67 research outputs found

    Sistema de consulta vía Web para el Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico

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    En este artículo se presenta un sistema de consulta vía Web que está siendo desarrollado para el Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico. Dicho sistema utiliza una arquitectura, basada en ontologías, para la consulta vía Web de Bibliotecas Digitales. Dicha arquitectura proporciona independencia física y lógica a la aplicación de consulta frente a la base de datos. La interfaz de usuario utiliza la estrategia del Lenguaje Natural Acotado (BNL), por lo que se garantiza la facilidad de su uso.CYCIT TEL99-0335-C04-02CYCIT TIC2000-1673-C06- 0

    Desarrollo de Webs interactivas con filosofía AJAX: El TRIVIAL.GZ

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    En este artículo se presenta la arquitectura y algunos detalles de la implementación de una aplicación Web (un juego virtual de tipo Trivial) que, sin el uso de ningún plug-in o applet, permite una gran interactividad entre los usuarios, hasta el punto de que estos tienen la percepción de comunicación entre ellos en tiempo real. La percepción de interactividad en tiempo real se consigue mediante una arquitectura especialmente diseñada que se apoya, además, en la filosofía de AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) para el intercambio de datos. Utilizando esta aproximación es posible desarrollar cualquier tipo de software colaborativo en Web con muy poca carga de trabajo para el servidor. En el articulo se analizan las arquitecturas tradicionales para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Web y se muestra cómo nuestro enfoque supera sus limitaciones. Además, se avala la eficacia de esta aproximación con los resultados de la valoración empírica realizada.We present in this paper the architecture and some implementation details of a web-based version of a Trivial game. Our implementation achieves such a high degree of interactivity between the players that they perceive the game as being played real-time. More importantly, no plug-in or applet is used in the architecture of the system. These properties are achieved by means of a carefully designed architecture that uses AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) for data exchange. Using this approach, it is possible to develop any type of web-based collaborative software with few load on the web server. In the paper, we analyze traditional architectures for web-based applications and we show how our approach overcomes their limitations. Furthermore, we proof the efficiency of our approach by means of an empirical comparison.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    BGWM as Second Constituent of Complex Matrix Model

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    Earlier we explained that partition functions of various matrix models can be constructed from that of the cubic Kontsevich model, which, therefore, becomes a basic elementary building block in "M-theory" of matrix models. However, the less topical complex matrix model appeared to be an exception: its decomposition involved not only the Kontsevich tau-function but also another constituent, which we now identify as the Brezin-Gross-Witten (BGW) partition function. The BGW tau-function can be represented either as a generating function of all unitary-matrix integrals or as a Kontsevich-Penner model with potential 1/X (instead of X^3 in the cubic Kontsevich model).Comment: 42 page

    Enabling agile web development through in-browser code generation and evaluation

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    Rapid evolution and flexibility are the key of modern web application development. Rapid Prototyping approaches try to facilitate evolution by reducing the time between the elicitation of a new requirement and the evaluation of a prototype by both developers and customers. Software generation, with disciplines such as Software Product Lines Engineering or Model Driven Engineering, favours the required flexibility for the development process. Nevertheless, each small change in the design of an application requires a full redeployment of complex environments in order to allow customers to test and evaluate the new configuration. In this work we present an approach that improves the development process reducing the complexity of deploying evaluation prototypes and enabling an agile development cycle. The approach can be applied using software generation and it is based on in-browser generation and evaluation. We also describe two real world tools that have integrated the proposed approach in their development cycle

    An annotated and critical glossary of the terminology of inclusion in healthcare and health research

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    yesThe importance of including members of the public has been accorded a significant position in health planning, service delivery and research. But this position masks a lack of clarity about terms that are used. This paper identifies terms that are in common use in the lexicon of community based involvement and engagement in health with the intention of clarifying meaning and thus reducing ambiguity. We define and distinguish between key terms related to inclusion, we consider the terminology attached to community processes and to the challenges of inclusion and we engage with the strengths and weaknesses of the commonly used metaphor of "a ladder of participation". We wish to contribute to the clear communication of intentions, challenges and achievements in pursuing varied forms of inclusion in health

    Note on MS. Glasgow Univ. Libr. V. 3. 5–6

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    Os sistemas de información xeográfica no turismo

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    Internet se ha convertido en uno de los lugares más populares para publicar y buscar casi cualquier tipo de información. En particular, la información turística ha ganado mucha atención en la red durante los últimos años, no sólo información sobre viajes, recursos, lugares, museos o monumentos, sino también sobre turismo cultural. En este artículo presentamos las posibilidades que ofrecen los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) en la publicación y acceso a información turística, a través de interfaces con capacidades de generación de mapas interactivos con información asociada a cada elemento de interés presentado en los mapas. Además, describimos como caso de estudio el Viaje Virtual de la Biblioteca Virtual Gallega (http://bvg.udc.es), un sistema accesible a través de la Web que, utilizando tecnologías SIG, permite acceder a cualquier información turística o cultural de Galicia de manera sencilla.The Internet has become one of the most popular places to publish and search for almost any type of information. In particular, tourist information has received much attention on the Internet over the past few years, not only information about travel, resources, places, museums or monuments, but also about cultural tourism. In this article we discuss the potential offered by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the publication of and access to tourist information, through interfaces capable of generating interactive maps with information associated with each element of interest shown in the maps. In addition, as a case study, we describe the Virtual Trip of the Galician Virtual Library (http://bvg.udc.es), an Internet-accessible system which makes it possible, using GIS technologies, to easily access any tourist or cultural information about Galicia.A internet converteuse nun dos lugares máis populares para publicar e buscar case calquera tipo de información. En particular, a información turística gañou moita atención na rede durante os últimos anos, e non só a información sobre viaxes, recursos, lugares, museos ou monumentos, senón tamén sobre turismo cultural. Neste artigo presentamos as posibilidades que ofrecen os sistemas de información xeográfica (SIX) para a publicación de información turística e o acceso a ela, a través de interfaces coa capacidade de xerar mapas interactivos que presenten información asociada a cada elemento de interese que apareza neles. Ademais, describimos como caso de estudo a viaxe virtual que se nos propón na Biblioteca Virtual Galega (http://bvg.udc.es), un sistema accesible a través da web que, por medio de tecnoloxías SIX, permite acceder a calquera información turística ou cultural de Galicia de xeito sinxelo