51 research outputs found
Perubahan Perilaku Maladaptif dengan Jadwal Terstruktur pada Anak Autisme
This research aimed at discovering the maladaptive bevavior change of the subject that is turning his/her head towards the window, leaving the seat to search the bee during the lesson after the child had been given the treatment using a structured schedule which fit to the peculiar characteristics of his/her maladaptive behavior objective. The research was conducted at SLB Tegar Harapan in Sleman (IY) as from June through Novemebr 2012. The research subject was an autistic child continuaously showing maladaptive behavior as mentioned before that made him not concentrate to rthe lesson. As a Single Subject Research with ABA design, this research applied obervation method to collect the data to be analyzed with simple technique. The findings showed in general the frequency of maladaptive behavior showed by the subject tent to decrease up to 1. Based on the findings, the research suggested to implement this method for other autistic children /more population to prove the effectiveness of the method
The Influence of Work from Home, Work Family Conflict and Role Ambiguity on Employee Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic
This research aims to find out and analyze the influence of work from home, work family conflict and ambiguity of the role of employee performance at PT X. This research was conducted at PT X. The population in this study is all employees of PT X. The number of samples used was 60 respondents using saturated sample techniques. The method used in this study is an associative method. The data analysis method uses Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that work from home had a negative and significant effect on employee performance at PT X. Work family conflict has a negative and significant effect on employee performance at PT X. Ambiguity of the role has a negative and significant effect on employee performance at PT X. Keywords: Work From Home, Work Family Conflict, Role Ambiguity, Employee Performance DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/85-05 Publication date:May 31st 2022
The Application of E-Module Based on Problem-Based Learning to Improve the Scientific Process Skill and to Reduce Misconceptionin the X MIA 2 Graders of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta
This research aimed to reduce misconception and improve the scientific process skill in the X MIA 2 graders of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta through the application of E-Module based on Problem-Based Learning. This study was a Classroom Action Research consisting of 2 cycles. Each cycle consisted of four stages: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The subject of research was the X MIA 2 graders of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta consisting of 42 students. Techniques of collecting data used were multiple choice test and observation to measured scientific process skill, open-ended reasoning of Two-Tier Diagnostic Test to measure misconseption, and interveiw as the proponent data related learning process. The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative technique consist of three component: data reduction, data presentation, and taking the conclusion. Data validation was carried out using triangulation method. Target of research was 20% to reduced misconseption and 30% to increased scientific process skill at the end of the cycle. The result of research showed that there was a decreased misconception in ecological concept: population of 51.31%, community of 43.73%, ecosystem of 39.36, and science, environment, technology and community (salingtemas) ecology of 54.33%. On the other side, the result of research also showes that there was an increased scientific process skill in all aspects: observing of 36.52%, categorizing of 19.95%, predicting of 32.92%, interpreting of 33.75%, measuring of 35.66%, communicating of 38.31%, designing experiment of 48.80%, experimenting of 41.38%, asking question of 31.02%, hypothesizing of 31.62%, and applying concept of 39.38%. The conclusion of this research describes that the application of E-Module based on Problem-Based Learning is able to reduce misconception and improve the scientific process skill among the students
Nilai Ekonomi Hutan Mangrove Di Desa Mojo Kecamatan Ulujami Kabupaten Pemalang
Kerusakan hutan mangrove di Indonesia sebagian besar diakibatkan oleh perbuatan manusia, baik berupa konservasi kawasan mangrove menjadi sarana pemanfaatan lain seperti pemukiman, industri, rekreasi dan lain sebagainya. Lemahnya pemahaman mengenai nilai khas dari jasa ekologi, menyebabkan Hutan ini sering kurang dihargai dan cenderung dikonversi ke penggunaan lain. Sehingga perlu dilakukan penilaian (valuasi) terhadap keberadaan Hutan mangrove dan pengaruh lingkungan bagi masyarakat Desa Mojo. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara ekonomi nilai manfaat langsung, manfaat tidak langsung dan nilai ekonomi total dari sumberdaya hutan mangrove di Desa Mojo, Kecamatan Ulujami, Kabupaten Pemalang. Metode yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Data yang dibutuhkan berupa data primer yang dilakukan dengan cara wawancara melalui kuesioner dan data skunder yang diperoleh dari instansi-instansi terkait di Kabupaten Pemalang. