524 research outputs found

    « Artistes ordinaires ? » Entretien avec Howard S. Becker

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    M.P. & G.B. : Pouvez-vous nous parler de l’origine de l’expression « musiciens de danse » dans Outsiders ? Qu’est-ce que cela signifiait Ă  l’époque ? H.S.B. : J’ai ajoutĂ© le complĂ©ment « de danse » au nom « musiciens » de maniĂšre Ă  faire la diffĂ©rence entre les gens dont je parlais et les autres musiciens qui jouaient dans d’autres contextes organisĂ©s Ă  la mĂȘme Ă©poque. Qui Ă©taient-ils ? J’en connaissais au moins quelques-uns. Par exemple, il y avait ceux qui adhĂ©raient au syndicat des musicie..

    “Ordinary Artists?” An Interview with Howard S. Becker

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    M.P. & G.B.: Could you tell us about the origin of the expression “dance musicians” in Outsiders? What did it mean at the time? H.S.B.: The reason I added the adjective “dance” to the noun “musicians” was to distinguish the people I was talking about from other kinds of musicians playing in other organized settings at the same period. Who were these others? I think I was probably quite aware of at least the following specialized groups who were in the musicians’ union but were not “my kind of..

    Studying changes in the practice of two teachers developing assessment for learning

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    This paper describes changes in the practice of two teachers, observed over an eighteen month period, who were participating in a study intended to support teachers in developing their use of assessment in support of learning. The design of the intervention allowed each teacher to choose for themselves which aspects of their practice to develop. Analysis of lesson observations, journal entries and interviews indicate that both teachers were keen to change their practice, but were concerned about the disruption to their established routines, and in particular about the potential for loss of control of their classes. Both teachers did effect significant changes in their classrooms, but these tended to be developments of existing preferred ways of working, rather than radical innovations. In conclusion, it is suggested that to be most effective, teacher professional development needs to be structured strongly enough to afford teacher growth, but flexible enough to allow different teachers to take their practice in different ways

    CompetĂȘncias profissionais de professores de matemĂĄtica do ensino mĂ©dio valorizadas por uma boa escola: a supremacia da cultura da performatividade

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    Este artigo apresenta alguns resultados de uma pesquisa realizada em uma escola que obteve um Ăłtimo desempenho no ENEM/2009. Os principais objetivos foram investigar e analisar quais competĂȘncias profissionais de professores de MatemĂĄtica do ensino mĂ©dio sĂŁo consideradas relevantes por essa instituição de ensino e qual a influĂȘncia da cultura da performatividade no trabalho desses docentes. Para isso, entrevistamos a coordenadora, a supervisora e os quatro professores do ensino mĂ©dio da instituição investigada. Verificamos que as competĂȘncias mais valorizadas sĂŁo influenciadas diretamente pela necessidade de obtenção de bons resultados em avaliaçÔes internas e externas. SĂŁo elas: administrar o tempo, manter-se atualizado quanto Ă s avaliaçÔes externas e relacionar-se bem com os alunos. TambĂ©m constatamos que boa parte das açÔes da equipe gestora consiste em alinhar o corpo docente, objetivando a aprovação de seus estudantes nos mais concorridos exames vestibulares do paĂ­s

    Antidoping programme and biological monitoring before and during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil.

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    BACKGROUND: The FIFA has implemented an important antidoping programme for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. AIM: To perform the analyses before and during the World Cup with biological monitoring of blood and urine samples. METHODS: All qualified players from the 32 teams participating in the World Cup were tested out-of-competition. During the World Cup, 2-8 players per match were tested. Over 1000 samples were collected in total and analysed in the WADA accredited Laboratory of Lausanne. RESULTS: The quality of the analyses was at the required level as described in the WADA technical documents. The urinary steroid profiles of the players were stable and consistent with previously published papers on football players. During the competition, amphetamine was detected in a sample collected on a player who had a therapeutic use exemption for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The blood passport data showed no significant difference in haemoglobin values between out-of-competition and postmatch samples. CONCLUSIONS: Logistical issues linked to biological samples collection, and the overseas shipment during the World Cup did not impair the quality of the analyses, especially when used as the biological passport of football players

    Fluorescent nanopigments: Quantitative assessment of their quantum yield

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    In the last few years, an intense research effort has focused on the synthesis of fluorescent nanopigments for functional inks, light harvesting, tagging, tracing, (bio)labeling, imaging, and lighting applications. Moreover, combined with dielectric matrices, these fluorescent nanoparticles may open the way to the realization of novel optophotonic devices. In particular, due to the large variety of available organic fluorescent dyes, their encapsulation into either an inorganic or an organic host is a very promising approach to synthesize a large palette of new fluorescent nanopigments. However, since the dye encapsulation may affect the fluorescence efficiency, measuring the quantum yield of fluorescent nanopigments is of paramount importance for the development of any connected application. In this article, we present a diffuse reflectance (DR) technique that enables the quantitative assessment of the quantum yield of fluorescent nanoparticles such as zeolite L nanocrystals and poly(methyl methacrylate) nanospheres both loaded with fluorescent perylene molecules. Our method is validated by measuring a well known fluorescence standard and by comparing the results obtained for a model zeolite nanopigment with those provided by an alternative DR technique. Reliable and reproducible quantum yield values are obtained for both low- and high-efficiency fluorescent nanoparticles. Our technique can thus enable systematic and quantitative studies that may yield an important insight in the mechanisms affecting the fluorescence efficiency of a large variety of nanopigments

    Presence of the Aphid, Chaetosiphon fragaefolii, on Strawberry in Argentina

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    Seasonal abundance of the strawberry aphid complex under different agronomic practices in the outskirts of La Plata, Argentina was studied on strawberry, Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne (Rosales: Rosaceae). Aphid densities were low in strawberry fields in which insecticides and fungicides were used. In addition to Aphis gossypii, Aphis fabae, Mysus persicae and Macrosiphum euphorbiae, the aphid, Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Aphididae), was recorded for the first time in this horticultural area. Life history and some demographic parameters were calculated for C. fragaefolii. The mean duration of nymphal stages was 10.44 days, the oviposition period was 11.8 days, and the mean number of nymph/female/day was 2.4 ± 0.3. Demographic parameters analyzed included the net reproductive rate Ro = 14.55 ± 0.096 nymph/female, generation time T=16.91 ± 0.035 days, and the intrinsic rate of increase rm = 0.158 ± (0.004). No parasites were found associated with C. fragaefolli. The pathogenic fungus, Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) was the main mortality factor. Although aphids are not the main pests in strawberry fields, C. fragaefolii can be a serious problem because it can transmit several virus diseases of strawberry. Greater knowledge of life history traits and mortality factors of this species is needed in order to design appropriate control strategies
