46 research outputs found

    Marginal Strength of Collarless Metal Ceramic Crown

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    Metal ceramic restorations have been implicated for the discoloration in area of labiogingivalmargin. Attempts to rectify this, by altering the design of metal frameworkswill lead to decrease in fracture strength atmargin. This in vitro study compared the fracture strength at margins of metal ceramic crowns cemented to metal tooth analogs. Crowns evaluated with different marginal configurations, shoulder and shoulder bevel with 0 mm, 0.5 mm, 1 mm, and 1.5 mm, were selected. Methods. Maxillary right canine typhodont tooth was prepared to receive a metal ceramic crown with shoulder margin. This was duplicated to get 20 metal teeth analogs. Then the same tooth was reprepared to get shoulder bevel configuration. These crowns were then cemented onmetal teeth analogs and tested for fracture strength atmargin on an Instron testing machine. A progressive compressive load was applied using 6.3 mm diameter rod with crosshead speed of 2.5 mm per minute. Statisticaly analysis was performed with ANOVA, Student's “t” test and “f” test. Results. The fracture strength of collarless metal ceramic crowns under study exceeded the normal biting force. Therefore it can be suggested that collarless metal ceramic crowns with shoulder or shoulder bevel margins up to 1.5 mm framework reduction may be indicated for anteriormetal ceramic restorations. Significance. k Collarless metal ceramic crowns have proved to be successful for anterior fixed restorations. Hence, it may be subjected to more clinical trials

    A Survey on Cyber Security for Smart Grid Networks

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    Smart grid is a electrical grid in which power generation units, transmission units, distribution units and electricity consumers are connected using advanced communication and information technologies. It is a new form of next generation power grid. Most of the countries across the globe are transforming their existing electrical grids to smart grid and hence smart grid technology is progressing worldwide. Smart grid provides a bi-directional flow of electricity and information from generation to transmission to distribution and hence more exposed to attacks. Many advanced communication technologies have been identified for smart grid usages. A secure communication infrastructure is a critical component of smart grid systems. Success of smart grids highly depends on secure communication network. Thus cyber security of smart grid networks is very important. In this paper, we summarize the cyber security threats, possible vulnerabilities and existing standards and solutions available for cyber security in smart grids networks based on the available reference material. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15050

    A Survey on Efficient Life Detection System Using Microwave Signal

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    Thousands of persons killed as a reason behind earthquake. The on top of words is not the headlines of the newspaper, however, such news come back once the disaster destroyed the sector. The disaster within the big apple town at ‘World Trade Center’ claimed lives of quite 5000 individuals. It absolutely was aforementioned if survivors have been found and rescue earlier the numbers of victims are lower. There is without stopping to the amount of lives lost because the results of such disasters as landslides, folded tunnels and avalanches. The microwave life detection system is developed for the search and rescue of victims at bay underneath the dust of folded building throughout the earthquake or different disasters. The projected system utilizes L-band frequency that is ready to notice metabolic process and heart fluctuations. The operation principle relies on physicist frequency shift of the radiation mirrored from the buried victim. The schematic diagram of microwave Transmitting/Receiving (T/R) and litter cancellation scheme square measure enclosed during this report. During this report varied components of a microwave life detection system like antenna, directional mechanical device, and splitter has been mentioned. By advent of this technique the planet death rate as a reason behind an earthquake might decrease to larger extent

    Monitoring of hepatitis B virus surface antigen escape mutations and concomitant nucleostide analog resistance mutations in patients with chronic hepatitis B

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    Background: In hepatitis B virus (HBV), reverse transcriptase (RT) region of the polymerase P gene and surface S gene (HBsAg) are largely overlapped. Mutations in surface S gene may cause escape variants. In the present study, we aimed to study the prevalence and pattern of the typical HBsAg escape mutations and concomitant nucleos(t)ide analogue resistance mutation patterns in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in Indian population.Methods: The present observational study was carried out from January 2021 to June 2022 with 156 known cases of CHB infection. Hepatitis B viral load quantitation was done followed by HBV genotyping and drug resistance detection by PCR and sequencing.Results: Out of 156 cases of CHB, HBsAg escape mutations were found in 50 (32.05%) patients. Genotype D was predominant (90%). Median viral load was 4.43×105 copies/ml. Total 128 HBsAg escape mutations of 46 different patterns were observed with overall prevalence of 29.49% (46/156) in CHB infected patients. The most common substitutions were sP127T (16.67%), sA128V (14.74%), sR122K (5.13%), sY134N (3.85%), sK141R (2.56%), sS143L (2.56%) and sT126INST (1.92%). Concomitant RT mutations were detected in 20 (40%) patients. Total 68 (43.59%) RT mutations of 18 different mutation characteristics were found conferring possible or confirmed resistance to nucleos(t)ide analogues.Conclusions: The emergence of drugs resistant mutants with alteration in ‘aa’ determinant of the S protein is of some concern. The development of novel nucleos(t)ide analogues with a high barrier to resistance is warranted.  National surveillance networks should be set up