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan penilaian ekonomi menurut Ruitenbeek (1991). Nilai ekonomi manfaat langsung Hutan mangrove Desa Mojo, yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat setempat, meliputi: a) perikanan tangkap: pencari kepiting dan nelayan menggunakan perahu; dan b) perikanan budidaya: udang vaname, ikan bandeng dan kepiting soka. Diperoleh nilai ekonomi total manfaat langsung per tahun Rp200.364.004.000,00. Nilai ekonomi manfaat tidak langsung dari hutan mangrove Desa Mojo yang diestimasi melalui biaya pengganti, yaitu: a) sebagai penahan abrasi; b) pemecah gelombang; dan c) penyedia unsur hara diperoleh nilai total manfaat tidak langsung per tahun Rp18.953.232.310,00; dan nilai manfaat ekonomi total Hutan mangrove Desa Mojo yang diperoleh hanya dari sebagian jasa-jasa yang diambil dalam penelitian sebesar Rp219.410.973.910,00 per tahun dengan luas hutan mangrove 72 ha dan luas lahan tambak seluas 327 ha. Mangrove forest destruction in Indonesia is largely caused by human actions, either in the form of conservation of mangrove areas into other uses such as residential facilities, industry, recreation etc. Weak understanding of the typical value of ecological services, causing these forests are often undervalued and likely to be converted to another use. So that needs to be done appraisal (valuation) of the existence of mangrove forests and environmental effects for the community village of Mojo. The study aims to determine the economic value of direct benefits, indirect benefits and the total economic value of mangrove forest resources in the village of Mojo, District Ulujami, Pemalang. The method used is purposive sampling. Datas needed are primary data by interview with questionnaire and secondary data obtained from related institutions in Pemalang. Data analysis using economic valuation approaches according Ruitenbeek (1991). The economic value of the direct benefits of Mojo village's Mangrove, which utilized by local communities, including: a) fisheries: search crab and fishing boats; and b) aquaculture: vaname shrimp, fish and soft-shelled crabs. Retrieved total economic value of direct benefits annually is IDR 200.364.004.000,00. The value of indirect economic benefits of mangrove forests were estimated through the Mojo village replacement costs, namely: a) as a drag abrasion; b) breakwater; and c) providers of nutrient obtained total value of indirect benefits annually IDR 18.953.232.310,00; and the value of total economic benefits of Mojo village's mangrove obtained only from the majority of services that are taken in the study amounted IDR 219.410.973.910,00 annually with an area of 72 ha of mangrove forest and land area of pond area 327 ha
Peran Penyuluh Pertanian dalam Penggunaan Combine Harvester di Kecamatan Purbolinggo Kabupaten Lampung Timur
The use of Combine harvesters as an innovation in an effort to reduce yield loss does not always receive a good response. It is the job of the Agricultural Extension Officer, as a field implementer in the field of agriculture that is directly related, to devote all encouragement to farmers to be moved and able to change their way of thinking, work steps, and respond to innovation developments, especially the use of combine harvesters. The purpose of this research is to determine the role of agricultural extension workers in the use of combine harvesters. The research was conducted in Purbolinggo District, East Lampung Regency. The data in this study were taken in November 2021. The sample or respondents in this study consisted of 30 farmers in Purbolinggo District who were selected by purposive sampling. While the research method used is a survey, data analysis is done both descriptively and quantitatively. From the results of the research conducted, it shows that the role of agricultural extension workers as initiators, motivators, and facilitators is in the high category. In addition, there is a correlation between the role of the agricultural extension worker as an initiator, the role of the extension worker as a motivator, and the role of the worker as a facilitator on the quality, quantity of yield, time, cost, farmer's income, and environmental friendliness, except for the role of the extension worker as an initiator on the quality of the crops.Penggunaan Combine Harvester sebagai inovasi dalam upaya mengurangi kerugian kehilangan hasil tidak selalu mendapat tanggapan yang baik. Sudah menjadi tugas Penyuluh Pertanian, sebagai pelaksana lapangan di bidang pertanian yang berhubungan langsung dan mencurahkan segenap dorongan kepada petani agar tergerak dan dapat merubah cara berpikir, langkah kerja, dan menyikapi perkembangan inovasi khususnya penggunaan combine harvester.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran penyuluh pertanian dalam penggunaan combine harvester. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Purbolinggo Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Data pada penelitian ini telah diambil pada bulan November 2021. Sampel atau responden pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 30 orang petani di Kecamatan Purbolinggo yang dipilih dengan cara purposive sampling. Sedangkan metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah survey dan analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, menunjukkan bahwa peranan penyuluh pertanian sebagai inisiator, sebagai motivator dan sebagai fasilitator berada dalam kategori tinggi. Selain itu dijumpai adanya korelasi antara peran penyuluh pertanian sebagai inisiator, peran penyuluh sebagai motivator dan peran penyuluh fasilitator terhadap kualitas, kuantitas hasil, waktu, biaya, pendapatan petani dan keramahan lingkungan, kecuali peran penyuluh sebagai inisiator terhadap kualitas hasil tidak ada korelasi.
Kata kunci: Combine Harvester, Penyuluh Pertanian, Petan
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