10,568 research outputs found

    Radar scattering from desert terrains, Pisgah/Lavic Region, California: Implications for Magellan

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    A major component of the 1988 Mojave Field Experiment involved the simultaneous acquisition of quad-polarization multifrequency airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging radar data and ground measurements thought to be relevant to the radar scattering behavior of a variety of desert surfaces. In preparation for the Magellan mission to Venus, the experiment was designed to explore the ability of SAR to distinguish types of geological surfaces, and the effects of varying incidence angles on the appearance of such surfaces. The airborne SAR system acquired images at approx. 10 m resolution, at 3 incidence angles (30, 40, 50 degs) and at 3 wavelengths (P:68 cm, L:24 cm, C:5.6 cm). The polarimetric capabilities of the instrument allow the simulation of any combination of transmit and receive polarizations during data reduction. Calibrated trihedral corner reflectors were deployed within each scene to permit absolute radiometric calibration of the image data. Initial analyses of this comprehensive radar data set is reported, with emphasis on implications for interpretation of Magellan data

    Mediators of mechanotransduction between bone cells

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    Mechanical forces are known to regulate the function of tissues in the body, including bone. Bone adapts to its mechanical environment by altering its shape and increasing its size in response to increases in mechanical load associated with exercise, and by decreasing its size in response to decreases in mechanical load associated with microgravity or prolonged bed rest. Changes in bone size and shape are produced by a cooperative action of two main types of the bone cells - osteoclasts that destroy bone and osteoblasts that build bone. These cell types come from different developmental origins, and vary greatly in their characteristics, such as size, shape, and expression of receptor subtypes, which potentially may affect their responses to mechanical stimuli. The objective of this study is to compare the responses of osteoclasts and osteoblasts to mechanical stimulation. This study has allowed us to conclude the following: 1. A mediator is released from a single source cell. 2. The response to the mediator changes with distance. 3. The value of the apparent diffusion coeficient increases with distance. 4. A plausible proposed mechanism is that ATP is released and degrades to ADP. 5. Future experiments are required to confim that ATP is the mediator as suggested

    Calculation of multiple-trait sire reliability for traits included in a dairy cattle fertility index

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    The advent of genetic evaluations for fertility traits in the UK offers valuable information to farmers that can be used to control fertility problems and safeguard against involuntary culling. In addition to estimated genetic merit, proof reliabilities are required to make correct use of this genetic information. Exact reliabilities, based on the inverse of the coefficient matrix, cannot be estimated for large data sets because of computational restrictions. A method to calculate approximate reliabilities was implemented based on a six-trait sire model. Traits considered were interval between first and second calving, interval between first calving and first service, non-return rate 56 days post first service, number of inseminations per conception, daily milk yield at test nearest day 110 and body condition score. Sire reliabilities were calculated in four steps. Firstly, the number of effective daughters was calculated for each bull, separately for each trait, based on total number of daughters and daughter distribution across herd-year-seasons. Secondly, multiple-trait reliabilities were calculated, based on bull daughter contribution, applying selection index theory on independent daughter groups. Thirdly, (great-) grand-daughter contribution was added to the reliability of each bull, using daughter-based reliability of sons and maternal grandsons. An adjustment was made to account for the probability of bull and son or grandson having daughters in the same herd-year-season. Without the adjustment, reliabilities were inflated by proportionately 0·15 to 0·25. Finally, parent (sire and maternal grandsire) contribution was added to the reliability of each bull. The procedure was first tested on a data subset of 28 061 cow records from 285 bulls. Approximate reliabilities were compared with exact estimates based on the inverse of the coefficient matrix. Mean absolute differences ranged from 0·014 to 0·020 for the six traits and correlation between exact and approximate estimates neared unity. In a full-scale application, sire reliability for the fertility traits increased by proportionately 0·47 to 0·79 over single-trait estimates and the number of bulls with a reliability of 0·60 or more increased by 42 to 115%

