91 research outputs found

    Intuitionistic λ-Regular closed sets

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    In this paper,  the interrelations among intuitionistic open set, intuitionistic regular open set, intuitionistic β open set and intuitionistic semi open set are studied with the necessary counter examples. Also a new class of intuitionistic  closed sets namely intuitionistic λ-closed set, intuitionitic l-regular closed set, intuitionistic λ-β closed set and intuitionistic λ-semi closed set are introduced in intuitionistic topological spaces and investigated their properties

    Some Numerical Examples on the Stability of Fractional Linear Dynamical Systems

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    The concept of stability of a class of fractional-order linear system is considered in this paper. Existing sufficient conditions are assumed to guarantee the stability of linear models with the Caputo fractional derivatives. The results have been developed by using the concept of Laplace transform, and approximations of Mittag-Leffler.  Furthermore, results concerning asymptotical stability of linear fractional-order models are also achieved. The proposed method is based upon Eigen values and the characteristic polynomials. Numerical illustrations are specified to exhibit effectiveness of the proposed method

    Maternal and fetal outcome among gestational diabetes mellitus mothers treated at a tertiary care maternity hospital

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    Background: Incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in India is alarming. The present study was designed to determine the association between the maternal and fetal outcome with the blood sugar control status at the time of delivery. Methods: It was an analytical follow up study that included 180 antenatal women who met the criteria for GDM with singleton pregnancy irrespective of age, gestational period, parity were included into the study. Those with pre-existing diabetes mellitus, scarred uterus, multiple pregnancy, chronic medical disease and ante partum hemorrhage were excluded. Based on the blood sugar level at the time of delivery GDM mothers were classified into four groups excellent control, optimal control, poor control and no control group. The maternal and fetal outcomes were compared between groups. Results: Nearly 7500 antenatal women were screened and 198 eligible GDM women were selected. Of which 180 cases were successfully completed the follow up. Among the 180 cases of GDM, 74 (41.1%) were in excellent control group, 40 (22.2%) under optimal control, 41 (22.8%) belonged to poor control and 25 (13.8%) were not controlled at the time of delivery. There was statistically significant positive association between poor glycemic control and bad maternal and fetal outcome. Conclusions: Bad maternal and fetal outcomes were statistically higher among mothers with poor and no glycemic control. Strict glycemic control during antenatal period is mandate to avoid bad outcomes. Neonatal care center needs to be well equipped where GDM mothers seek care for delivery

    Comparison of Dexmeditomidine Combined with Propofol Versus Fentanyl Combined with Propofol for Laryngeal mask airway Insertion in Elective Surgeries Performed Under GA: A Randomized Trial

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS : Laryngeal mask airway is the most commonly used Supraglottic airway devices for short surgical procedures performed under general anaesthesia. LMA insertion needs adequate mouth opening and suppression of upper airway reflexes for its proper placement.Dexmedetomidine is the selective alpha 2 agonist with both anaesthetic and analgesic properties. Here in this study, we decided to compare the efficacy of Propofol combined either with dexmedetomidine or fentanyl in providing good insertion conditions for laryngeal mask airway. MATERIALS AND METHODS : This was a prospective,double blinded randomised control study conducted at Mahatma Gandhi memorial hospital, Trichy during the period of April 2015 – April 2016.The total sample size was 60 which included 2 groups ,Group Fp - Propofol with fentanyl (30) and GroupDp - Propofol with Dexmedetomidine (30).Patients of ASA category I-II of age 18-60 years with weight 30-70 kg and MPC Category I-IUndergoing elective superficial surgeries under GA were included in the study. . After preoxygenationand premedication, Group Fp received 2 microgram/kg of Inj. Fentanyl in 100ml of normal saline over 10 minutes and Group Dp received 1 microgram/kg of Inj. Dexmedetomidine in 100 ml of NS over 10 minutes. After 3 minutes, Inj. Propofol 2 mg/kg was given to both the groups. 90 seconds after propofol injection, the first attempt of LMA insertion was made and ease of insertion of LMA was assessed. The ease of insertion of LMA was assessed with 1. Jaw relaxation, 2. Coughing during LMA insertion, 3. Number of attempts,4.Adequacy of ventilation and 5.Incidence of complications.If the first attempt of LMA placement was failed in either of the groups, additional dose of Inj.Propofol 0.5mg/kg was given and second attempt of LMA insertion was made. Jaw relaxation grade >2, Coughing grade >2 and adequacy of ventilation of grade 3 were considered as failure in LMA placement. Pre and Post insertion hemodynamics were also noted. Statistical analysis of data was done using student t test for parametric data, and Chi-square test for non parametric data using SPSS software, version 21.0. RESULTS : Group Dp was found to be superior in terms of first attempt success rate than that of group Fp. In group Fp,out of 30 patients, LMA was inserted in the first attempt in 24 patients while in group Dp all the LMA insertions were made in the first attempt. Jaw relaxation, adequacy of ventilation and incidence of complications were all comparable between the two groups. Fall in systolic BP, diastolic BP and heart rate was more in group Dp when compared to group Fp. CONCLUSION : We concluded that Dexmedetomidine when combined with propofol provides better insertion conditions for laryngeal mask airway than that of fentanyl combined with propofol. However there was increased incidence of bradycardia and hypotension in dexmedetomidine group necessitating more usage of vasopressors


