85 research outputs found

    Negative thermal expansion in the Prussian Blue analog Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2: X-ray diffraction and neutron vibrational studies

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    The cubic Prussian Blue (PB) analog, Zn3 [Fe(CN)6]2, has been studied by X-ray powder diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering (INS). X-ray data collected at 300 and 84 K revealed negative thermal expansion (NTE) behaviour for this material. The NTE coefficient was found to be -31.1 x 10-6 K-1. The neutron vibrational spectrum for Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2.xH2O, was studied in detail. The INS spectrum showed well-defined, well-separated bands corresponding to the stretching of and deformation modes of the Fe and Zn octahedra, all below 800 cm-1.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Unusual signatures of the ferromagnetic transition in the heavy Fermion compound UMn2_2Al20_{20}

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    Magnetic susceptibility results for single crystals of the new cubic compounds UT2_2Al20_{20} (T=Mn, V, and Mo) are reported. Magnetization, specific heat, resistivity, and neutron diffraction results for a single crystal and neutron diffraction and inelastic spectra for a powder sample are reported for UMn2_2Al20_{20}. For T = V and Mo, temperature independent Pauli paramagnetism is observed. For UMn2_2Al20_{20}, a ferromagnetic transition is observed in the magnetic susceptibility at TcT_c = 20 K. The specific heat anomaly at TcT_c is very weak while no anomaly in the resistivity is seen at TcT_c. We discuss two possible origins for this behavior of UMn2_2Al20_{20}: moderately small moment itinerant ferromagnetism, or induced local moment ferromagnetism.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. rev.

    Lattice anisotropy in uranium ternary compounds: UTX

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    Several U-based intermetallic compounds (UCoGe, UNiGe with the TiNiSi structure type and UNiAl with the ZrNiAl structure type) and their hydrides were studied from the point of view of compressibility and thermal expansion. Confronted with existing data for the compounds with the ZrNiAl structure type a common pattern emerges. The direction of the U-U bonds with participation of the 5f states is distinctly the "soft" crystallographic direction, exhibiting also the highest coefficient of linear thermal expansion. The finding leads to an apparent paradox: the closer the U atoms are together in a particular direction the better they can be additionally compressed together by applied hydrostatic pressure. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved

    Structural, electronic, magnetic, and thermal properties of single-crystalline UNi0.5Sb2

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    We studied the properties of the antiferromagnetic (AFM) UNi0.5Sb2 (TN \approx 161 K) compound in Sb-flux grown single crystals by means of measurements of neutron diffraction, magnetic susceptibility ({\chi}), specific heat (Cp), thermopower (S), thermal conductivity ({\kappa}), linear thermal expansion ({\Delta}L/L), and electrical resistivity ({\rho}) under hydrostatic pressures (P) up to 22 kbar. The neutron diffraction measurements revealed that the compound crystallizes in the tetragonal P42/nmc structure, and the value of the U-moments yielded by the histograms at 25 K is \approx 1.85 \pm 0.12 {\mu}B/U-ion. In addition to the features in the bulk properties observed at TN, two other hysteretic features centered near 40 and 85 K were observed in the measurements of {\chi}, S, {\rho}, and {\Delta}L/L. Hydrostatic pressure was found to raise TN at the rate of \approx 0.76 K/kbar, while suppressing the two low temperature features. These features are discussed in the context of Fermi surface and hybridization effects.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Magnetic structure of antiferromagnetic NdRhIn5

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    The magnetic structure of antiferromagnetic NdRhIn5 has been determined using neutron diffraction. It has a commensurate antiferromagnetic structure with a magnetic wave vector (1/2,0,1/2) below T_N = 11K. The staggered Nd moment at 1.6K is 2.6mu_B aligned along the c-axis. We find the magnetic structure to be closely related to that of its cubic parent compound NdIn3 below 4.6K. The enhanced T_N and the absence of additional transitions below T_N for NdRhIn5 are interpreted in terms of an improved matching of the crystalline-electric-field (CEF), magnetocrystalline, and exchange interaction anisotropies. In comparison, the role of these competing anisotropies on the magnetic properties of the structurally related compound CeRhIn5 is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in a Single Crystal of CeNiGe2

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    We report measurements on single crystals of orthorhombic CeNiGe2, which is found to exhibit highly anisotropic magnetic and transport properties. The magnetization ratio M(H//b)/M(H^b) at 2 K is observed to be about 18 at 4 T and the electrical resistivity ratio r//b/r^b is about 70 at room temperature. It is confirmed that CeNiGe2 undergoes two-step antiferromagnetic transition at 4 and 3 K, as reported for polycrystalline samples. The application of magnetic field along the b axis (the easy magnetization axis) stabilizes a ferromagnetic correlation between the Ce ions and enhances the hopping of carriers. This results in large negative magnetoresistance along the b axis.Comment: 24 pages, including 9 figure