47 research outputs found

    The Improvement of Indonesian Native Chicken; Estimation of Genetic Parameters, Response to Selection, and Disease Resistance Ability

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    Indonesia is a country rich of biological diversity, among which are the native chickens. Several clumps of chickens in Indonesia are the indigenous animal genetic resources which still need to be explored its potential as a producer of meat, eggs, and beautiful display. One on the top issues of native chickens is a tasty meat flavor. The people are more prefer to consume this type of chickens than that of commercially broiler chickens. Therefore, the demand for native chickens is always increasing year to year, while only a small portion of it has been met. In spite of having potency to be developed, native chickens has a major constraint in production and reproduction

    Implementasi Model Pbl (Problem Based Learning) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa

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    This research was aimed to improve the students' learning achievement and critical thinking ability through problem based learning (PBL) model, the method which was applied in this research was classroom action research. It consisted of two cycles and each cycle consisted of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The data was taken by giving the students test, it was in form of multiple choice test. The was used to know the students learning achievement to know students critical thinking, essay test was used. The finding of the research show that there was improvement from cycle to cycle. (1) at the first cycle: the percentage score of students mastery was 63.16% ; the mean score of the students critical thinking ability was 51.31 ; (2) at the second cycle : percentage score of the students mastery was 85% ; mean score of the students critical thinking ability was 72.08 and catagorized into critical and between 62.59 – 81.25. based on the finding, it can be concluded that problem based learning (PBL) model can improve the students learning achievement and critical thinking ability

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Aktif Berbasis Inkuiri (Abi) untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa

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    The purpose of this research was to develop an inquiry base active (IBA) learning model to develop students' critical thinking skills. Inquiry was chosen as the base for the development of the model, because according to Arends (2012) the inquiry learning model was developed for the purpose of how learners think, in this case including critical thinking. Elements of critical thinking skills developed, namely interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation and self-regulation. The IBA learning model was based on scientific inquiry activities, thus indirectly practicing scientific process skills on students. In general, the validator assessment of the developed learning model was valid with the score range 4 to 4.56. The conclusion of the validity test of this learning model was the inquiry based active learning model valid and proper to be used as a reference to develop the learning device and implemented / experimented to develop students' critical thinking skill

    Sistem Informasi Estimasi Potensi Tenaga Air Perncanaan Pembangkit Listrik di Kiayo Kalimantan Barat

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    Planning is the beginning of an activity. One of the activities of planning is to estimate the potential of hydropower in electricity generation planning. Because there is still any facility or information system tools that can assist in the calculation, calculations performed with the help of Excel tools. Planners must design and create a formula, the formula used manual input, print all the data and combine the print is to be able to meet the desired report. Gumbel method used in calculating the maximum rainfall perperiode, while for Melchior, Weduwen, and Hasper method used in the calculation of the maximum flood discharge perperiode. Alternative power generated is calculated based on water availability. The calculation is done to assist in the analysis of power plant construction location

    The Influence of Product Quality, Prices and Promotions on Interest in Buying Sri Sulastri's Batik

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    This study aims to determine the effect of product quality, price and promotion of buying interest in Sri Sulastri's Batik of Bantul Yogyakarta. Type of research that used was quantitative research with survey methods. Sample in research was 100 customers who visited the Sri Sulastri's Batik Bantul Yogyakarta. Collection data methods used a questionnaire. Data analysis used multiple linear regression test. The results of the analysis show, 1) the quality of the product has influential positive and significant effect on buying interest in Sri Sulastri's Batik Bantul Yogyakarta, 2) price has positive and significant effect on buying interest in Sri Sulastri's batik Bantul Yogyakarta, 3) promotion has a positive and significant effect on the interest in buying Sri Sulastri's batik Bantul Yogyakarta, 4) coefficient of determination (R2) obtained for 0.536, which means that 53.6% of the product quality, price and promotion variables explain the variance of interest in buying interest, the remaining 46.44% is explained by other variables.Conclusion that product quality, price and promotion have an effect on buying interest Sri Sulastri's Batik Bantul Yogyakarta. Keywords: product quality, price, promotion, buying interes

    Pemberian Campuran Trichokompos Dengan Abu Janjang Kelapa Sawit Di Medium Subsoil Ultisol Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Di Pembibitan Utama

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    This research aimed effect of Trichocompost with oil palm bunch ash mix giving in ultisol subsoil medium on oil palm's growth and to the effective dosage. The research was conducted fromJunetoSeptember 2015. The research was a factorial experiments using Completely Randomized Design (CRD),the factor consist of Trichocompost and oil palm bunch ash mixed (T) consisted of 5 levels, without Trichocompost and oil palm bunch ash giving (T0), 25 g/polybag Trichocompost and 16 g/polybag oil palm bunch ash (T1), 50 g/polybag Trichocompost and 20 g/polybag oil palm bunch ash (T2), 75 g/polybag Trichocompost and 24 g/polybag oil palm bunch ash (T3) and 100 g/polybag Trichocompost and 28 g/polybag oil palm bunch ash (T4). The result of the research showed that Trichocompost and oil palm bunch ash givingin ultisol subsoil medium has significantly affected on oil palm seedling's growth in main nursery. The application of 100 g/polybag Trichocompost with 28g/polybag oil palm bunch ash was effective in increasing plant height, leaf number, steam diameter, root volume, crown root ratio and plant dry weight

    Penyuluhan Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Bagi Warga Bangetayu Kulon Genuk Semarang Guna Mendukung Kota Layak Anak

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    ?é?á Bahasa adalah karakter. Bahasa yang santun mencerminkan pribadi yang santun. Pun sebaliknya. Pembiasan bahasa yang baik juga sangat mempengaruhi karakter seorang manusia. Dengan kata lain pemerolehan bahasa adalah proses bagaimana seseorang dapat berbahasa atau proses anak-anak pada umumnya memperoleh bahasa pertama. Pemerolehan bahasa pada anak usia dua sampai tiga tahun terjadi secara alamiah. Pemeroleh bahasa biasanya secara natural artinya pemerolehan bahasa yang terjadi secara alamiah tanpa disadari bahwa seorang anak tengah memperoleh bahasa, tetapi hanya sadar akan Kenyataan bahwa ia tengah menggunakan bahasa untuk berkomunikasi. Dalam penyuluhan ini, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah memberi penyuluhan dengan strategi kronologis. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan IbM ini adalah penyuluhan dan pendampingan. Materi yang diberikan meliputi: konsep berbahasa ?é?á ?é?á Indonesia yang Baik dan Benar, Kesantunan Berbahasa, Komunikasi Efektif, Keterampilan Berbicara. Tahap pertama ini, tim pengabdian memberikan materi dasar dan pendampingan yang mengarah pada pemahaman mitra untuk mengajarkan anak berkomunikasi berbahasa Indonesia yang baik dan santun. Setelah penyampaian materi tersebut dilakukan, peserta diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya dan praktik. Hasil dari kegiatan ini: (1) warga terampil berbahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar; (2) warga terampil menciptakan lingkungan bahasa yang ramah anak; (3) anak-anak memperoleh hak berbahasa yang baik dan santun. ?é?