    To study the efficacy of Mustadi Churna in Pandu Roga w.s.r. Haemoglobin percentage

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    Pandu is the disease which is described by all major classical texts of Ayurveda. As per Ayurvedic text in Pandu Roga the color of body look like polen grain of Ketki flower. Due to its similarity we can correlate Pandu Roga with modern science anaemia disease. Rasavaha and Raktavaha Strotasa are commonly involved in pathogenesis of Pandu Roga. Pandu if not treated properly can bring serious consequences to our health. Different Kalpas were described in Ayurved Samhitas for the treatment of Pandu Roga. In present study we use Mustadi Churna in the treatment of Pandu Roga and assess its efficacy

    Zeta Potential as a Diagnostic Tool to Determine the Angina Risk

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    Red blood cells (RBCs) moving in circulation are continuously exposed to the reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are circulating within the vascular system of body. The objective of the study is to determine the erythrocyte zeta potential and its morphological changes caused by oxidative stress in hypertensive patients in relation to the risk of development of cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction). In this retrospective study, we investigated 186 samples, which include hypertension patients (n = 64), myocardial infarction patients (n = 52), treated myocardial infarction patients (n = 20), and normal healthy volunteers (n = 50). Morphological and electrochemical characteristics of RBCs in patients were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and zeta potential study. These parameters were also statistically analyzed applying one way ANNOVA (Tukey’s comparison) using Graph Pad. Statistical analyses of data showed that Hypertensive (ZP-16.06 mV) and cardiac patients (ZP-9.94 mV) RBCs possessed significantly reduced zeta potential relative to that of RBCs from healthy individuals (ZP-23.39 mV) (P-value <0.0001). Microscopic imaging of Hypertensive RBCs revealed increased anisocytes and poikilocytes. These parameters were found exacerbated in patients suffering from Myocardial infarction. Hence, it can be concluded that ZP can be used as an effective diagnostic tool for detection of hypertension associated cardiovascular disorder risk


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    Nasal drug delivery has now been recognized as a very promising route for delivery of therapeutic compounds including biopharmaceuticals. This route is also advisable for drugs undergoing extensive first pass effect. The present article highlights the evaluation parameters of nasal spray, suspension, and solutions. While formulating the nasal drug delivery formulations various parameters are to be consider such as Appearance, Color, and Clarity, Identification, Drug content (Assay), Impurities and Degradation Products, Preservative(s) and Stabilizing Excipient(s) Assay, Pump Delivery, Spray content uniformity, Spray Content Uniformity (SCU) through Container Life, Spray Pattern and Plume Geometry, Droplet Size Distribution, Particle size distribution (suspension),  Microscopic Evaluation (Suspensions), Foreign Particulates,  Microbial limit,  Preservative Effectiveness, Net Content and Weight Loss (Stability), Leachables (Stability), PH, Osmolality.   Key words: Nasal spray, Evaluation, Quality control, Drug delivery system

    Colour matching on wool using natural and synthetic dyes

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    303-308Wool fabric samples were dyed using natural dyes and mordants singly and in their binary mixtures. Computer colour matching system was used to evaluate these dyeings and generate matching dyeing recipes for synthetic trichromatic acid dyes which are ecofriendly. After dyeing with acid dyes, the natural dyed and acid dyed samples were evaluated for colour differences and it has been observed that in almost all cases, good matchings are observed for the natural dyed wool samples. This indicates that selective classes of synthetic dyes, which exhaust to higher levels and have proven non-toxicity, could be used with due concern to ecology and economy

