104 research outputs found


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    Objective: To develop an accurate, precise and linear RP-HPLC method for simultaneous quantitative estimation of Metformin hydrochloride and Nateglinide in tablets and validate as per ICH guidelines.Methods: The method used a reverse phase column, Inertsil C18-ODS 3V (250×4.6 mm, 5 µm), a mobile phase comprising of phosphate buffer (pH 4.0): Acetonitrile: methanol (30:60:10) flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and a detection wavelength of 221 nm using a UV detector.Results: The developed method resulted in elution of Metformin hydrochloride at 2.45 min and Nateglinide at 4.21 min. The calibration curves were linear (r²=0.999) in the concentration range of 60-140 µg/ml and 14.4-33.2 µg/ml for Metformin hydrochloride and Nateglinide respectively. The percentage recoveries were found to be 99.59-101.36 for Metformin hydrochloride and 98.43-101.38 for Nateglinide. The LOD was found to be 2.18 µg/ml and 1.55 µg/ml for Metformin hydrochloride and Nateglinide respectively. LOQ was found to be 8.52µg/ml and 4.69µg/ml for Metformin hydrochloride and Nateglinide respectively.Conclusion: A simple, accurate, precise, linear and rapid RP-HPLC method was developed for simultaneous quantitative estimation of Metformin hydrochloride and Nateglinide in bulk and pharmaceutical formulation and validated as per ICH guidelines. Hence, the method holds good for the routine analysis of Metformin hydrochloride and Nateglinide in various pharmaceutical industries as well as in academics.Keywords: Metformin hydrochloride, Nateglinide, RP-HPLC, Method development, Validatio


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    Objectives: This study assessed the effects of antidiabetic and hypolipidemic activity of Zingerone on STZ induced diabetic rats.Methods: In this study 30 Wistar male rats were divided into five groups: Group 1: Normals control receiving normal saline, Group 2: Diabetic controlreceiving single intraperitoneal administration of streptozotocin (STZ) (40 mg/kg body weight). Group 3: Five days after STZ administration, diabeticrats received zingerone (10 mg/kg body weight) orally for 30 days. Group 4: Five days after STZ administration, diabetic rats received metformin(50 mg/kg body weight) orally for 30 days and Group 5: Rats received zingerone alone (10 mg/kg body weight) orally for 30 days.Results: Zingerone treatment significantly reduced blood glucose level, Lipid profiles of serum, liver and kidney showed higher reduction in the levelsof phospholipids (PL), triglycerides (TG) and free fatty acids (FFA) of zingerone treated diabetic rats than STZ-induced diabetic rats and Met-treateddiabetic rats. In addition, zingerone treatment of STZ-rats was found to be effective in preserving the normal histological appearance of pancreaticislets, liver and kidney whereas the untreated diabetic rats exhibited pathological features.Conclusions: These findings substantiated the beneficial effects of zingerone in the treatment of diabetes through exhibiting hypolipidemic effectsas well as restoring the function of several organs including the pancreas. Thus, zingerone may have the potential in managing the effects of diabeticcomplications in human subjects.Keywords: Diabetes, Streptozotocin, Ginger, Zingerone, Antidiabetic, Hypolipidaemic

    Soil degradation due to heavy metal accumulation under long term fertilization of paddy (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Long term fertility experiment (LTFE) under double rice cropping system was investigated in Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai, India with two varieties (ADT 43 and ADT 45) in two seasons (Kharif and Rabi) under six fertilizer treatments to study the heavy metal accumulation in soil and its impact on paddy. There was a significant variation in physico-chemical properties of soil due to different fertilizer treatments. The surface soil (0-15cm soil depth) in all the treatments showed relatively higher heavy metal accumulation than subsurface. In thelong run, there was a build up in the total heavy metal content in soil and it was found to be relatively high in phosphatic fertilizer applied treatments than others. Total Cd and Pb was found high, but the availability was below detectable limit indicated that Cd and Pb were found in unavailable forms, while Cu and Zn were slightly in mobile forms which had been translocated into grain and straw of paddy. The DTPA (Diphenyl Triamine Penta Aceticacid) extractable Cd and Pb in the soil was low, but there was heavy increase in Cu and Zn comparing with initial period. The rate of increase in Cd and Pb content was lower in N alone and control plots. This might be due to the long term application of phosphotic and zinc sulphate fertilizers. Cd and Pb were evenly distributed at low concentrations in grain and straw under various treatments. In case of Cu and Zn, it was relatively higher in grains and paddy strawamong various fertilizer treatments. There was no significant difference among the varietal (seasons) treatments for the accumulation of heavy metals in grain and straw

