274 research outputs found

    Financial Transaction Tax: Small is Beautiful

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    The case for taxing financial transactions merely to raise more revenues from the financial sector is not particularly strong. Better alternatives to tax the financial sector are likely to be available. However, a tax on financial transactions could be justified in order to limit socially undesirable transactions when more direct means of doing so are unavailable for political or practical reasons. Some financial transactions are indeed likely to do more harm than good, especially when they contribute to the systemic risk of the financial system. However, such a financial transaction tax should be very small, much smaller than the negative externalities in question, because it is a blunt instrument that also drives out socially useful transactions. There is a case for taxing over-the-counter derivative transactions at a somewhat higher rate than exchange-based derivative transactions. More targeted remedies to drive out socially undesirable transactions should be sought in parallel, which would allow, after their implementation, to reduce or even phase out financialtransaction taxes

    On the structure of maximal solvable extensions and of Levi extensions of nilpotent algebras

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    We establish an improved upper estimate on dimension of any solvable algebra s with its nilradical isomorphic to a given nilpotent Lie algebra n. Next we consider Levi decomposable algebras with a given nilradical n and investigate restrictions on possible Levi factors originating from the structure of characteristic ideals of n. We present a new perspective on Turkowski's classification of Levi decomposable algebras up to dimension 9.Comment: 21 pages; major revision - one section added, another erased; author's version of the published pape

    The electronic structure of (C59N)2 from high energy spectroscopy

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    We report the results of a detailed study of the occupied and unoccupied electronic structure of dimers of the new heterofullerene C59N by means of photoemission and electron energy-loss spectroscopy. A close similarity is found between the electronic structures of pristine (C59N)2 and C60 with an additional broadening of the spectra in the former due to the distortion of the fullerene cage caused both by dimerization and the chemical substitution. Both the occupied and unoccupied electronic states, as well as the interband transitions between them, attest to the high degree of molecular character retained in the solid state. Comparison of the shake-up structures in the C1s and N1s X-ray photo emission spectra confirm that the highest lying occupied states in the heterofullerene have a strong degree of N character, whereas the lowest lying unoccupied states have mainly C character. We also present the optical conductivity of the heterofullerene (derived from the loss function), which shows an optical gap of 1.4 eV, some 0.4 eV smaller than that of C60

    All solvable extensions of a class of nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension n and degree of nilpotency n-1

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    We construct all solvable Lie algebras with a specific n-dimensional nilradical n_(n,2) (of degree of nilpotency (n-1) and with an (n-2)-dimensional maximal Abelian ideal). We find that for given n such a solvable algebra is unique up to isomorphisms. Using the method of moving frames we construct a basis for the Casimir invariants of the nilradical n_(n,2). We also construct a basis for the generalized Casimir invariants of its solvable extension s_(n+1) consisting entirely of rational functions of the chosen invariants of the nilradical.Comment: 19 pages; added references, changes mainly in introduction and conclusions, typos corrected; submitted to J. Phys. A, version to be publishe

    Realizations of Real Low-Dimensional Lie Algebras

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    Using a new powerful technique based on the notion of megaideal, we construct a complete set of inequivalent realizations of real Lie algebras of dimension no greater than four in vector fields on a space of an arbitrary (finite) number of variables. Our classification amends and essentially generalizes earlier works on the subject. Known results on classification of low-dimensional real Lie algebras, their automorphisms, differentiations, ideals, subalgebras and realizations are reviewed.Comment: LaTeX2e, 39 pages. Essentially exetended version. Misprints in Appendix are correcte

    Mitochondrial and Plasma Membrane Pools of Stomatin-Like Protein 2 Coalesce at the Immunological Synapse during T Cell Activation

