288 research outputs found

    Spectral variability in Swift and Chandra observations of the Ultraluminous source NGC 55 ULX1

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    NGC 55 ULX1 is a bright Ultraluminous X-ray source located 1.78 Mpc away. We analysed a sample of 20 Swift observations, taken between 2013 April and August, and two Chandra observations taken in 2001 September and 2004 June. We found only marginal hints of a limited number of dips in the light curve, previously reported to occur in this source, although the uncertainties due to the low counting statistics of the data are large. The Chandra and Swift spectra showed clearly spectral variability which resembles those observed in other ULXs. We can account for this spectral variability in terms of changes in both the normalization and intrinsic column density of a two-components model consisting of a blackbody (for the soft component) and a multicolour accretion disc (for the hard component). We discuss the possibility that strong outflows ejected by the disc are in part responsible for such spectral changes.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure; accepted to be published on MNRA

    Spectral analysis of SXP59.0 during its 2017 outburst and properties of the soft excess in X-ray binary pulsars

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    We report the results provided by the XMM-Newton observation of the X-ray binary pulsar SXP59.0 during its most recent outburst in April 2017. The source was detected at fXf_{\rm X}(0.2-12 keV) = 8×10−11\times 10^{-11} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1}, one of its highest flux levels reported to date. The measured pulse period was PspinP_{\rm spin} = 58.949(1) s, very similar to the periods measured in most of the previous observations. The pulsed emission was clearly detected over the whole energy range between 0.2 and 12 keV, but the pulse profile is energy dependent and the pulsed fraction increases as the energy increases. Although the time-averaged EPIC spectrum is dominated by a power-law component (with photon index Γ=0.76±0.01\Gamma = 0.76 \pm 0.01), the data show an evident soft excess, which can be described with the sum of a black-body and a hot thermal plasma component (with temperatures kTBB=171−14+11kT_{\rm BB} = 171^{+11}_{-14} eV and kTAPEC=1.09−0.09+0.16kT_{\rm APEC} = 1.09^{+0.16}_{-0.09} keV, respectively). Moreover, the EPIC and RGS spectra show narrow emission lines due to N, O, Ne, Mg, and Fe. The phase-resolved spectral analysis of the EPIC data shows that the flux of the black-body component varies with the pulse phase, while the plasma component is almost constant. We show that the black-body component can be attributed to the reprocessing of the primary emission by the optically thick material at the inner edge of the accretion disc, while the hot plasma component is due to a diffuse gas far from the accretion region and the narrow emission lines of the RGS spectrum are most probably due to photoionized matter around the accreting source.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Spectral analysis of IGR J01572-7259 during its 2016 outburst

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    We report on the results of the XMM−NewtonXMM-Newton observation of IGR J01572-7259 during its most recent outburst in 2016 May, the first since 2008. The source reached a flux f∼10−10f \sim 10^{-10} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1}, which allowed us to perform a detailed analysis of its timing and spectral properties. We obtained a pulse period PspinP_{\rm spin} = 11.58208(2) s. The pulse profile is double peaked and strongly energy dependent, as the second peak is prominent only at low energies and the pulsed fraction increases with energy. The main spectral component is a power-law model, but at low energies we also detected a soft thermal component, which can be described with either a blackbody or a hot plasma model. Both the EPIC and RGS spectra show several emission lines, which can be identified with the transition lines of ionized N, O, Ne, and Fe and cannot be described with a thermal emission model. The phase-resolved spectral analysis showed that the flux of both the soft excess and the emission lines vary with the pulse phase: the soft excess disappears in the first pulse and becomes significant only in the second, where also the Fe line is stronger. This variability is difficult to explain with emission from a hot plasma, while the reprocessing of the primary X-ray emission at the inner edge of the accretion disk provides a realiable scenario. On the other hand, the narrow emission lines can be due to the presence of photoionized matter around the accreting source.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Il progetto TN-1

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    Descrione hardware e software della scheda Transmission Node 1 (modulo della stazione sismica GAIA1), sua installazione ed utilizzo

    Il progetto TN-1

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    Spectral analysis of SMC X-2 during its 2015 outburst

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    We report on the results of Swift and XMM-Newton observations of SMC X-2 during its last outburst in 2015 October, the first one since 2000. The source reached a very high luminosity (L∼1038L \sim 10^{38} erg s−1^{-1}), which allowed us to perform a detailed analysis of its timing and spectral properties. We obtained a pulse period PspinP_{\rm spin} = 2.372267(5) s and a characterization of the pulse profile also at low energies. The main spectral component is a hard (Γ≃0\Gamma \simeq 0) power-law model with an exponential cut-off, but at low energies we detected also a soft (with kT ≃\simeq 0.15 keV) thermal component. Several emission lines can be observed at various energies. The identification of these features with the transition lines of highly ionized N, O, Ne, Si, and Fe suggests the presence of photoionized matter around the accreting source.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letter

    Enforcing Dirichlet boundary conditions in physics-informed neural networks and variational physics-informed neural networks

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    In this paper, we present and compare four methods to enforce Dirichlet boundary conditions in Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) and Variational Physics-Informed Neural Networks (VPINNs). Such conditions are usually imposed by adding penalization terms in the loss function and properly choosing the corresponding scaling coefficients; however, in practice, this requires an expensive tuning phase. We show through several numerical tests that modifying the output of the neural network to exactly match the prescribed values leads to more efficient and accurate solvers. The best results are achieved by exactly enforcing the Dirichlet boundary conditions by means of an approximate distance function. We also show that variationally imposing the Dirichlet boundary conditions via Nitsche's method leads to suboptimal solvers.Comment: 22 pages, 45 figure

    Behind the dust curtain: the spectacular case of GRB 160623A

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    We report on the X-ray dust-scattering features observed around the afterglow of the gamma ray burst GRB 160623A. With an XMM-Newton observation carried out ~2 days after the burst, we found evidence of at least six rings, with angular size expanding between ~2 and 9 arcmin, as expected for X-ray scattering of the prompt GRB emission by dust clouds in our Galaxy. From the expansion rate of the rings, we measured the distances of the dust layers with extraordinary precision: 528.1 +\- 1.2 pc, 679.2 +\- 1.9 pc, 789.0 +\- 2.8 pc, 952 +\- 5 pc, 1539 +\- 20 pc and 5079 +\- 64 pc. A spectral analysis of the ring spectra, based on an appropriate dust-scattering model (BARE-GR-B from Zubko et al. 2004}) and the estimated burst fluence, allowed us to derive the column density of the individual dust layers, which are in the range 7x10^20-1.5x10^22 cm^-2. The farthest dust-layer (i.e. the one responsible for the smallest ring) is also the one with the lowest column density and it is possibly very extended, indicating a diffuse dust region. The properties derived for the six dust-layers (distance, thickness, and optical depth) are generally in good agreement with independent information on the reddening along this line of sight and on the distribution of molecular and atomic gas.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in MNRA
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