700 research outputs found

    A statistical standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant from the LIGO/Virgo gravitational wave compact object merger GW190814 and dark energy survey galaxies

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    ArtĂ­culo escrito por un elevado nĂșmero de autores, sĂłlo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, los autores pertenecientes a la UAM y el nombre del grupo de colaboraciĂłn, si lo hubiereWe present a measurement of the Hubble constant H 0 using the gravitational wave (GW) event GW190814, which resulted from the coalescence of a 23 M o˙ black hole with a 2.6 M o˙ compact object, as a standard siren. No compelling electromagnetic counterpart has been identified for this event; thus our analysis accounts for thousands of potential host galaxies within a statistical framework. The redshift information is obtained from the photometric redshift (photo-z) catalog from the Dark Energy Survey. The luminosity distance is provided by the LIGO/Virgo gravitational wave sky map. Since this GW event has the second-smallest localization volume after GW170817, GW190814 is likely to provide the best constraint on cosmology from a single standard siren without identifying an electromagnetic counterpart. Our analysis uses photo-z probability distribution functions and corrects for photo-z biases. We also reanalyze the binary black hole GW170814 within this updated framework. We explore how our findings impact the H 0 constraints from GW170817, the only GW merger associated with a unique host galaxy. From a combination of GW190814, GW170814, and GW170817, our analysis yields uniform between. The addition of GW190814 and GW170814 to GW170817 improves the 68% HDI from GW170817 alone by ∌18%, showing how well-localized mergers without counterparts can provide a significant contribution to standard siren measurements, provided that a complete galaxy catalog is available at the location of the eventThe DES Data Management System is supported by the NSF under Grant Numbers AST-1138766 and AST-1536171. The DES participants from Spanish institutions are partially supported by MINECO under grants AYA2015-71825, ESP2015-88861, FPA2015-68048, and Centro de Excelencia SEV-2016-0588, SEV-2016-0597, and MDM-2015-0509. Research leading to these results has received funding from the ERC under the EU’s 7th Framework Programme, including grants ERC 240672, 291329, and 30647

    Weak-lensing calibration of a stellar mass-based mass proxy for redMaPPer and Voronoi Tessellation clusters in SDSS Stripe 82

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    We present the first weak lensing calibration of Ό⋆\mu_{\star}, a new galaxy cluster mass proxy corresponding to the total stellar mass of red and blue members, in two cluster samples selected from the SDSS Stripe 82 data: 230 redMaPPer clusters at redshift 0.1≀z<0.330.1\leq z<0.33 and 136 Voronoi Tessellation (VT) clusters at 0.1≀z<0.60.1 \leq z < 0.6. We use the CS82 shear catalog and stack the clusters in Ό⋆\mu_{\star} bins to measure a mass-observable power law relation. For redMaPPer clusters we obtain M0=(1.77±0.36)×1014h−1M⊙M_0 = (1.77 \pm 0.36) \times 10^{14}h^{-1} M_{\odot}, α=1.74±0.62\alpha = 1.74 \pm 0.62. For VT clusters, we find M0=(4.31±0.89)×1014h−1M⊙M_0 = (4.31 \pm 0.89) \times 10^{14}h^{-1} M_{\odot}, α=0.59±0.54\alpha = 0.59 \pm 0.54 and M0=(3.67±0.56)×1014h−1M⊙M_0 = (3.67 \pm 0.56) \times 10^{14}h^{-1} M_{\odot}, α=0.68±0.49\alpha = 0.68 \pm 0.49 for a low and a high redshift bin, respectively. Our results are consistent, internally and with the literature, indicating that our method can be applied to any cluster finding algorithm. In particular, we recommend that Ό⋆\mu_{\star} be used as the mass proxy for VT clusters. Catalogs including Ό⋆\mu_{\star} measurements will enable its use in studies of galaxy evolution in clusters and cluster cosmology.Comment: Updated to be consistent with the published versio

    Comparative Assessment of the Structural Features of Originator Recombinant Human Follitropin Alfa Versus Recombinant Human Follitropin Alfa Biosimilar Preparations Approved in Non-European Regions

