43 research outputs found

    Husban Behavior in Pregnancy-Postpartum Care and Wife’s Reproductive Health

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    Background: In the process pregnancy-postpartum, the role of the husband is very important and necessary. It is highly expected for the husbands to accompany their wives, so that their wives can have healthy pregnancy which is later able to give birth a healthy baby and the mothers can survive. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to ïŹnd out the effect of husband’s knowledge regarding Antenatal Care (ANC) and Early High-Risk Detection, husband behavior in the pregnancy-postpartum care with reproductive health problems experienced by wife and to determine which variable that has the greatest effect among the three variables. Metohdes: This research is an analytical observation, carried out in the working area of Tinggede Health Center which includes 3 villages namely Sunju, Tinggede and South Tinggede the research target is all husbands who have pregnant wife (second pregnancy) and have children under two years old with a total of 180 husbands. The survey was carried out on 180 husbands. Data collection is carried out through interviews, observations and FGDs. Data analysis technique with Chi Square value test (p <0.05). Results: The results showed that the level of husband’s knowledge about Antenatal Care and early detection of high risk was low, 58.88% and 56.66%, respectively. Husband behavior in pregnancy care was also categorized as less healthy/bad, i.e., 55.55%, and the prevalence of wife’s respondents who experienced reproductive health problems was 57.7%. Husband’s knowledge about ANC, early detection of high-risk pregnancy, and husband behavior in pregnancy care had a signiïŹcant relationship to reproductive health problems (p<0.05). The highest frequency of husband’s participation in the pregnancy-postpartum care is making referrals to the healthcare facilities by 79%, Husband behavior in pregnancy care has the greatest effect on maternal reproductive health problems with a P value = 0.001. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the husband’sknowledgeregardingANCandearlydetectionofpregnancyandpostpartum periodhasaneffectonmaternalreproductivehealthinSigiRegency, CentralSulawesi. It’s expected that the development of models for improving husband’s Information, AdvocacyandCommunication(IAC)of reproductive health could be a preventive effort in improving women’s reproductive health

    The Roles of Parents and Peer Friends on Adolescent Premarital Sex Behavior in High School Students of Buol District

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    Background: Most adolescents or teens consider premarital sex behavior is a common and normal activity to do. Parents less able to communicate with their children will provoke conflicts in parents-children relationship and this may lead to impacts on premarital sex behavior in adolescents. Peer friends are also a source of information about sex that is quite significant in the shaping of adolescent knowledge, attitude and sexual behavior. However, information from peers may lead to negative impacts in adolescents such as premarital sex. This activity can lead to unwanted pregnancy, STIs, abortion and school dropouts.Objective: To determine the relationship between the roles of parents and peers in adolescent premarital sexual behavior in SMAN 1, SMA 2, SMK 1 and MAN in Buol.Methods: This study was observational with a cross-sectional design using quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study was held in SMAN 1, SMAN 2, SMK 1 and MAN of Buol District in Central Sulawesi with 192 adolescent as the research subjects. In-depth interviews were done to four selected informants.Result and Discussion: The results of bivariate analysis showed a significant relationship between the roles of parents and peers in adolescent premarital sexual behavior. Adolescents with low reproductive health information than that of parents have 2 times higher chance to perform high-risk sexual behaviors than adolescents with high reproductive health information than their parents. Adolescents with peers who give bad influence have a 5 times higher risk sexual behavior than teens with peers whose negative influence is lower. The results of this study also showed that there is a relationship between the influence of religiosity and pornographic media associated with high risk sexual behaviorConclusion: High-risk sexual behavior in adolescents is influenced by the parents’ role, poor informations on reproductive health high bad influence from peers is, low religiosity and exposure to pornographic media.Keywords: role of parents, peers, premarital sexual behavio

    Determinants of Early - Age Marriage in Adolescent Women

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    Kinovaro Sub-District has a high percentage early-age marriage with a percentage of Couples of Reproductive Age (CRA) under 20 years as many as 4.39%. In Doda Village, Kinovaro Sub-District is the highest number of early-age marriage of 22 people in 2015. This study aimed determine the relationship parental education level, economic status of parents, adolescent education level, adolescent knowledge, social interaction, and religion toward early-age marriage event. The study used a mixed method that combined quantitative and qualitative research. A total population of 32 respondents and sampling used total sampling technique. Statistical analysis used Chi-Square test and descriptive. The results showed that the variables had significant relationship with the early-age marriage were the economic status of parents (p = 0.001), adolescent education level (p = 0.000), and adolescent knowledge (p = 0.026), while the parental education level was not has a significant relationship with early-age marriage (p = 1.000). In ancient times, early-age marriage occurred because of matchmaking culture. But there has been a shift in early-age marriage culture, occurred the desire of adolescent women marriage (already loved each other) and avoid adultery. Based the results, it can concluded that the economic status of parents, the level education and level knowledge, already loved each other and avoid adultery becomes the determinant of early-age marriage in adolescent women in Doda Village

    Stato energetico e capacit\ue0 antiossidante in semi recalcitranti di leccio (Quercus ilex L.) conservati in sacchetti di polietilene.

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    Il leccio (Quercus ilex L.) costituisce una tipica specie recalcitrante dell\u2019area mediterranea che si caratterizza per una debole dormienza e per una spiccata sensibilit\ue0 alla disidratazione nei semi. Per descrivere e comprendere meglio i meccanismi fisiologici e biochimici che sottostanno a queste peculiarit\ue0, sono stati misurati nel corso della conservazione alcuni parametri tecnologici e biologici. I semi, mantenuti in condizioni di elevata umidit\ue0 e bassa temperatura, sono stati conservati secondo le usuali metodiche in bidoni riempiti con torba umida per un intero anno. Tale modalit\ue0 \ue8 stata confrontata con una soluzione che prevedeva l\u2019uso di sacchetti in polietilene. L\u2019accorgimento adottato ha consentito di mantenere un livello accettabile di germinazione per un periodo superiore di circa 3 mesi rispetto al controllo e di rallentare il deterioramento del seme grazie a un miglior controllo dei danni provocati dal metabolismo ossidativo. La barriera costituita dal film plastico ha infatti limitato gli scambi gassosi, prevenendo le alterazioni dovute a una respirazione troppo elevata e alla liberazione di H2O2. L\u2019ambiente ipossico ha mantenuto un miglior equilibrio ossidoriduttivo, preservando il contenuto di glutatione ridotto e di ATP. La conservazione nei sacchetti ha inoltre favorito l\u2019accumulo di etilene nell\u2019atmosfera di stoccaggio e ha abbassato le attivit\ue0 metaboliche dei semi, nonostante il loro intrinseco stato di debole dormienza. Un\u2019appropriata modulazione di questi fattori biologici potrebbe consentire il prolungamento del periodo di conservazione in semi recalcitranti