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    Stomatin-like protein 2 (SLP-2) is a member of the stomatin – prohibitin – flotillin – HflC/K (SPFH) superfamily. Recent evidence indicates that SLP-2 is involved in the organization of cardiolipin-enriched microdomains in mitochondrial membranes and the regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and function. In T cells, this role translates into enhanced T cell activation. Although the major pool of SLP-2 is associated with mitochondria, we show here that there is an additional pool of SLP-2 associated with the plasma membrane of T cells. Both plasma membrane-associated and mitochondria-associated pools of SLP-2 coalesce at the immunological synapse (IS) upon T cell activation. SLP-2 is not required for formation of IS nor for the re-localization of mitochondria to the IS because SLP-2-deficient T cells showed normal re-localization of these organelles in response to T cell activation. Interestingly, upon T cell activation, we found the surface pool of SLP-2 mostly excluded from the central supramolecular activation complex, and enriched in the peripheral area of the IS where signalling TCR microclusters are located. Based on these results, we propose that SLP-2 facilitates the compartmentalization not only of mitochondrial membranes but also of the plasma membrane into functional microdomains. In this latter location, SLP-2 may facilitate the optimal assembly of TCR signalosome components. Our data also suggest that there may be a net exchange of membrane material between mitochondria and plasma membrane, explaining the presence of some mitochondrial proteins in the plasma membrane

    The IG-DMR and the MEG3-DMR at Human Chromosome 14q32.2: Hierarchical Interaction and Distinct Functional Properties as Imprinting Control Centers

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    Human chromosome 14q32.2 harbors the germline-derived primary DLK1-MEG3 intergenic differentially methylated region (IG-DMR) and the postfertilization-derived secondary MEG3-DMR, together with multiple imprinted genes. Although previous studies in cases with microdeletions and epimutations affecting both DMRs and paternal/maternal uniparental disomy 14-like phenotypes argue for a critical regulatory function of the two DMRs for the 14q32.2 imprinted region, the precise role of the individual DMR remains to be clarified. We studied an infant with upd(14)pat body and placental phenotypes and a heterozygous microdeletion involving the IG-DMR alone (patient 1) and a neonate with upd(14)pat body, but no placental phenotype and a heterozygous microdeletion involving the MEG3-DMR alone (patient 2). The results generated from the analysis of these two patients imply that the IG-DMR and the MEG3-DMR function as imprinting control centers in the placenta and the body, respectively, with a hierarchical interaction for the methylation pattern in the body governed by the IG-DMR. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating an essential long-range imprinting regulatory function for the secondary DMR

    Genome-Wide uH2A Localization Analysis Highlights Bmi1-Dependent Deposition of the Mark at Repressed Genes

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    Polycomb group (PcG) proteins control organism development by regulating the expression of developmental genes. Transcriptional regulation by PcG proteins is achieved, at least partly, through the PRC2-mediated methylation on lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27) and PRC1-mediated ubiquitylation on lysine 119 of histone H2A (uH2A). As an integral component of PRC1, Bmi1 has been demonstrated to be critical for H2A ubiquitylation. Although recent studies have revealed the genome-wide binding patterns of some of the PRC1 and PRC2 components, as well as the H3K27me3 mark, there have been no reports describing genome-wide localization of uH2A. Using the recently developed ChIP-Seq technology, here, we report genome-wide localization of the Bmi1-dependent uH2A mark in MEF cells. Gene promoter averaging analysis indicates a peak of uH2A just inside the transcription start site (TSS) of well-annotated genes. This peak is enriched at promoters containing the H3K27me3 mark and represents the least expressed genes in WT MEF cells. In addition, peak finding reveals regions of local uH2A enrichment throughout the mouse genome, including almost 700 gene promoters. Genes with promoter peaks of uH2A exhibit lower-level expression when compared to genes that do not contain promoter peaks of uH2A. Moreover, we demonstrate that genes with uH2A peaks have increased expression upon Bmi1 knockout. Importantly, local enrichment of uH2A is not limited to regions containing the H3K27me3 mark. We describe the enrichment of H2A ubiquitylation at high-density CpG promoters and provide evidence to suggest that DNA methylation may be linked to uH2A at these regions. Thus, our work not only reveals Bmi1-dependent H2A ubiquitylation, but also suggests that uH2A targeting in differentiated cells may employ a different mechanism from that in ES cells
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