6,411 research outputs found

    Correlations of near-infrared, optical and X-ray luminosity for early-type galaxies

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    The relation between X-ray luminosity and near-infrared luminosity for early-type galaxies has been examined. Near-infrared (NIR) luminosities should provide a superior measure of stellar mass compared to optical luminosities used in previous studies, especially if there is significant star-formation or dust present in the galaxies. However, we show that the X-ray-NIR relations are remarkably consistent with the X-ray-optical relations. This indicates that the large scatter of the relations is dominated by scatter in the X-ray properties of early-type galaxies, and is consistent with early-types consisting of old, quiescent stellar populations. We have investigated scatter in terms of environment, surface brightness profile, Mg2, H_beta, H_gamma line strength indices, spectroscopic age, and nuclear H_alpha emission. We found that galaxies with high Mg2 index, low H_beta and H_gamma indices or a `core' profile have a large scatter in Lx, whereas galaxies with low Mg2, high H_beta and H_gamma indices or `power-law' profiles, generally have Lx<10^41 erg/s. There is no clear trend in the scatter with environment or nuclear H_alpha emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 22 pages, 15 figure

    Cold gas in group-dominant elliptical galaxies

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    We present IRAM 30m telescope observations of the CO(1-0) and (2-1) lines in a sample of 11 group-dominant elliptical galaxies selected from the CLoGS nearby groups sample. Our observations confirm the presence of molecular gas in 4 of the 11 galaxies at >4 sigma significance, and combining these with data from the literature we find a detection rate of 43+-14%, comparable to the detection rate for nearby radio galaxies, suggesting that group-dominant ellipticals may be more likely to contain molecular gas than their non-central counterparts. Those group-dominant galaxies which are detected typically contain ~2x10^8 Msol of molecular gas, and although most have low star formation rates (<1 Msol/yr) they have short depletion times, indicating that the gas must be replenished on timescales ~100 Myr. Almost all of the galaxies contain active nuclei, and we note while the data suggest that CO may be more common in the most radio-loud galaxies, the mass of molecular gas required to power the active nuclei through accretion is small compared to the masses observed. We consider possible origin mechanisms for the gas, through cooling of stellar ejecta within the galaxies, group-scale cooling flows, and gas-rich mergers, and find probable examples of each type within our sample, confirming that a variety of processes act to drive the build up of molecular gas in group-dominant ellipticals.Comment: 9 pages, 5 postscript figures, 4 tables, accepted by A&A. Revised throughout in response to referee's comments, including updates to Table 1 and Figure 4, and addition of Figure

    The dynamics of internal working surfaces in MHD jets

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    The dynamical effects of magnetic fields in models of radiative, Herbig-Haro (HH) jets have been studied in a number of papers. For example, magnetized, radiative jets from variable sources have been studied with axisymmetric and 3D numerical simulations. In this paper, we present an analytic model describing the effect of a toroidal magnetic field on the internal working surfaces that result from a variability in the ejection velocity. We find that for parameters appropriate for HH jets the forces associated with the magnetic field dominate over the gas pressure force within the working surfaces. Depending on the ram pressure radial cross section of the jet, the magnetic field can produce a strong axial pinch, or, alternatively, a broadening of the internal working surfaces. We check the validity of the analytic model with axisymmetric numerical simulations of variable, magnetized jets.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. ApJ in pres

    A National Portrait of Domestic Violence Courts

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    A growing number of criminal courts nationwide handle domestic violence cases on separate calendars, termed domestic violence courts. There are now 208 confirmed domestic violence courts across the U.S. (Center for Court Innovation 2009). More than 150 similar projects have been established internationally. Some domestic violence courts emerged in the context of the broader "problem-solving court" movement and share characteristics with other specialized courts, such as separate dockets and specially trained judges. However, the origins of domestic violence courts are also distinct, growing out of the increased attention afforded domestic violence matters by the justice system over the past 30 years. With funding from the National Institute of Justice, this study explores how criminal domestic violence courts have evolved, their rationale, and how their operations vary across the U.S. This study does not test whether domestic violence courts reduce recidivism, protect victims, or achieve other specific effects -- although we provide a thorough literature review on these points. Rather, our aim is to present a comprehensive national portrait of the field as it exists today, laying the groundwork for future information exchange and research

