151 research outputs found

    First record of naturalization of Erechtites hieraciifolius (L.) Raf. ex DC. (Asteraceae) in Italy

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    The plant species Erechtites hieraciifolius (Asteraceae) is here reported for the first time in Italy as a naturalized neophyte in the Classical Karst. The species was observed in 2023 in post-fire forest areas burnt by wildfires in the summer 2022. The features of findings suggest for a naturalization of the species with putative invasive character. This novel occurrence highlights the need for additional research to better understand its colonization and expansion, suggesting the need of early eradication actions

    Pressure-induced polyamorphism in TiO2 nanoparticles

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    Machon, Denis Daniel, Marlene Pischedda, Vittoria Daniele, Stephane Bouvier, Pierre LeFloch, SylvieTwo different nanometric (6 nm) TiO2 compounds, anatase polycrystals and amorphous particles, were investigated under high pressure using Raman spectroscopy. Nanoanatase undergoes a pressure-induced amorphization. The pressure-induced transformations of this mechanically prepared amorphous state are compared with those of a chemically prepared amorphous particles. In the mechanically prepared amorphous state, a reversible transformation from a low-density amorphous state to high-density amorphous state (HDA1) is observed in the range 13-16 GPa. In the chemically prepared sample, a transformation to a new high-density amorphous state (HDA2) is observed at around 21 GPa. Further compression leads to the transformation HDA2 -> HDA1 at similar to 30 GPa. We demonstrate that depending on the starting amorphous material, the high-pressure polyamorphic transformations may differ. This observation indicates that pressure is a suited tool to discriminate between nanomaterials apparently similar at ambient conditions

    Trafficking of the glutamate transporter is impaired in LRRK2 related Parkinson's disease

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    The Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 2 (EAAT2) accounts for 80 % of brain glutamate clearance and is mainly expressed in astrocytic perisynaptic processes. EAAT2 function is finely regulated by endocytic events, recycling to the plasma membrane and degradation. Noteworthy, deficits in EAAT2 have been associated with neuronal excitotoxicity and neurodegeneration. In this study, we show that EAAT2 trafficking is impaired by the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) pathogenic variant G2019S, a common cause of late-onset familial Parkinson’s disease (PD). In LRRK2 G2019S human brains and experimental animal models, EAAT2 protein levels are significantly decreased, which is associated with elevated gliosis. The decreased expression of the transporter correlates with its reduced functionality in mouse LRRK2 G2019S purified astrocytic terminals and in Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing human LRRK2 G2019S. In Lrrk2 G2019S knockin mouse brain, the correct surface localization of the endogenous transporter is impaired, resulting in its interaction with a plethora of endo-vesicular proteins. Mechanistically, we report that pathogenic LRRK2 kinase activity delays the recycling of the transporter to the plasma membrane, causing its intracellular relocalization and degradation. Taken together, our results demonstrate that pathogenic LRRK2 interferes with the physiology of EAAT2, pointing to extracellular glutamate overload as a possible contributor to neurodegeneration in PD

    Pressure-induced amorphization and polyamorphism in one-dimensional single crystal TiO2 nanomaterials

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    The structural phase transitions of single crystal TiO2-B nanoribbons were investigated in-situ at high-pressure using the synchrotron X-ray diffraction and the Raman scattering. Our results have shown a pressure-induced amorphization (PIA) occurred in TiO2-B nanoribbons upon compression, resulting in a high density amorphous (HDA) form related to the baddeleyite structure. Upon decompression, the HDA form transforms to a low density amorphous (LDA) form while the samples still maintain their pristine nanoribbon shape. HRTEM imaging reveals that the LDA phase has an {\alpha}-PbO2 structure with short range order. We propose a homogeneous nucleation mechanism to explain the pressure-induced amorphous phase transitions in the TiO2-B nanoribbons. Our study demonstrates for the first time that PIA and polyamorphism occurred in the one-dimensional (1D) TiO2 nanomaterials and provides a new method for preparing 1D amorphous nanomaterials from crystalline nanomaterials.Comment: 4 figure

    Sex-biased expression of the TLR7 gene in severe COVID-19 patients: Insights from transcriptomics and epigenomics