    Microsoft Word - 3.ISCA-RJCITS-2013-005

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    Abstract As popularity of web increases, millions of people use search engines to discover information. But search engine users are interested only in top few result pages. So promoting a website in search engine result is a major task in website development. Search engine optimization (SEO) is to complete this work. But sometimes black hat SEO techniques are used which mislead the search engine and increase page ranking higher than deserved in search engine results. This paper present feature of search engine page rank algorithms, SEO techniques and black hat SEO techniques. Keywords: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Black Hat SEO, Page Rank. Introduction Now a day, the enormous content of the Internet has made it difficult to find relevant information on a subject. Methods helping retrieving information have become particularly important 1 . So search engine becomes an integral part of everyone&apos;s life to search information. We rely on search engines to provide us right information at right time. To satisfy users need search engine must find and filter most relevant information matching a user query and display that information to the user. If search engine fairly judge quality and relevance of every page and return high quality pages to user then &quot;search-engine-bias&quot; may not be a significant problem 2 . But unfortunately, quality of page is very subjective assumption and difficult to measure in real life. Major search engine like Google rely on page rank to measure quality of page 3 . Higher page rank value indicates website is very popular The goal is to provide reference for the developers of websites in their search engine optimization. Search Engine Algorithm Page Rank (PR): Page Rank is an algorithm in which a numerical weight is assign to a webpage according to its relative importance. It uses incoming link information to assign global importance score to all pages on the web. Number of incoming links from quality sites measures the popularity of a page. It is based on quantity and quality of both inbound and outbound links. Pages which have higher rank are most important and it has chances to be listed on search engine&apos;s top result list. Page rank value is divided into levels 1-10 of which 10 represent higher PR value means that page is more popular while page rank value 1 means page is not popular. The web page which got position among first 25 top results, PR value should be 6 or above 6 . Suppose t 1 ,t 2 ..t n are pages linking to page A then Page-A has its PR value as follows: Where d is damping coefficient, usually its value is 0.85. PR(t 1 )...PR(t n ) is page t 1 to t n page rank value, C(t i ) means number of outgoing links page t i . PR(t i )/C(t i ) means page t i &apos;s contribution to page A&apos;s PR value 2 . HillTop Algorithm: When a query is given, HillTop first compute list of most relevant experts on the query topic. Then identify relevant links within the selected set of experts and follow them to identify target web pages. According to number and relevance of non-affiliated experts that point to them, target pages are ranked. So the score of a target page reflects the collective opinion of the best independent experts on the query Thus, we compute the score of an expert. Let k be the number of terms in the input query, q. The component S i of the score is computed by considering only key phrases that contain precisely k -i of the query terms. S i = SUM{key phrases p with k -i query terms} LevelScore(p) * Fullness Factor (p, q) (2) LevelScore(p) is a score assigned to the phrase by virtue of the type of phrase it is. FullnessFactor(p, q) is a measure of the number of terms in p covered by the terms in q. The score of each expert is converted to a scalar by the weighted summation of the three components 7 : Search Engine Optimization SEO Concept: Generally people visit a website to find out information according to their need. But if they did not find right content, they became frustrated and immediately click away from site. So in order to draw their attention and bring them back maximum number of times, website is built up with proper target and quality content. It fulfills user need as well as improves rank position in search engines result list. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the number and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via natural listing for targeted keywords. Search engine optimizers help in building a website such that it can be found easily to search engine crawler with relevant keywords 9 . SEO help the web site designer to get top ranking position in search result list, attract more online visitors and finally improve the marketing capability of site. White hat SEO: White hat SEO techniques are ethical which follows search engine&apos;s rules and policies. White hat SEO search engine ranking results in such a way that search engine don&apos;t punish the site like blocking the site from their search results. Using white hat SEO techniques search engine returns quality content. These techniques are beneficial to both users as well as search engines. SEO include major two factors On-site optimization and Offsite optimization 10 . On-site Optimization techniques: Keywords are short descriptions. Users enter keywords to search information on search engines. Keyword represents the relationship between search term and several billion of web pages. On-site optimization includes website design elements such as keyword formatting, keyword in meta tag, keyword in title tag, position of keywords, external link, keyword density etc., which are controlled by site itself. Location of keyword: Search engine crawler check whether keyword appear in &lt;title&gt; tag; &lt;header&gt; tag; &lt;alt&gt; tag; &lt;meta&gt; tag; &lt;body&gt; tag, in anchor text, in URL etc. Title tag: Title is the biggest ranking factor. Most search engine use the website&apos;s title tag as main factor of sites listing in search result pages 11 . Keyword density: Density of Keyword means frequency of keyword present on web page compare to total number of words on the page. Frequency of keyword in title tag and frequency of keyword in body tag should be strong optimization factor. Density of keyword should be within 2% -8% for improving website ranking 12 . Keyword in URL: Keyword included in URL, The website will be found more easily by search engine crawlers if keyword included in URL. Search engine pays priorities to different domain name suffixes like edu or gov. Also shorter length URL is preferred in Search Engine Optimization 13 . Keyword in Meta tag: The meta description tag contains description of page that is informative and reflects the content of web page. The website will be indexed if related keywords are found in meta description tag. Keyword in alt text: Alt text or tag specifies alternative text for images. Descriptive text associated with alt tag that serve same purpose and convey same essential information the image. Alt tags are short and descriptive which reflect the body text that describes the image

    Sclerosing mucoepidermoid carcinoma of minor salivary gland

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    Sclerosing mucoepidermoid carcinoma (SMEC) is extremely rare variant of the mucoepidermoid carcinoma, which is the most common primary malignancy of the salivary glands. As its name suggests, SMEC is characterized by an intense central sclerosis that occupies the entirety of an otherwise typical tumor, frequently with an inflammatory infiltrate of plasma cells, eosinophils, and/or lymphocytes at its peripheral regions, but its uncompanionship with inflammatory cell infiltration might explain its progressive stage of the sclerosis. The sclerosis associated with these tumors may obscure their typical morphologic features and result in diagnostic difficulties. Tumor infarction and extravasation of mucin eventuating in reactive fibrosis are two mechanisms of formation that have been suggested as underlying this morphologic variant. Morphologic evidence in support of the mucin extravasation hypothesis was identified, as small pools of mucin were present throughout the tumor