237 research outputs found

    Model Evaluasi Programpembeli\jaranips Dismp

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    One of the weaknesses in th~ evaluation of an instructional program for socialstudies in junior secondary sChools at present is that evaluation activities are onlybased on the assessment of the?tudents' lea,rni!lg qutputs.Previous instructionalactivities receive less attentionin evaluation activities. In adciition, tIle assessmentof socialstudy learning is also still limited to that of academic skills and has' notincluded the assessment of per~onal skills aIld sOFi,al .. skills, which become thetarget of social studies. To get Il1.ore complete information about the efficacy of aninstructional program for ,social studies, it is necessary to utilize· an. evaluationmodel thathas more comprehensive coverage. The model of Evaluation ofInstructionalQuality and Output (EIQO) is one of the alternatives which can beused to evaluate an instructional program for social studies. The components ofEIQO include the assessmentof... the instructional process in terllls of theinstructional.qualityand the assessment of the learning results ·.in terms ·of theinstructionaloutput. The former covers the assessment of the teacher classroomperformance, instructional facilities,classroom ,climate, student ·attitudes andstudent motivation to learn.. The latter covers the assessment of students' academicskills, personal skills and social skill

    Penerapan Prinsip Transparansi dalam Produk Pembiayaan Mudharabah pada Bank Syariah (Studi di Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Kepanjen)

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    Penulisan ini dilatarbelakangi karena adanya nasabah yang tidak mengerti tentang produk yang seharusnya dijelaskan oleh pihak bank saat menawarkan produknya, sedangkan penyampaian informasi produk kepada nasabah sangat penting untuk mencegah terjadinya kesalahpahaman yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian kepada kedua belah pihak sesuai dengan yang diatur pada Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 7/6/PBI/2005. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan Prinsip Transparansi dan faktor penghambatnya dalam melaksanakan peraturan bank Indonesia Nomor: 7/6/PBI/2005 tentang transparansi informasi produk bank dan penggunaan data pribadi nasabah oleh Bank Syariah Mandiri cabang pembantu Kepanjen dalam produk pembiayaan Mudharabah. Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian yuridis empiris dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif serta dianalisis menggunakan teknik analitis deskriptif

    Hubungan Kausalitas Antara Tingkat Upah Dan Produktivitas Tenaga Pada Industri Tekstil, Furniture Dan Pakaian Jadi Di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA (Tahun 1983-2002)

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    Penelitian ini meneliti pola hubungan kausalitas dua arah antara tingkatupah dan produkttfitas tenaga krja pada industri tekstil, pakaian jadi dan furnituredi Daerah Istimeula Yogtakarta pada tahun 1983- 2002 dengan menggunakan ujiktusalitas granger dan diperoleh hasil dinana pada industri tekstil dan paknianjaditerjadi hubungan satu arah antara produktrfitas dan upah tenaga kerja sedangkanpada industri furniture terjadi hubungan kausalitas dua arqh antara produhifitastenaga kerja dan tingkat upah pada lag

    Spatial and Temporal Patterns of the Macrobenthic Assemblages in Relation to Environmental Variables

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    This study focuses on the effect of fallowing of southern blue-fin tuna farms in southern Spencer Gulf, South Australia, on macrobenthic assemblage comparing spatial and temporal patterns of distribution and abundance at eight control sites and eight fallowed pontoon sites, during the period October 2002 to October 2003. Two stations at each site were sampled five times throughout the year with four replicates. Polychaetes were the most abundant organisms both at control sites (76.4%) and fallowed pontoon sites (80.5%). Five dominant taxa (Capitellidae, Cirratullidae, Lumbrineridae, Nephtyidae, and Spionidae), relatively tolerant to organic enrichment, were generally recorded in higher numbers at the fallowed sites than at control sites.Assessed using univariate and multivariate analyses, a significant difference in abundance between the control and fallowed pontoon sites was found, which also showed a significant effect of time. A slight decreased in diversity, number of taxa, and evenness at fallowed pontoon sites compared to those at control sites was observed. Seasonal fluctuations caused by natural variability, especially hydrodynamic conditions and sediment characteristics, are likely to be responsible for the observed changes of the assemblages

    Faktor Risiko Kejadian Malaria di Puskesmas Selat III Kabupaten Kapuas Tahun 2003

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    Purposive of this study is to analyse the risk faktor in the area mentioned above, using case control design. The control group is identified as plasmodium negative, similar sex and age. Sampling time between control and patient is within 4 months. Sample size is 70 cases and 70 controls. Data analyzed as distribution frequencies. Odd Ratio (ER), bivariate and multivariate.Suggestion, we need to pass this information and aducate the people on how to prevent and the spreading of malaria disease by using gauze, mosquito\u27s curtain and repellent


