47 research outputs found

    SKIP controls lysosome positioning using a composite kinesin-1 heavy and light chain-binding domain

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    The molecular interplay between cargo recognition and regulation of the activity of the kinesin-1 microtubule motor is not well understood. Using the lysosome adaptor SKIP (also known as PLEKHM2) as model cargo, we show that the kinesin heavy chains (KHCs), in addition to the kinesin light chains (KLCs), can recognize tryptophanacidic- binding determinants on the cargo when presented in the context of an extended KHC-interacting domain. Mutational separation of KHC and KLC binding shows that both interactions are important for SKIP-kinesin-1 interaction in vitro and that KHC binding is important for lysosome transport in vivo. However, in the absence of KLCs, SKIP can only bind to KHC when autoinhibition is relieved, suggesting that the KLCs gate access to the KHCs. We propose a model whereby tryptophan-acidic cargo is first recognized by KLCs, resulting in destabilization of KHC autoinhibition. This primary event then makes accessible a second SKIP-binding site on the KHC C-terminal tail that is adjacent to the autoinhibitory IAK region. Thus, cargo recognition and concurrent activation of kinesin-1 proceed in hierarchical stepwise fashion driven by a dynamic network of inter- and intra-molecular interactions

    Structural basis for isoform-specific kinesin-1 recognition of Y-acidic cargo adaptors

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    The light chains (KLCs) of the heterotetrameric microtubule motor kinesin-1, that bind to cargo adaptor proteins and regulate its activity, have a capacity to recognize short peptides via their tetratricopeptide repeat domains (KLC TPR ). Here, using X-ray crystallography, we show how kinesin-1 recognizes a novel class of adaptor motifs that we call \u2018Y-acidic\u2019 (tyrosine flanked by acidic residues), in a KLC-isoform specific manner. Binding specificities of Y-acidic motifs (present in JIP1 and in TorsinA) to KLC1 TPR are distinct from those utilized for the recognition of W-acidic motifs found in adaptors that are KLC-isoform non-selective. However, a partial overlap on their receptor binding sites implies that adaptors relying on Y-acidic and W-acidic motifs must act independently. We propose a model to explain why these two classes of motifs that bind to the concave surface of KLC TPR with similar low micromolar affinity can exhibit different capacities to promote kinesin-1 activity

    Cytoskeletal protein kinases: titin and its relations in mechanosensing

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    Titin, the giant elastic ruler protein of striated muscle sarcomeres, contains a catalytic kinase domain related to a family of intrasterically regulated protein kinases. The most extensively studied member of this branch of the human kinome is the Ca2+–calmodulin (CaM)-regulated myosin light-chain kinases (MLCK). However, not all kinases of the MLCK branch are functional MLCKs, and about half lack a CaM binding site in their C-terminal autoinhibitory tail (AI). A unifying feature is their association with the cytoskeleton, mostly via actin and myosin filaments. Titin kinase, similar to its invertebrate analogue twitchin kinase and likely other “MLCKs”, is not Ca2+–calmodulin-activated. Recently, local protein unfolding of the C-terminal AI has emerged as a common mechanism in the activation of CaM kinases. Single-molecule data suggested that opening of the TK active site could also be achieved by mechanical unfolding of the AI. Mechanical modulation of catalytic activity might thus allow cytoskeletal signalling proteins to act as mechanosensors, creating feedback mechanisms between cytoskeletal tension and tension generation or cellular remodelling. Similar to other MLCK-like kinases like DRAK2 and DAPK1, TK is linked to protein turnover regulation via the autophagy/lysosomal system, suggesting the MLCK-like kinases have common functions beyond contraction regulation

    Structures of insect Imp-L2 suggest an alternative strategy for regulating the bioavailability of insulin-like hormones

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    The insulin/insulin-like growth factor signalling axis is an evolutionary ancient and highly conserved hormonal system involved in the regulation of metabolism, growth and lifespan in animals. Human insulin is stored in the pancreas, while insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is maintained in blood in complexes with IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP1–6). Insect insulin-like polypeptide binding proteins (IBPs) have been considered as IGFBP-like structural and functional homologues. Here, we report structures of the Drosophila IBP Imp-L2 in its free form and bound to Drosophila insulin-like peptide 5 and human IGF-1. Imp-L2 contains two immunoglobulin-like fold domains and its architecture is unrelated to human IGFBPs, suggesting a distinct strategy for bioavailability regulation of insulin-like hormones. Similar hormone binding modes may exist in other insect vectors, as the IBP sequences are highly conserved. Therefore, these findings may open research routes towards a rational interference of transmission of diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fevers