    The Redshift Distribution of FIRST Radio Sources at 1 mJy

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    We present spectra for a sample of radio sources from the FIRST survey, and use them to define the form of the redshift distribution of radio sources at mJy levels.We targeted 365 sources and obtained 46 redshifts (13 per cent of the sample). We find that our sample is complete in redshift measurement to R ∼18.6\sim 18.6, corresponding to z∼0.2z\sim 0.2. Early-type galaxies represent the largest subset (45 per cent) of the sample and have redshifts 0.15\la z \la 0.5 ; late-type galaxies make up 15 per cent of the sample and have redshifts 0.05\la z \la 0.2; starbursting galaxies are a small fraction (∼6\sim 6 per cent), and are very nearby (z\la 0.05). Some 9 per cent of the population have Seyfert1/quasar-type spectra, all at z\ga 0.8, and there are 4 per cent are Seyfert2 type galaxies at intermediate redshifts (z∼0.2z\sim 0.2). Using our measurements and data from the Phoenix survey, we obtain an estimate for N(z)N(z) at S1.4GHz≥1S_{1.4 \rm {GHz}}\ge 1 mJy and compare this with model predictions. At variance with previous conclusions, we find that the population of starbursting objects makes up \la 5 per cent of the radio population at S ∼1\sim 1 mJy.Comment: 20 pages, sumbitted to MNRA

    A reliable Pade analytical continuation method based on a high accuracy symbolic computation algorithm

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    We critique a Pade analytic continuation method whereby a rational polynomial function is fit to a set of input points by means of a single matrix inversion. This procedure is accomplished to an extremely high accuracy using a novel symbolic computation algorithm. As an example of this method in action we apply it to the problem of determining the spectral function of a one-particle thermal Green's function known only at a finite number of Matsubara frequencies with two example self energies drawn from the T-matrix theory of the Hubbard model. We present a systematic analysis of the effects of error in the input points on the analytic continuation, and this leads us to propose a procedure to test quantitatively the reliability of the resulting continuation, thus eliminating the black magic label frequently attached to this procedure.Comment: 11 pages, 8 eps figs, revtex format; revised version includes reference to anonymous ftp site containing example codes (MapleVr5.1 worksheets) displaying the implementation of the algorithm, including the padematinv.m library packag

    Effectiveness of slow motion video compared to real time video in improving the accuracy and consistency of subjective gait analysis in dogs

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    Objective measures of canine gait quality via force plates, pressure mats or kinematic analysis are considered superior to subjective gait assessment (SGA). Despite research demonstrating that SGA does not accurately detect subtle lameness, it remains the most commonly performed diagnostic test for detecting lameness in dogs. This is largely because the financial, temporal and spatial requirements for existing objective gait analysis equipment makes this technology impractical for use in general practice. The utility of slow motion video as a potential tool to augment SGA is currently untested. To evaluate a more accessible way to overcome the limitations of SGA, a slow motion video study was undertaken. Three experienced veterinarians reviewed video footage of 30 dogs, 15 with a diagnosis of primary limb lameness based on history and physical examination, and 15 with no indication of limb lameness based on history and physical examination. Four different videos were made for each dog, demonstrating each dog walking and trotting in real time, and then again walking and trotting in 50% slow motion. For each video, the veterinary raters assessed both the degree of lameness, and which limb(s) they felt represented the source of the lameness. Spearman’s rho, Cramer’s V, and t-tests were performed to determine if slow motion video increased either the accuracy or consistency of raters’ SGA relative to real time video. Raters demonstrated no significant increase in consistency or accuracy in their SGA of slow motion video relative to real time video. Based on these findings, slow motion video does not increase the consistency or accuracy of SGA values. Further research is required to determine if slow motion video will benefit SGA in other ways

    Remote sensing research for agricultural applications

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    Materials and methods used to characterize selected soil properties and agricultural crops in San Joaquin County, California are described. Results show that: (1) the location and widths of TM bands are suitable for detecting differences in selected soil properties; (2) the number of TM spectral bands allows the quantification of soil spectral curve form and magnitude; and (3) the spatial and geometric quality of TM data allows for the discrimination and quantification of within field variability of soil properties. The design of the LANDSAT based multiple crop acreage estimation experiment for the Idaho Department of Water Resources is described including the use of U.C. Berkeley's Survey Modeling Planning Model. Progress made on Peditor software development on MIDAS, and cooperative computing using local and remote systems is reported as well as development of MIDAS microcomputer systems

    Deed, property transfer, H.E. Wall to R.S. Paulett, 1894

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