    Utilization of flower waste for the removal of chromium from tannery effluent

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    In this work we used flower waste biomass as a biosorbent to remove Cr from tannery effluent through column experiments. The sorption capacities of biosorbent (Fine, coarse and rough grades) were also evaluated by employing chemical pretreatments viz., sodium hydroxide, acetic acid, glutaraldehyde and hydrogen peroxide. The order of percentage removal of Cr using the above pretreatments was: 10% hydrogen peroxide < Raw powdered-FWB < 2% Gluteraldehyde < 10% Acetic acid < 0.1N sodium hydroxide. Among the different grades of biosorbents used, fine grade adsorbed more Cr (70 %) than that of coarse (64%) and rough (62 %) sorbents. The removal percentage of Cr from tannery was analyzed by using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, the functional groups which are responsible for adsorption was examined by Fourier Transform- Infrared Spectroscopy and the amorphous behaviour of FWB facilitating metal biosorption was indicated by the X-ray diffractogram. This study showed that pretreated flower waste biomass is a potential sorbent of Cr, which could be successfully used to reduce the Cr content in tannery effluent

    Note on Pharmacological Activities of Melissa officinalis L.

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    Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a perennial herb in the mint family Lamiaceae, native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. Lemon Balm is used medicinally as a herbal tea, or in extract form. It is claimed to have antibacterial, antiviral properties (it is effective against herpes simplex), and it is also used as a mild sedative or calming agent. At least one study has found it to be effective at reducing stress, although the study\u27s authors call for further research. Its antibacterial properties have also been demonstrated scientifically, although they are markedly weaker than those from a number of other plants studied

    Evaluasi Pengembangan Perencanaan Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Di Kecamatan Ngaliyan Kota Semarang

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    Solid waste management has become one of the major problems in developing countries, so that an integrated of solid waste management in terms technical and non technical. Technically solid waste management are include the waste reduction and waste handling. While in terms of the non-technical are include institutional, sub system institutional, regulatory/legal, finance, and public participation. Design of waste management stage starts from preparation, then calculate the number of equipment and cost to manage solid waste with SNI 19-2454-2002 and SNI 3242-2008. Ngaliyan District is one of the districts Semarang City. The condition of waste management in the Ngaliyan District of Semarang have not worked well based on it even take be evaluated by the condition of the existing service rate waste management is only 19% with garbage area service reaches 60%. From the analysis waste generation in volume in Ngaliyan is 2,87 l/person/day and the composition solid waste based from waste volume are 29,19 % organic and 70,81% an-organic . The result of the planning is increase the number of service rate to 45%. Management planning of solid waste in Ngaliyan consist of regulations sub system is enforcement of municipal solid waste regulations, institutional sub system is optimize a function of UPTD as solid waste operator service, operational sub system increase of solid waste utilization activity with 3R and composting. Financing sub system is source of municipal solid waste financing from APBD and retribution. Public participation sub system is public empowerment in solid waste utilization activity and keeps the regulations about solid waste management. With applying 3R and composting expected can increase public participation with solid waste utilization activity and landfill lifetime

    1,3,4-Oxadiazole Dimers: New and Effective corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in sulphuric acid solution

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    The corrosion inhibition property of 1,3,4-Oxadiazole dimers have been investigated for mild steel in acidic environment using gravimetric method, Tafel polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscope (SEM), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and adsorption isotherm. The results revealed that 1,3,4-Oxadiazole dimers had excellent corrosion inhibition property for mild steel in 1M H2SO4 acid media and its inhibitive efficiency was more than 99% even with a low concentration of 1000ppm.The adsorption of the organic compounds on the mild steel surface obeyed Langmuir adsorption  isotherm. IR spectra and SEM proved the adsorption of organic inhibitors and the formation of corrosion products on the mild steel surface.Â
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