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    Although the full primary structures of the alfa and beta subunits of reference r-hFSH-alfa and its biosimilars are identical, cell context-dependent differences in the expressing cell lines and manufacturing process can lead to variations in glycosylation profiles. In the present study, we compared the structural features of reference r-hFSH-alfa with those of five biosimilar preparations approved in different global regions outside Europe (PrimapurÂź, Jin Sai HengÂź, FollitropeÂź, FolisurgeÂź, and CorneumonÂź) with respect to glycosylation, macro- and microheterogeneity, and other post-translational modifications and higher order structure. The mean proportion of N-glycosylation-site occupancy was highest in reference r-hFSH-alfa, decreasing sequentially in Primapur, Jin Sai Heng, Corneumon, Follisurge and Follitrope, respectively. The level of antennarity showed slightly higher complexity in Corneumon, Primapur and Follitrope versus reference r-hFSH-alfa, whereas Jin Sai Heng and Folisurge were aligned with reference r-hFSH-alfa across all N-glycosylation sites. Sialylation level was higher in Corneumon and Follitrope, but small differences were detected in other biosimilar preparations compared with reference r-hFSH-alfa. Jin Sai Heng showed higher levels of N-glyconeuramic acid than the other preparations. Minor differences in oxidation levels were seen among the different products. Therefore, in summary, we identified var ious differences in N-glycosylation occupancy, antennarity, sialylation and oxidation between reference r-hFSH-alfa and the biosimilar preparations analyzed

    Strangeness and light fragment production at high baryon density

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    We discuss medium effects on light cluster production in the QCD phase diagram within a generalized Beth-Uhlenbeck (GBU) approach by relating Mott transition lines to those for chemical freeze-out. We find that in heavy-ion collisions at highest energies provided by the LHC light cluster abundances should follow the statistical model because of low baryon densities. At low energies in the nuclear fragmentation region, where the freeze-out interferes with the liquid-gas phase transition, selfenergy and Pauli blocking effects are important. At intermediate energies the HADES, FAIR and NICA experiments can give new information. The GBU approach provides new insights to strange hadron production in this energy domain for explaining the "horn" effects.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on 'Strangeness in Quark Matter' (SQM-2019), Bari, Italy, 10-15 June, 201

    Testing the isotropy of the Dark Energy Survey's extreme trans-Neptunian objects

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    We test whether the population of "extreme" trans-Neptunian objects (eTNOs) detected in the Y4 Dark Energy Survey (DES) data exhibit azimuthal asymmetries which might be evidence of gravitational perturbations from an unseen super-Earth in a distant orbit. By rotating the orbits of the detected eTNOs, we construct a synthetic population which, when subject to the DES selection function, reproduces the detected distribution of eTNOs in the orbital elements a,e,a,e, and ii as well as absolute magnitude HH, but has uniform distributions in mean anomaly MM, longitude of ascending node Ω,\Omega, and argument of perihelion ω.\omega. We then compare the detected distributions in each of Ω,ω,\Omega, \omega, and Ï–â‰ĄÎ©+ω\varpi\equiv\Omega+\omega to those expected from the isotropic population, using Kuiper's variant of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The three angles are tested for each of 4 definitions of the eTNO population, choosing among a>(150,250)a>(150,250) AU and perihelion q>(30,37)q>(30,37) AU. These choices yield 3--7 eTNOs in the DES Y4 sample. Among the twelve total tests, two have the likelihood of drawing the observed angles from the isotropic population at p250,q>37p250, q>37 AU, and the 4 detections at a>250,q>30a>250, q>30 AU, have Ω\Omega distribution with p=0.03p=0.03 of coming from the isotropic construction, but this is not strong evidence of anisotropy given the 12 different tests. The DES data taken on their own are thus consistent with azimuthal isotropy and do not require a "Planet 9" hypothesis. The limited sky coverage and object count mean, however, that the DES data by no means falsify this hypothesis.Comment: Accepted on PS