    Vision of the body modulates processing in primary somatosensory cortex

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    Viewing the body affects somatosensory processing, even when entirely non-informative about stimulation. While several studies have reported effects of viewing the body on cortical processing of touch and pain, the neural locus of this modulation remains unclear. We investigated whether seeing the body modulates processing in primary somatosensory cortex (SI) by measuring short-latency somatosensory evoked-potentials (SEPs) elicited by electrical stimulation of the median nerve while participants looked directly at their stimulated hand or at a non-hand object. Vision of the body produced a clear reduction of the P27 component of the SEP recorded over contralateral parietal channels, which is known to reflect processing in SI. These results provide the first direct evidence that seeing the body modulates processing in SI and demonstrate that vision can affect even the earliest stages of cortical somatosensory processing

    Implicit awareness in anosognosia for hemiplegia: unconscious interference without conscious re-representation.

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    Some patients with anosognosia for hemiplegia, i.e. apparent unawareness of hemiplegia, have been clinically observed to show \u2018tacit\u2019 or \u2018implicit\u2019 awareness of their deficits. Here we have experimentally examined whether implicit and explicit responses to the same deficit-related material can dissociate. Fourteen stroke patients with right hemisphere lesions and contralesional paralysis were tested for implicit and explicit responses to brief sentences with deficit-related themes. These responses were elicited using: (i) a verbal inhibition test in which patients had to inhibit completing each sentence with an automatic response (implicit task) and (ii) a rating procedure in which patients rated the self-relevance of the same sentences (explicit task). A group of anosognosic hemiplegic patients was significantly slower than a control group of aware hemiplegic patients in performing the inhibition task with deficit-related sentences than with other emotionally negative themes (relative to neutral themes). This occurred despite their explicit denial of the self-relevance of the former sentences. Individual patient analysis showed that six of the seven anosognosic patients significantly differed from the control group in this dissociation. Using lesion mapping procedures, we found that the lesions of the anosognosic patients differed from those of the \u2018aware\u2019 controls mainly by involving the anterior parts of the insula, inferior motor areas, basal ganglia structures, limbic structures and deep white matter. In contrast, the anosognosic patient without implicit awareness had more cortical lesions, mostly in frontal areas, including lateral premotor regions, and also in the parietal and occipital lobes. These results provide strong experimental support for a specific dissociation between implicit and explicit awareness of deficits. More generally, the combination of our behavioural and neural findings suggests that an explicit, affectively personalized sensorimotor awareness requires the re-representation of sensorimotor information in the insular cortex, with possible involvement of limbic areas and basal ganglia circuits. The delusional features of anosognosia for hemiplegia can be explained as a failure of this re-representation

    Finger recognition and gesture imitation in Gerstmann's Syndrome

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    We report the association between finger agnosia and gesture imitation deficits in a right-handed, righthemisphere damaged patient with Gerstmann’s syndrome (GS), a neuropsychological syndrome characterized by finger and toe agnosia, left–right disorientation and dyscalculia. No language deficits were found. The patient showed a gestural imitation deficit that specifically involved finger movements and postures. The association between finger recognition and imitation deficits suggests that both static and dynamic aspects of finger representations are impaired in GS. We suggest that GS is a disorder of body representation that involves hands and fingers, that is, the non-facial body parts most involved in social interaction

    Phenomenology and neural correlates of implicit and emergent motor awareness in patients with anosognosia for hemiplegia

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    Anosognosia for hemiplegia (AH) is characterized by a lack of awareness of motor disorders and appearsassociated with fronto-temporal-parietal damage. Neuropsychological evidence indicates that behavioralindices of residual forms of motor awareness may co-exist with explicit denial of impairment. Herewe explore whether the attempt by AH patients to perform an action may disclose residual forms ofmotor awareness and whether such forms are underpinned by different neural structures. Twelve hemiplegicpatients affected by AH were tested in tasks assessing: (i) implicit awareness (IA), indexed bydiscrepancies between verbal reports and actual motor behavior; (ii) emergent awareness (EA), indexedby increased verbal awareness induced by the attempt to perform actions. IA and EA were found in fiveand three patients, respectively. Lesion analysis indicates that while the lack of IA is associated with damageto subcortical white matter anterior to the basal ganglia, lack of EA is linked to damage to corticalregions including insulo-frontal, temporal and parietal structures. Our results indicate that deficits inexplicit and implicit awareness are associated with lesions involving different cortico\u2013subcortical structures.Moreover, the results show that the attempt to perform an action may ameliorate body awarenessdeficits and have implications for rehabilitation