313 research outputs found

    On the Lp-spaces techniques in the existence and uniqueness of the fuzzy fractional Korteweg-de Vries equation’s solution

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    In this paper, is proposed the existence and uniqueness of the solution of all fuzzy fractional differential equations, which are equivalent to the fuzzy integral equation. The techniques on LP-spaces are used, defining the LpF F ([0; 1]) for 1≤P≤∞, its properties, and using the functional analysis methods. Also the convergence of the method of successive approximations used to approximate the solution of fuzzy integral equation be proved and an iterative procedure to solve such equations is presented

    Quality control in Orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioldes, during ice storage

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    In this study, changes of TMA and its relation with bacteria count was evaluated in Orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides during ice storage at 18th day. TMA and bacteria count changes were evaluated at days 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18. TMA increased at days 0, 3 and 6 but changes during these days were not noticeable and it showed no significant differences (P>0.05). By passing time and from day 9 amount of TMA showed increased compared with other days and had significant difference in the value (P<0.05) such I that reached from 0.96 (day 0) to 12.46ms/100g (day 18). The psychrophilic bacteria showed a more monotonous change relative to the mesophilic bacteria and became dominant in ice through time. Logarithm of colonies of the psychrophilic bacteria per gram increased from 1.37 at day 0 to 7.72 at day I 8th. The mesophilic bacteria showed fluctuations in their number such that at day 15th they decreased and at day 18th, increased. The level of TMA showed significant difference between the first days and last days (P<0.05) such that they increased from 2 at day 0 to 4.61 at day 18th. Bacterial count especially *psychrophilic bacteria were increased during storage, whereas mesophilic bacteria decreased at day 15 of storage. TMA showed relationship with psychrophilic bacteria and storage days (P<0.05, R=0.98)

    Halotolerant Ability and α-Amylase Activity of Some Saltwater Fungal Isolates

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    Four halotolerant fungal isolates originating from the saltwater Lake Urmia in Iran were selected during a screening program for salt resistance and α-amylase activity. The isolates were identified based on sequencing the ITS region and a part of the β-tubulin gene, as Penicillium chrysogenum (isolate U1; CBS 132820), Fusarium incarnatum (isolate U2; CBS 132821), and Penicillium polonicum (isolate U3; CBS 132822, and isolate U4; CBS 132823). The growth of these isolates was determined by measuring the colony diameter and mycelia dry weight in Sabouraud dextrose agar and yeast nitrogen base medium supplemented with NaCl, KCl, and LiCl. Isolate U4 showed a growth up in 15% NaCl and U1 was the only isolate that could grow in 20% KCl. None of the strains grew in a media containing LiCl. The salt supplemented medium did not increase the size of colony diameter in all isolates (p > 0.05). The ability of the selected isolates for amylase production was quantitatively tested and showed that P. polonicum isolate U4 was the most potent producer of amylase with a yield of 260.9 U/L after 60 h, whereas P. polonicum isolate U3 was the lowest one with a production level of 97.9 U/L after 48 h. P. polonicum isolate U4 could be a suitable candidate for production of amylase on an industrial scale after optimization. © 2013 by School of Pharmacy

    Waterborne Exophiala species causing disease in cold-blooded animals

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    The majority of mesophilic waterborne species of the black yeast genus Exophiala (Chaetothyriales) belong to a single clade judging from SSU rDNA data. Most taxa are also found to cause cutaneous or disseminated infections in cold-blooded, water animals, occasionally reaching epidemic proportions. Hosts are mainly fish, frogs, toads, turtles or crabs, all sharing smooth, moist or mucous skins and waterborne or amphibian lifestyles; occasionally superficial infections in humans are noted. Cold-blooded animals with strictly terrestrial life styles, such as reptiles and birds are missing. It is concluded that animals with moist skins, i.e. those being waterborne and those possessing sweat glands, are more susceptible to black yeast infection. Melanin and the ability to assimilate alkylbenzenes are purported general virulence factors. Thermotolerance influences the choice of host. Exophiala species in ocean water mostly have maximum growth temperatures below 30 °C, whereas those able to grow until 33(−36) °C are found in shallow waters and occasionally on humans. Tissue responses vary with the phylogenetic position of the host, the lower animals showing poor granulome formation. Species circumscriptions have been determined by multilocus analyses involving partial ITS, TEF1, BT2 and ACT1

    Comparison of Vaginal Cream of Coconut Oil and Clotrimazole on Candidal Infection of Vagina

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Candidiasis is the second common vaginal infection, and commonly used drugs are azoles. Over-consumption of Azol is associated with resistance to drug and treatment failure. Studies conducted in vitro confirm the antifungal effects of coconut oil. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of vaginal cream of coconut oil and clotrimazole on vaginal candidiasis infection. METHODS: This clinical trial study was performed on 71 women with Candida infection in two groups receiving vaginal cream of coconut oil: 35(78%) and clotrimazole (36%) (1%) who were treated for 7 nights (one applicator per night). One week after the completion of the treatment, patients were re-examined. Itching, burning, pain and secretion were compared in two groups. FINDINGS: After the mean intervention (itching in the coconut group was 0±0 and in the clotrimazole group was 19±0.46 (p=0.017), (burning in the coconut group was 0.08±0.20 and in the clotrimazole group was 57% (p=0.046), (secretion in the coconut group was 0.05±0.23 and in the clotrimazole group was 66.6 ± 0.98 (p=0.001) (pain during sex in the coconut group 23 0.05 and 0.30±0.62 in the clotrimazole group (p=0.031). However, the success of the treatment (negative culture) was not significant between the two groups (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The present study showed that vaginal cream of coconut oil and clotriamzole both improve vaginal candidiasis infection. Therefore, vaginal cream of coconut oil can be used as an alternative treatment for vaginal candidiasis

    Effects of silibinin on hair follicle stem cells differentiation to neural-like cells

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    The hair follicle stem cells are an abundant and easily accessible source of pluripotent adult stem cells. Hairfollicle stem cells differentiate into neurons and glial cells in vitro and express stem cell markers such as tubulin, RIP, P75, and S100. Silibinin, a flavonolignan and the active component of Milk thistle (Silybum Marianum) has been used as a dietary supplement and herbal medication. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of Silibinin on hair follicle stem cells differentiation to neural-like cells. The bulge region of the rat whisker was isolated and cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with different concentrations of silibinin and Neurotrophin-3. One week later, bulge cells immunostained with Nestin and p75 and then with tubulin. The morphological and biological features of cultured bulge cells were observed by light microscopy. Present data demonstrated that silibinin (0.5 μg mL-1) can promote differentiation of hair follicle stem cells to neural-like cells. © 2011 Academic Journals Inc

    Ogre and Pythia: An Invariance Proof Method for Weak Consistency Models

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    We design an invariance proof method for concurrent programs parameterised by a weak consistency model. The calculational design of the invariance proof method is by abstract interpretation of a truly parallel analytic semantics. This generalises the methods by Lamport and Owicki-Gries for sequential consistency. We use cat as an example of language to write consistency specifications of both concurrent programs and machine architectures