued to occur through June 2022. The median age of the cases was 34.5 years. The majority of cases were male (n=130, 59.4%), had an unspecified job (n=126, 57.5%) and lived in southern Iraq (n=142, 64.8%). The first case was reported in week 10 of 2022. Case numbers peaked in week 24 (30 cases were reported), and subsequently declined in week 25 (24 cases were reported). The case fatality rate was 16.4%. Conclusion and recommendations The CCHF outbreak in 2022 was the largest in Iraq since the disease was first reported four decades ago. Identification of CCHF strains in Iraq is recommended, together with exploration of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of high-risk groups for CCHF, and a national survey of CCHF vectors in Iraq

    Assessment of the impact of development control measure on residential property rental values in Minna Metropolis

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    The study determined the impact of development control on the trend in rental of property in Minna. Data for the study were from residents of the neighbourhood, estate surveyors and valuers, town planners and personal observation through questionnaire. Cluster random sampling technique was adapted to divide the area into residential neighbourhoods; and furthermore, a purposive sampling technique was used because of the residential property characteristic. The data were analysed using inference statistical tools like Gini-co-efficient, correlation and multi-regression analysis among others. The resultant outcome showed that there is a strong positive relationship between development control measures and residential property rental values and also development control measures are not adequately enforced in the planned and unplanned neighbourhoods. It was recommended that estate surveyor and valuer's should advise their clients on the need and importance of investing in neighbourhood that have harmonious land use in order to easily recoup the huge capital outlay invested on residential property development and government should adopt new trends like the guided land development (GLD) and sustainable city programme (SCP). This will provide advancement in the frontier of investment in residential property development through proper execution of development control measures.Keywords: Development Control, Residential Property, Rental Valu

    Anthocyanins and their physiologically relevant metabolites alter the expression of IL-6 and VCAM-1 in CD40L and oxidized LDL challenged vascular endothelial cells

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    Scope In vitro and in vivo studies suggest that dietary anthocyanins modulate cardiovascular disease risk; however, given anthocyanins extensive metabolism, it is likely that their degradation products and conjugated metabolites are responsible for this reported bioactivity. Methods and results Human vascular endothelial cells were stimulated with either oxidized LDL (oxLDL) or cluster of differentiation 40 ligand (CD40L) and cotreated with cyanidin-3-glucoside and 11 of its recently identified metabolites, at 0.1, 1, and 10 Ī¼M concentrations. Protein and gene expression of IL-6 and VCAM-1 was quantified by ELISA and RT-qPCR. In oxLDL-stimulated cells the parent anthocyanin had no effect on IL-6 production, whereas numerous anthocyanin metabolites significantly reduced IL-6 protein levels; phase II conjugates of protocatechuic acid produced the greatest effects (>75% reduction, p ā‰¤ 0.05). In CD40L-stimulated cells the anthocyanin and its phase II metabolites reduced IL-6 protein production, where protocatechuic acid-4-sulfate induced the greatest reduction (>96% reduction, p ā‰¤ 0.03). Similarly, the anthocyanin and its metabolites reduced VCAM-1 protein production, with ferulic acid producing the greatest effect (>65% reduction, p ā‰¤ 0.04). Conclusion These novel data provide evidence to suggest that anthocyanin metabolites are bioactive at physiologically relevant concentrations and have the potential to modulate cardiovascular disease progression by altering the expression of inflammatory mediators

    Capacity and Quality Assessment of Awba River Basin

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    This study aims at determining the feasibility of a Mini Water Supply Scheme to meet the growing water needs of The Polytechnic, Ibadan community. The assessment focused on determination of population of the subject community vis-Ć -vis the location, discharge capacity and quality status of Oba river basin, being the only perennial stream within the community, seeking possible opportunities for capacity building in the areas water based developmental activities. The entire population of the community was obtained by enumeration method with 10years projection considered at a growth of 4 percent on yearly basis. Water budget was arrived at on the basis of per capita per day, in accordance with the United State specification. Raw water supply was obtained through impounding system of reinforced concrete chamber, which serves as an alternative to costly dam construction. Grid survey was carried out to determine the topographical nature along the stream axis at proposed location of the impounding house. Hydrological studies were carried out on the river to obtain its rate of flow and the harvestable volume of raw water at each month of a year. This was used to determine the size of chamber and the impounding hours before pumping. Physico-chemical analysis of the raw water was carried out and the results compared with that of W.H.Oā€™s 1996 guide line for drinking water as to dictate the design of treatment plant and the recommendable chemical dosage. The study thus reveals that the available perennial stream within the community is a resource that could be utilized to alleviate the problem of acute water shortage and create better environment for research and other developmental activities of the institution. Key Words: Population, Raw Water, Capacity and Quality Assessment, Treatment

    Signatures of anthocyanin metabolites identified in humans inhibit biomarkers of vascular inflammation in human endothelial cells

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    Scope The physiological relevance of contemporary cell culture studies is often perplexing, given the use of unmetabolized phytochemicals at supraphysiological concentrations. We investigated the activity of physiologically relevant anthocyanin metabolite signatures, derived from a previous pharmacokinetics study of 500 mg 13C5-cyanidin-3-glucoside in 8 healthy participants, on soluble vascular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in human endothelial cells. Methods and results Signatures of peak metabolites (previously identified at 1, 6 and 24 h post-bolus) were reproduced using pure standards and effects were investigated across concentrations ten-fold lower and higher than observed mean (<5 Ī¼M) serum levels. Tumor necrosis factor-Ī± (TNF-Ī±)-stimulated VCAM-1 was reduced in response to all treatments, with maximal effects observed for the 6 h and 24 h profiles. Profiles tested at ten-fold below mean serum concentrations (0.19-0.44 Ī¼M) remained active. IL-6 was reduced in response to 1, 6 and 24 h profiles, with maximal effects observed for 6 h and 24 h profiles at concentrations above 2 Ī¼M. Protein responses were reflected by reductions in VCAM-1 and IL-6 mRNA, however there was no effect on phosphorylated NFĪŗB-p65 expression. Conclusion Signatures of anthocyanin metabolites following dietary consumption reduce VCAM-1 and IL-6 production, providing evidence of physiologically relevant biological activity
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