23 research outputs found

    Evidence for a Role of Early Oestrogens in the Central Processing of Sexually Relevant Olfactory Cues in Female Mice

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    We previously found that female aromatase knockout (ArKO) mice showed less investigation of socially relevant odours as well as reduced sexual behaviour. We now ask whether these behavioural deficits might be due to an inadequate processing of odours in female ArKO mice. Therefore, we exposed female ArKO mice to same- and opposite-sex urinary odours and determined the expression of the immediate early gene c-Fos along the main and accessory olfactory projection pathways. We included ArKO males in the present study as we previously observed that they show female-typical detection thresholds of urinary odours, suggesting a role for perinatal oestrogens in these behavioural responses. No sex or genotype differences were observed in the olfactory bulb after urine exposure. By contrast, sex differences in c-Fos responses were observed in wild-type (WT) mice following exposure to male urine in the more central regions of the olfactory pathway; only WT females showed a significant Fos induction in the amygdala, central medial pre-optic area and ventromedial hypothalamus. However, ArKO females did not show a c-Fos response to male odours in the ventromedial hypothalamus, suggesting that the processing of male odours is affected in ArKO females and thus that oestrogens may be necessary for the development of neural responses to sexually relevant odours in female mice. By contrast, c-Fos responses to either male or oestrous female urine were very similar between ArKO and WT males, pointing to a central role of androgen vs. oestrogen signalling in the male circuits that control olfactory investigation and preferences

    The Smell of Age: Perception and Discrimination of Body Odors of Different Ages

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    Our natural body odor goes through several stages of age-dependent changes in chemical composition as we grow older. Similar changes have been reported for several animal species and are thought to facilitate age discrimination of an individual based on body odors, alone. We sought to determine whether humans are able to discriminate between body odor of humans of different ages. Body odors were sampled from three distinct age groups: Young (20–30 years old), Middle-age (45–55), and Old-age (75–95) individuals. Perceptual ratings and age discrimination performance were assessed in 41 young participants. There were significant differences in ratings of both intensity and pleasantness, where body odors from the Old-age group were rated as less intense and less unpleasant than body odors originating from Young and Middle-age donors. Participants were able to discriminate between age categories, with body odor from Old-age donors mediating the effect also after removing variance explained by intensity differences. Similarly, participants were able to correctly assign age labels to body odors originating from Old-age donors but not to body odors originating from other age groups. This experiment suggests that, akin to other animals, humans are able to discriminate age based on body odor alone and that this effect is mediated mainly by body odors emitted by individuals of old age

    Activational effects of estradiol and dihydrotestosterone on social recognition and the arginine-vasopressin immunoreactive system in male mice lacking a functional aromatase gene.

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    In rodents, parts of the arginine-vasopressin (AVP) neuronal system are sexually dimorphic with males having more AVP-immunoreactive cells/fibers than females. This neuropeptide neuronal system is highly sensitive to steroids and has been proposed to play an important role in the processing of olfactory cues critical to the establishment of a social memory. We demonstrate here that gonadally intact male aromatase knockout (ArKO) mice, which cannot aromatize androgens into estrogens due to a targeted mutation in the aromatase gene, showed severe deficits in social recognition as well as a reduced AVP-immunoreactivity in several brain regions. To determine whether this reduction is due to a lack of organizational or activational effects of estrogens, we assessed social recognition abilities and AVP-immunoreactivity in male ArKO and wild-type (WT) mice when treated with estradiol benzoate (EB) in association with dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP) in adulthood. Adult treatment with EB and DHTP restored social recognition abilities in castrated ArKO males since they showed normal female-oriented ultrasonic vocalizations and were able to recognize an unfamiliar female using a habituation-dishabituation paradigm. Furthermore, adult treatment also restored AVP-immunoreactivity in the lateral septum of ArKO males to levels observed in intact WT males. These results suggest that social recognition in adulthood and stimulation of AVP expression in the adult mouse forebrain depend predominantly on the estrogenic metabolite of testosterone. Furthermore, our results are in line with the idea that the organization of the AVP system may depend on androgen or sex chromosomes rather than estrogens

    Attraction thresholds and sex discrimination of urinary odorants in male and female aromatase knockout (ArKO) mice

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    We previously found that both male and female aromatase knockout (ArKO) mice, which cannot synthesize estrogens due to a targeted mutation of the aromatase gene, showed less investigation of volatile body odors from anesthetized conspecifics of both sexes in Y-maze tests. We now ask whether ArKO mice are in fact capable of discriminating between and/or responding to volatile odors. Using habituation/dishabituation tests, we found that gonadectomized ArKO and wild-type (WT) mice of both sexes, which were tested without any sex hormone replacement, reliably distinguished between undiluted volatile urinary odors of either adult males or estrous females versus deionized water as well as between these two urinary odors themselves. However, ArKO mice of both sexes were less motivated than WT controls to investigate same-sex odors when they were presented last in the sequence of stimuli. In a second experiment, we compared the ability of ArKO and WT mice to respond to decreasing concentrations of either male or female urinary odors. We found a clear-cut sex difference in urinary odor attraction thresholds among WT mice: WT males failed to respond to urine dilutions higher than 1:20 by volume, whereas WT females continued to respond to urine dilutions up to 1:80. Male ArKO mice resembled WT females in their ability to respond to lower concentrations of urinary odors, raising the possibility that the observed sex difference among WT mice in urine attraction thresholds results from the perinatal actions of estrogen in the male nervous system. Female ArKO mice failed to show significant dishabituation responses to two (1:20 and 1:80) dilutions of female urine, perhaps, again, because of a reduced motivation to investigate less salient, same-sex urinary odors. Previously observed deficits in the preference of ArKO male and female mice to approach volatile body odors from conspecifics of either sex cannot be attributed to an inability of ArKO subjects to discriminate these odors according to sex but instead may reflect a deficient motivation to approach same-sex odors, especially when their concentration is low

    Likovni pristopi in tehnike v nadrealizmu

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    peer reviewedBehavioral testing methods are described for determining whether female mice can discriminate between volatile urinary pheromones of conspecifics of the same vs. opposite sex and/or in different endocrine conditions, for determining sexual partner preference, for quantifying receptive (lordosis) behavior, and for monitoring the expression of male-typical mounting behavior in female mice

    Emission of volatile organic compounds from petunia flowers is facilitated by an ABC transporter

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    Plants synthesize a diversity of volatile molecules that are important for reproduction and defense, serve as practical products for humans, and influence atmospheric chemistry and climate. Despite progress in deciphering plant volatile biosynthesis, their release from the cell has been poorly understood. The default assumption has been that volatiles passively diffuse out of cells. By characterization of a Petunia hybrida adenosine triphosphate–binding cassette (ABC) transporter, PhABCG1, we demonstrate that passage of volatiles across the plasma membrane relies on active transport. PhABCG1 down-regulation by RNA interference results in decreased emission of volatiles, which accumulate to toxic levels in the plasma membrane. This study provides direct proof of a biologically mediated mechanism of volatile emission