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    Objective: Anthracnose is one of the diseases of cucumber caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lagenarium. The enzymes of fungal melanin biosynthesis pathway act as a potential target for the synthetic fungicides. The present study aims to identify the rational phytochemical compound that exhibits inhibitory activity towards a key enzyme scytalone dehydratase (SCD) of melanin biosynthesis pathway. Methods: Phytochemical compounds with antifungal activity were screened from the conventionally used medicinal plants and docked with the target enzyme SCD. Results: The interaction amongst phytocompounds and the target SCD were evaluated. Five out of 20 compounds exhibited higher binding affinity compared to that of synthetic fungicide carpropamid. Conclusion: The current study revealed that the compounds exhibiting significant interaction with SCD might act as an efficient fungicide for the control of anthracnose disease of cucumber

    Ayurvedic herbal medicine and lead poisoning

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    Although the majority of published cases of lead poisoning come from occupational exposures, some traditional remedies may also contain toxic amounts of lead. Ayurveda is a system of traditional medicine that is native to India and is used in many parts of world as an alternative to standard treatment regimens. Here, we report the case of a 58-year-old woman who presented with abdominal pain, anemia, liver function abnormalities, and an elevated blood lead level. The patient was found to have been taking the Ayurvedic medicine Jambrulin prior to presentation. Chemical analysis of the medication showed high levels of lead. Following treatment with an oral chelating agent, the patient's symptoms resolved and laboratory abnormalities normalized. This case highlights the need for increased awareness that some Ayurvedic medicines may contain potentially harmful levels of heavy metals and people who use them are at risk of developing associated toxicities

    Automatic and Efficient Cleansing of Illustration Images in Web

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    The scope and nature of image data is crucial to understand and to determine the complexity of image search design. Interest in image retrieval has increased in large due to the rapid growth of the World Wide Web. There are huge number of high quality images for different image category available in web. When a search query is given, the information retrieval system gives us both relevant and irrelevant images to the users. In order to satisfy the requirement of the user and to give relevant details, there are many interactive and automatic methods that exists. The interactive methods are capable of building large collection of images with ground truth labels, but they depend heavily on human efforts. While Automatic methods leverage an object category model trained on text and visual features. The objective of this work is to review the works both interactive and automatic methods proposed for generating a large number of images for a specified object class


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    This paper presents the performance of PV-based embedded dual power source of SL quasi Z source inverter. The SL quasi Z source inverter with an embedded PV source and a dual power source (DPS) is injected into the system. The DPS helps the system to operate at an equilibrium state and stabilizes the entire system during PV power fluctuations. The design of the proposed system is carried out in MATLAB/Simulink environment. The control strategy with the PI controller is adopted. ESLQ Z source inverter with voltage boost method is employed with basic SPWM methodology will be suitable for IM drive applications. The system has the merit of a low inrush current that will protect and increase the life of switching devices. Finally, the study and simulation setup is validated by proving their good operating features. The proposed work is trustworthy that minimizes the total distortion factor, start-up inrush current with improved performanc


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    Introduction: In recent years, fungal infections are on the rise due to various predisposing factors such as long term administration of antibiotics, use of steroids, pulmonary tuberculosis, immunosuppressive drugs and HIV infection. When host resistance is lowered, these opportunistic fungi may become fatal. Candida albicans was the most important pathogen causing pulmonary candidiasis. In recent times, there is increase in incidence of non-albicans Candida. Identification to the species level becomes mandatory in the selection of appropriate antifungal agents. Aim: To find out the prevalence of Candida co-infection among pulmonary tuberculosis patients and to identify the species of Candida using CHROMagar. Materials & Methods: A total of 107 smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients were included in this study. Two consecutive sputum samples were collected and subjected to gram staining. Only those samples which showed pus cells with budding yeast cells and pseudohyphae in direct gram stain were cultured on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar (SDA) with gentamycin. The Candida grown was identified and speciated based on the color produced on CHROMagar Candida. Results: Out of 21 Candida isolates, 14 were C. albicans (66.7%), 2 were C. tropicalis (9.5%), 2 were C.krusei (9.5%), 2 were C. parapsilosis (9.5%) and one was C. glabrata (4.8%). Conclusion: The secondary fungal infections are associated with persistence of lung symptoms inspite of successful completion of antituberculous therapy. Hence adequate measures need to be taken for the early identification and treatment of these opportunistic infections. Keywords: Pulmonary tuberculosis, Candida albicans, non-albicans Candida, antifungal agent