35 research outputs found

    Analisa Struktur Gedung 8 Lantai dari Material Kayu terhadap Beban Gempa

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    Material kayu sebagai salah satu bahan konstruksi memiliki daya tarik tersendiri dari sudut pandang seni dan arsitektur, namun penggunaan material kayu sebagai bahan konstruksi memiliki keterbatasan, antara lain keterbatasan pada ketahanan serta kekuatan struktur jika dibandingkan dengan material struktur beton dan baja.Rekayasa material kayu yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan ketahanan dan kekuatan material kayu salah satunya dengan melakukan teknik laminasi beberapa jenis kayu yang dibuat per layer menjadi satu elemen struktur, yang dapat digunakan sebagai balok atau kolom pada satu rangkaian sistem struktur konstruksi bangunan kayu.Penelitian ini mengkaji perilaku struktur konstruksi bangunan kayu terhadap pembebanan gempa berupa deformasi struktur, periode getar, frekuensi natural serta kapasitas maksimum (jumlah lantai maksimum) yang dapat diterapkan pada struktur dengan material kayu

    Model Pembaharuan Dan Peran Kepala Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Smk)

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    One of way of increase quality of education at vocational middle education ladder in this case SMK is with renewal started at school level. Renewal key in this case is renewal speed in so many aspect in level of school. Head Of SMK must be able to create renewal swiftly according to industry world demand growing at full speed causing its (the school can yield graduate appropriate requirement stakeholder. This thing need to be done to pursue lag of progress in the field of industry which has exceeded education world. Writer intentionally adopts theory of relativity from Albert Einstein, that is: E = MC2 telling that every a period (objects) if it is made a change high speed, hence will yield a real large energy. In the formula speed becomes main key, that is velocity of light (3 x 108 per second) and the speed still be square so that speed required to become (9 x 1016 per second). The Concept in the actually theory can be implementation in education world to create renewal especially at SMK. Renewal at SMK needs a real speed height causing yields an actual model of which can be applied in solving vocational educational problems. Renewal model of SMK has characteristic as follows: speed in creating change and decision making together, accountability, transparency, innovation, creativity, vision and mission school, pays attention to requirement of member of school ( teacher, student, committee, and public around school), pays attention to requirement IT ( information technology), and relevancy with requirement stakeholder ( industrial world). Renewal model for expansion of SMK covers three main processes, that is a) ability of headmaster to create change and decision making with solve problem with speed which height based on by requirement stakeholder, b) The headmaster role in accountability, transparency, creation of innovation, and creativity, c) The renewal process of SMK must be adapted for religion values and Indonesian culture

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Surfaktan dan Permeabilitas pada Batuan Sandstone terhadap Perolehan Minyak dalam Proses Imbibisi (Laboratorium Study)

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    There are three levels in producing oil or natural gas: primary recovery where oil flows into the wellbore by itself; secondary recovery where oil flows with the help of water or gas injection; and tertiary recovery, commonly called Enhance Oil Recovery (EOR). Total recovery from one oil field is about 50% -60% of OOIP. With primary and secondary recovery 30% -40% can be obtained from OOIP, it is expected that the remaining 20% -30% can be taken with EOR. This study investigated EOR by injection of various surfactant concentrations at temperatures of 30°C and 80°C using brine with salinity of 10,000 ppm by imbibition. The aim of this research is to know the effect of surfactant concentration and salinity of the formation water on oil acquisition in relation to sandstone permeability, and to find out what level of concentration to the average permeability rate with temperature close to reservoir average temperature (80°C), can be obtained a minimal Sor so that RF (Recovery Factor) to be maximal. The methodology used is to measure: the physical properties of rocks and fluids (the solution used), the interface voltage and selected the best solution (the smallest interface voltage), and soaking the rock with Amot test glass. From this study, it can be concluded that the addition of concentration will decrease the density, but the addition of temperature will decrease the density and viscosity; the addition of the surfactant and temperature concentration will decrease the interface voltage until the CMC point is reached; good permeability and porosity may not produce good results when clay contamination is presen

    Preventing Radicalism: Islamic Moderation and Revitalization in the Border

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    The growing radical and extreme ideologies recently are not only a concern but also a threat to the social relations of harmony and human peace, including in the border region of Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan. It is important to spread moderate Islamic teaching to counter this extreme ideology to the people in the border region of Kapuas Hulu. This research examines the roles of religious leaders and religious institutions in disseminating moderate Islam in the border region of Kapuas Hulu to counter the growing influence of radical-extremism. This research employs a qualitative method and the data from field research is presented descriptively. This research shows that religious leaders and religious institutions exist in almost every sub-district in the border region. They teach messages of Islamic moderation that include four principles namely the concept of tawasuth-moderate, tawazun-equality, tasamuh-tolerant, and i`tidal. This principle must be strengthened as a foundation in behaving, acting, speaking, socializing, and living in the Indonesian nation and state. It is on these values and principles that religious leaders and religious institutions reinforce their role in preaching, guiding and fostering people in the border region

    Respon Struktur Portal Bidang Dua Tingkat Berperedam Eksternal Terhadap Beban Impact