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    This research aims to reveal : (1) the teaching competencies level of High School Economics teachers in Purworejo regency, (2) the contribution of the educational background, the teaching experience and the working spirit toward the teaching competencies of High School Economic teachers in Purworejo regency. This research was an ex-post facto study which the subjects of all High School Economic teachers at Purworejo regency. The sample of this research was 40 teachers, which determined based on Krejcie formula, and the proportional random sampling technique. The data collecting instrument was a Likert scale question, each of which had been tested by factor analysis, Alpha Cronbach and split-half Spearman-Brown technique for fulfilled the requirements of validity and reability. The data analysis used a descriptive and inferential analysis. The result of the descriptive analysis showes that the teaching competencies of High School Economic teachers in Purworejo regency are 17,5% in high category; 65,0% in sufficient category; 17,5% in poor category. The result of the partial correlation analysis shows : (1) the educational background is not provides a significant contribution to the teaching competencies of High School Economic teachers in Purworejo regency, (2) the teaching experience provides a positive and significant contribution i.e 17,58% to the teaching competencies of High School Economic teachers in Purworejo regency, (3) the working spirit provides a positive and significant contribution i.e 26,2% to the teaching competencies of High School Economic teachers in Purworejo regency. The result of multiple regression analysis indicates that there are a 368 Cakrawala Pendidikan, November 2005, Th. XXIV, No. 3 positive and significant contribution of the teaching experience and the working spirit i.e 41,6% simultanneously to the teaching competencies of High School Economic teachers in Purworejo regency. Thus, it can be concluded that in general the teaching competencies of High School Social Studies teachers in Purworejo regency is in sufficient category. There is a significant contribution of the teaching experience and the working spirit both individually and simultaneously toward the teaching competencies of High School Economic teachers in Purworejo regency. Key words: teaching competencies, educational background, teaching experience, working spiri


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    ABSTRAKArtikel ini bertujuan menempatkan dongeng atau sastra anak memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan kritik sastra lainnya, dalam perkembangan sejarah dan kritik  sastra Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan meninjau berbagai sumber pustaka sebagai bahan referensi penulis. Struktur Greimas menjadi teori yang digunakan untuk analisis. Teori itu bertujuan menunjukkan fokus penulis pada tujuan penelitian, yaitu mengkaji semiotik yang berperspektif religiusitas Jawa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua teori struktur Greimas, semiotik Bühler, dan perpektif religiusitas Jawa, saling berimplikasi, serta sesuai dengan misi pengarang dan Pusat Bahasa perihal menumbuhkan budaya literasi pada anak. Kata Kunci: Sastra Anak, Pusat Bahasa, Semiotik, Religiusitas

    Analisis Perdagangan Bilateral Indonesia Indonesia dengan Malaysia Periode 2003-2012

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    This study aims to determine (bilateral) development and comparison of trade between the two countries, Indonesia and Malaysia for the period 2003 to 2012 As this study shows the shape of trade, and the indicators that affect trade between Indonesia and Malaysia. The data used are secondary data obtained from the BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) and the World "series for 10 years. "Variable used, among other things, the value of exports and imports, the price level and GDP.Methods for quantitative data analysis and descriptive data analysis. Indonesia bilateral trade with Malaysia calculations using the formula expor-import price index is likely to rise sharply, particularly in terms of export and import small. Taken together, the independent variable is the dependent variable to explain export function. In terms of the commercial value of Indonesia and Malaysia in 2003-2012, an average exchange rate of Indonesian trade showed 100 percent, this means that the state of Indonesia and Malaysia are still mutually beneficial bilateral trade import and export business midst of the economic turmoilKeywords: Bilateral, exchange rate, index of export and import of Indonesia

    Agent-Based Modeling for Efficiency Policy of Households\u27 Electricity Consumption in Bandung City

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    There are many argumentations that the government subsidy in electricity, for holding down the electricity fares, has encouraged extravagant use of electricity. Therefore, the Government Budget (APBN) Burden for this subsidy becomes higher than it necessary. Some experts have argued that this money can actually be used for other necessary and urgent spending such as infrastructure development. The purpose of this research is to build an agent-based model and simulation to explore the dinamic of electricity consumption in Indonesia, especially in Bandung City. Several interviews were conducted about households\u27 behaviors in consuming electricity to build the model. Then, the parameter was set based on the data collected with questionaire and secondary data source. The model was tested for its validity and sensitivity to the change in the controlled parameter. The simulation is expected to provide the government with a combination of electricity fare to various households electricity market segments to ensure an economic use of electricity. Some scenarios were run and the emergent property, the whole system electricity consumption,were observed to find out the best policy to encourage efficient use of electricity in the system