    Testing the isotropy of the dark energy Survey's extreme trans-neptunian objects

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    We test whether the population of "extreme"trans-Neptunian objects (eTNOs) detected in the first four years of the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y4) data exhibit azimuthal asymmetries that might be evidence of gravitational perturbations from an unseen super-Earth in a distant orbit. By rotating the orbits of the detected eTNOs, we construct a synthetic population that, when subject to the DES selection function, reproduces the detected distribution of eTNOs in the orbital elements a, e, and i as well as absolute magnitude H, but has uniform distributions in mean anomaly M, longitude of ascending node Ω, and argument of perihelion ω. We then compare the detected distributions in each of Ω, ω, and the longitude of perihelion {equation presented} to those expected from the isotropic population, using Kuiper's variant of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The three angles are tested for each of four definitions of the eTNO population, choosing among a > (150, 250) au and perihelion q > (30, 37) au. These choices yield 3-7 eTNOs in the DES Y4 sample. Among the 12 total tests, two have the likelihood of drawing the observed angles from the isotropic population at p 250 and q > 37 au and the four detections at a > 250 and q > 30 au have a Ω distribution with p ≈ 0.03 coming from the isotropic construction, but this is not strong evidence of anisotropy given the 12 different tests. The DES data taken on their own are thus consistent with azimuthal isotropy and do not require a "Planet 9"hypothesis. The limited sky coverage and object count mean, however, that the DES data by no means falsify this hypothesis

    A Fast Radio Burst in a Compact Galaxy Group at z ∌ 1

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    FRB 20220610A is a high-redshift fast radio burst (FRB) that has not been observed to repeat. Here, we present rest-frame UV and optical Hubble Space Telescope observations of the field of FRB 20220610A. The imaging reveals seven extended sources, one of which we identify as the most likely host galaxy with a spectroscopic redshift of z = 1.017. We spectroscopically confirm three additional sources to be at the same redshift and identify the system as a compact galaxy group with possible signs of interaction among group members. We determine the host of FRB 20220610A to be a star-forming galaxy with a stellar mass of ≈109.7 M ⊙, mass-weighted age of ≈2.6 Gyr, and star formation rate (integrated over the last 100 Myr) of ≈1.7 M ⊙ yr−1. These host properties are commensurate with the star-forming field galaxy population at z ∌ 1 and trace their properties analogously to the population of low-z FRB hosts. Based on estimates of the total stellar mass of the galaxy group, we calculate a fiducial contribution to the observed dispersion measure from the intragroup medium of ≈90-182 pc cm−3 (rest frame). This leaves a significant excess of 515 − 272 + 122 pc cm−3 (in the observer frame); further observation will be required to determine the origin of this excess. Given the low occurrence rates of galaxies in compact groups, the discovery of an FRB in one demonstrates a rare, novel environment in which FRBs can occur. As such groups may represent ongoing or future mergers that can trigger star formation, this supports a young stellar progenitor relative to star formation

    Chemical Abundance Analysis of Tucana III, the Second rr-process Enhanced Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy

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    We present a chemical abundance analysis of four additional confirmed member stars of Tucana III, a Milky Way satellite galaxy candidate in the process of being tidally disrupted as it is accreted by the Galaxy. Two of these stars are centrally located in the core of the galaxy while the other two stars are located in the eastern and western tidal tails. The four stars have chemical abundance patterns consistent with the one previously studied star in Tucana III: they are moderately enhanced in rr-process elements, i.e. they have ≈+ \approx +0.4 dex. The non-neutron-capture elements generally follow trends seen in other dwarf galaxies, including a metallicity range of 0.44 dex and the expected trend in α\alpha-elements, i.e., the lower metallicity stars have higher Ca and Ti abundance. Overall, the chemical abundance patterns of these stars suggest that Tucana III was an ultra-faint dwarf galaxy, and not a globular cluster, before being tidally disturbed. As is the case for the one other galaxy dominated by rr-process enhanced stars, Reticulum II, Tucana III's stellar chemical abundances are consistent with pollution from ejecta produced by a binary neutron star merger, although a different rr-process element or dilution gas mass is required to explain the abundances in these two galaxies if a neutron star merger is the sole source of rr-process enhancement.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures; accepted by Ap