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    Energy absorption due to the dynamic loads on the moment resisting frame structures often cause damage to elements of the structure. In this study, to minimize the damage that occurs in the moment resisting frame structures, than do the protection of structure such as the addition of additional mass as a external damper expected to give a better response to dynamic load, such as period of vibration shorter, and smaller displacement of structure.In this study conducted experimental studies and analytical portal structure without external damper and the external form of additional mass damper. In the laboratory experiment, the model given impact load. This simulation gives the output in the form of natural frequency, displacement, and the value of the damping ratio of the structure. The results of the study indicate that the external damping in the form of additional mass is not good enough to contribute to the change in natural frequency (fn), but quite effectively provide value changes damping ratio (ξ), the period of vibration (T), and the maximum displacement (δmax) of the structure

    Perbandingan Perancangan Sumur Resapan Air Hujan Menggunakan Metode Sunjoto Dan Sni 03-2453-2002 Pada Bangunan Komersial Di Jalan Kaliurang Km 12 Sleman Jogjakarta

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    Imbalance between suction and recharging of groundwater in Kampus Terpadu UII Yogyakarta triggers declined of free water level. The phenomenon can interfere ecosystem balance. Recharging wells are needed to maintain groundwater balance in the surrounding area of Kampus Terpadu UII.Infiltration data as primary data was obtained by using infiltrometer ring. Rainfall data as long as 10 years from narrow rainfall station was used to calculate 5-year return period of rainfall intensity. Both data was used to design recharging wall by using equation presented by Sunjoto method and SNI 03-2453-2002 method.The research results showed that the constant infiltration rate was 0,000017-0,000127 m/second. Circle recharging wells were selected for comparison of both methods effectiveness to collect rainfall run off. Diameter of recharging wall was 1 m, and well depth was 2,5 m. Analyses results showed that number of recharging well designed by using SNI 03-2453-2002 method was more than recharging well designed by using Sunjoto method. Utilization of recharging well can be used to maintain groundwater level. The recharging well can collect rainfall run off more than 98%

    Motivasi Ibu Hamil Untuk Melakukan Pemeriksaan Kehamilan

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    . Motive or motivation comes from the Latin word meaning moreve impetus from within human beings to act or behave. Prenatal care is care given to pregnant women on a regular basis to maintain the health of the mother and fetus. Antenatal care includes the correction of disorders and basic interventions. The aim of this study is to describe the motivation of pregnant women for antenatal care at the health center Wiradesa UPT Work Area Pekalongan. This research is a descriptive study design using cross-sectional study is research done by cross-sectional (one point in time) on the population or on a sample study, which is part of the population with the number of respondents and 93 samples using sampling techniques saturated. On the results of this study are mostly pregnant women who obtain high motivation to perform prenatal care as much as 53% of respondents and a small percentage of pregnant women who earn low motivation for antenatal 47% of respondents

    Hubungan Dukungan Tenaga Kesehatan Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Wanita Premenopause Dalam Menghadapi Sindrom Menopause

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    : Menopause is a transition period in a woman's life, which is characterized by the cessation of menstruation or menstruation. Menopausal women need support to deal with feelings of anxiety and stress as a result of the changes - changes that happened. Health personnel can provide support prevention and education, business and labor to hold the condition - stress condition will be more effective and dihargai.Penelitian aims to determine the relationship between the support of health workers with the anxiety levels in premenopausal women facing menopause syndrome. The study took place from May 27 to June 7, 2015. This type of research is descriptive correlative and using cross sectional design of the study, subjects of the study was premenopausal women who reside in the Village of East Kedungwuni as many as 176 people with techniques clutser sample. Data were analyzed using chi square test obtained value ρ = 0.001 so the conclusion: there is a relationship between support health workers with the level of anxiety in the face syndrome premenopausal women

    Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Stabilitas Fisik Dan Kimia Lotion Penumbuh Rambut Ekstrak Biji Kemiri (Aleurites Moluccana L. Willd.)

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    Ekstrak etanolik 70% biji kemiri dengan konsentrasi 5% dilaporkan memiliki aktivitas menumbuhkan rambut. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyimpanan terhadap stabilitas fisik dan kandungan flavonoid lotion penumbuh rambut ekstrak biji kemiri sehingga diperoleh suatu sediaan yang acceptable. Lotion dibuat dengan variasi konsentrasi xanthan gum 0,5% ; 1 % ; 1,5%. Pengukuran flavonoid dilakukan dengan metode densitometri . Hasil pengamatan stabilitas fisik yaitu daya lekat, viskositas, dan kadar flavonoid dianalisis secara statistik. Hasil orientasi formula, lotion dengan konsentrasi xanthan gum 1% adalah yang terbaik dengan daya lekat kurang dari 1 detik, viskositas tiap minggunya naik, dan tidak terjadi pemisahan. Tipe emulsi yang dihasilkan adalah o/w. Hasil densitometri menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penurunan kadar relatif flavonoid antara sebelum dan setelah penyimpanan namun berbeda tidak signifikan (α = 0,158)