    Observed Faraday Effects in Damped Lyman-Alpha Absorbers and Lyman Limit Systems: The Magnetised Environment of Galactic Building Blocks at Redshift=2

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    Protogalactic environments are typically identified using quasar absorption lines, and these galactic building blocks can manifest as Damped Lyman-Alpha Absorbers (DLAs) and Lyman Limit Systems (LLSs). We use radio observations of Faraday effects to test whether DLAs and LLSs host a magnetised medium, by combining DLA and LLS detections throughout the literature with 1.4 GHz polarization data from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). We obtain a control, a DLA, and a LLS sample consisting of 114, 19, and 27 lines-of-sight respectively - all of which are polarized at ≥8σ\ge8\sigma to ensure Rician bias is negligible. Using a Bayesian framework, we are unable to detect either coherent or random magnetic fields in DLAs: the regular coherent magnetic fields within the DLAs must be ≤2.8\le2.8 μ\muG, and the lack of depolarization is consistent with the weakly magnetised gas in DLAs being non-turbulent and quiescent. However, we find mild suggestive evidence that LLSs have coherent magnetic fields: after controlling for the redshift-distribution of our data, we find a 71.5% probability that LLSs have a higher RM than a control sample. We also find strong evidence that LLSs host random magnetic fields, with a 95.5% probability that LLS lines-of-sight have lower polarized fractions than a control sample. The regular coherent magnetic fields within the LLSs must be ≤2.4\le2.4 μ\muG, and the magnetised gas must be highly turbulent with a typical scale on the order of ≈5\approx5-20 pc, which is similar to that of the Milky Way. This is consistent with the standard dynamo pedagogy, whereby magnetic fields in protogalaxies increase in coherence and strength as a function of cosmic time. Our results are consistent with a hierarchical galaxy formation scenario, with the DLAs, LLSs, and strong magnesium II (MgII) systems exploring three different stages of magnetic field evolution in galaxies.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Using adiabatic coupling techniques in atom-chip waveguide structures

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    Adiabatic techniques are well known tools in multi-level electron systems to transfer population between different states with high fidelity. Recently it has been realised that these ideas can also be used in ultra-cold atom systems to achieve coherent manipulation of the atomic centre-of-mass states. Here we present an investigation into a realistic setup using three atomic waveguides created on top of an atom chip and show that such systems hold large potential for the observation of adiabatic phenomena in experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physica Scripta for the CEWQO2009 proceeding

    Broadband, radio spectro-polarimetric study of 100 radiative-mode and jet-mode AGN

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    We present the results from a broadband (1 to 3 GHz), spectro-polarimetry study of the integrated emission from 100 extragalactic radio sources with the ATCA, selected to be highly linearly polarized at 1.4 GHz. We use a general purpose, polarization model-fitting procedure that describes the Faraday rotation measure (RM) and intrinsic polarization structure of up to three distinct polarized emission regions or 'RM components' of a source. Overall, 37%/52%/11% of sources are best fit by one/two/three RM components. However, these fractions are dependent on the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) in polarization (more RM components more likely at higher S/N). In general, our analysis shows that sources with high integrated degrees of polarization at 1.4 GHz have low Faraday depolarization, are typically dominated by a single RM component, have a steep spectral index, and a high intrinsic degree of polarization. After classifying our sample into radiative-mode and jet-mode AGN, we find no significant difference between the Faraday rotation or Faraday depolarization properties of jet-mode and radiative-mode AGN. However, there is a statistically significant difference in the intrinsic degree of polarization between the two types, with the jet-mode sources having more intrinsically ordered magnetic field structures than the radiative-mode sources. We also find a preferred perpendicular orientation of the intrinsic magnetic field structure of jet-mode AGN with respect to the jet direction, while no clear preference is found for the radiative-mode sources.Comment: 29 pages (including Appendix), 28 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA
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