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    This study received support from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII): GePEM (PI16/01478/Cofinanciado FEDER; A.S.), DIAVIR (DTS19/00049/Cofinanciado FEDER, A.S.), Resvi-Omics (PI19/01039/Cofinanciado FEDER, A.S.), Agencia Gallega de Innovación (GAIN): Grupos con Potential de Crecimiento (IN607B 2020/08, A.S.); Agencia Gallega para la Gestión del Conocimiento en Salud (ACIS): BI-BACVIR (PRIS-3, A.S.), and CovidPhy (SA 304C, A.S.); ReSVinext (PI16/01569/Cofinanciado FEDER, F.M.T.), Enterogen (PI19/01090/Cofinanciado FEDER, F.M.T.) and consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CB21/06/00103; F.M.T.); GEN-COVID (IN845D 2020/23, F.M-T.) and Grupos de Referencia Competitiva (IIN607A2021/05, F.M-T). The funders were not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article or the decision to submit it for publicationThere is abundant epidemiological data indicating that the incidence of severe cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is significantly higher in males than females worldwide. Moreover, genetic variation at the X-chromosome linked TLR7 gene has been associated with COVID-19 severity. It has been suggested that the sex-biased incidence of COVID-19 might be related to the fact that TLR7 escapes X-chromosome inactivation during early embryogenesis in females, thus encoding a doble dose of its gene product compared to males. We analyzed TLR7 expression in two acute phase cohorts of COVID-19 patients that used two different technological platforms, one of them in a multi-tissue context including saliva, nasal, and blood samples, and a third cohort that included different post-infection timepoints of long-COVID-19 patients. We additionally explored methylation patterns of TLR7 using epigenomic data from an independent cohort of COVID-19 patients stratified by severity and sex. In line with genome-wide association studies, we provide supportive evidence indicating that TLR7 has altered CpG methylation patterns and it is consistently downregulated in males compared to females in the most severe cases of COVID-19S

    The LRRK2 G2385R variant is a partial loss-of-function mutation that affects synaptic vesicle trafficking through altered protein interactions.

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    Mutations in the Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 gene (LRRK2) are associated with familial Parkinson's disease (PD). LRRK2 protein contains several functional domains, including protein-protein interaction domains at its N- and C-termini. In this study, we analyzed the functional features attributed to LRRK2 by its N- and C-terminal domains. We combined TIRF microscopy and synaptopHluorin assay to visualize synaptic vesicle trafficking. We found that N- and C-terminal domains have opposite impact on synaptic vesicle dynamics. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that different proteins are bound at the two extremities, namely \u3b23-Cav2.1 at N-terminus part and \u3b2-Actin and Synapsin I at C-terminus domain. A sequence variant (G2385R) harboured within the C-terminal WD40 domain increases the risk for PD. Complementary biochemical and imaging approaches revealed that the G2385R variant alters strength and quality of LRRK2 interactions and increases fusion of synaptic vesicles. Our data suggest that the G2385R variant behaves like a loss-of-function mutation that mimics activity-driven events. Impaired scaffolding capabilities of mutant LRRK2 resulting in perturbed vesicular trafficking may arise as a common pathophysiological denominator through which different LRRK2 pathological mutations cause diseas

    High pressure behavior of CsC8 graphite intercalation compound

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    International audienceThe high pressure phase diagram of CsC8 graphite intercalated compound has been investigated at ambient temperature up to 32 GPa. Combining X-ray and neutron diffraction, Raman and X- ray absorption spectroscopies, we report for the first time that CsC8, when pressurized, undergoes phase transitions around 2.0, 4.8 and 8 GPa. Possible candidate lattice structures and the transition mechanism involved are proposed. We show that the observed transitions involve the structural re- arrangement in the Cs sub-network while the distance between the graphitic layers is continuously reduced at least up to 8.9 GPa. Around 8 GPa, important modifications of signatures of the electronic structure measured by Raman and X-ray absorption spectroscopies evidence the onset of a new transition

    Imaging Oxygen Distribution in Marine Sediments. The Importance of Bioturbation and Sediment Heterogeneity

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    The influence of sediment oxygen heterogeneity, due to bioturbation, on diffusive oxygen flux was investigated. Laboratory experiments were carried out with 3 macrobenthic species presenting different bioturbation behaviour patterns:the polychaetes Nereis diversicolor and Nereis virens, both constructing ventilated galleries in the sediment column, and the gastropod Cyclope neritea, a burrowing species which does not build any structure. Oxygen two-dimensional distribution in sediments was quantified by means of the optical planar optode technique. Diffusive oxygen fluxes (mean and integrated) and a variability index were calculated on the captured oxygen images. All species increased sediment oxygen heterogeneity compared to the controls without animals. This was particularly noticeable with the polychaetes because of the construction of more or less complex burrows. Integrated diffusive oxygen flux increased with oxygen heterogeneity due to the production of interface available for solute exchanges between overlying water and sediments. This work shows that sediment heterogeneity is an important feature of the control of oxygen exchanges at the sediment–water interface

    Male × Female Interaction for a Pre-Copulatory Trait, but Not a Post-Copulatory Trait, among Cosmopolitan Populations of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Sexual coevolution occurs when changes in the phenotype of one sex select for changes in the other sex. We can identify the “footprint” of this coevolution by mating males and females from different populations and testing for a male-female genotype interaction for a trait associated with male (or female) performance. Here we mated male Drosophila melanogaster from five different continents with females from their own and different continents to test for a male-female interaction for mating speed, a pre-copulatory trait, and female reproductive investment, a post-copulatory trait. We found a strong male-female interaction for mating speed, consistent with previous studies using different populations, suggesting that the potential for sexual coevolution for this trait is present in this species. In contrast, we did not detect a male-female interaction for female reproductive investment. Although a male-female interaction for mating speed is compatible with the hypothesis of ongoing sexual coevolution, the nature of our experimental design is unable to exclude alternate explanations. Thus, the evolutionary mechanisms promoting male-female genotype interactions for pre-copulatory mating traits in D. melanogaster warrant further investigation