1,122 research outputs found
A one-dimensional theory for Higgs branch operators
We use supersymmetric localization to calculate correlation functions of
half-BPS local operators in 3d superconformal field theories
whose Lagrangian descriptions consist of vectormultiplets coupled to
hypermultiplets. The operators we primarily study are certain twisted linear
combinations of Higgs branch operators that can be inserted anywhere along a
given line. These operators are constructed from the hypermultiplet scalars.
They form a one-dimensional non-commutative operator algebra with topological
correlation functions. The 2- and 3-point functions of Higgs branch operators
in the full 3d theory can be simply inferred from the 1d
topological algebra. After conformally mapping the 3d superconformal field
theory from flat space to a round three-sphere, we preform supersymmetric
localization using a supercharge that does not belong to any 3d
subalgebra of the algebra. The result is a simple model that can
be used to calculate correlation functions in the 1d topological algebra
mentioned above. This model is a 1d Gaussian theory coupled to a matrix model,
and it can be viewed as a gauge-fixed version of a topological gauged quantum
mechanics. Our results generalize to non-conformal theories on that
contain real mass and Fayet-Iliopolous parameters. We also provide partial
results in the 1d topological algebra associated with the Coulomb branch, where
we calculate correlation functions of local operators built from the
vectormultiplet scalars.Comment: 108 pages; v2: typos corrected, some statements clarifie
Coulomb Branch Operators and Mirror Symmetry in Three Dimensions
We develop new techniques for computing exact correlation functions of a
class of local operators, including certain monopole operators, in
three-dimensional abelian gauge theories that have
superconformal infrared limits. These operators are position-dependent linear
combinations of Coulomb branch operators. They form a one-dimensional
topological sector that encodes a deformation quantization of the Coulomb
branch chiral ring, and their correlation functions completely fix the ()-point functions of all half-BPS Coulomb branch operators. Using these
results, we provide new derivations of the conformal dimension of half-BPS
monopole operators as well as new and detailed tests of mirror symmetry. Our
main approach involves supersymmetric localization on a hemisphere with
half-BPS boundary conditions, where operator insertions within the hemisphere
are represented by certain shift operators acting on the wavefunction.
By gluing a pair of such wavefunctions, we obtain correlators on with an
arbitrary number of operator insertions. Finally, we show that our results can
be recovered by dimensionally reducing the Schur index of 4D
theories decorated by BPS 't Hooft-Wilson loops.Comment: 92 pages plus appendices, two figures; v2 and v3: typos corrected,
references adde
Nano aqua citrates as Biogenic Chemical Elements: Optimization of the Macrolophus nubilus h.-s. Trophicity in the Artificial Biotechnical System
It was described the results of studies of the effect of the nano aqua citrates of germanium, selenium and zinc on the embryogenesis, postembryonic development, female fertility and vitality in the period of maturity and the reproduction of Masrolophus nubilis H.-S. It was experimentally proved the possibility of a full-value reproduction of local zoological cultures of such predatory as Macrolophus nubilis HS on artificial diet (with the addition of the above mentioned nano aqua citrates)
The Use of Contact Heat Generators of the New Generation for Heat Production
We substantiated the need for searching for, and realization of, fundamentally new approaches, using more efficient physical, heat-mass-exchanging and aerodynamic processes, which will make it possible to improve energy effectiveness and ecological cleanliness of heat generation in the systems for individual and decentralized heat supply.For the heat supply to large cities and industrial regions, we examined the advantages of using highly efficient contact heat-generators of different types, which include compactness due to low metal consumption and, as a result, attractive price.It is proposed to use a heat-generator of contact type of the new generation, with the aid of which it was possible to solve a set of problems on the qualitative combustion of fuel and effective heat exchange of gases with the heated water. The use of tubular technology for the combustion of gas is its special feature. Due to it, quality heat exchanging characteristics are provided.In view of further studies, we presented the relevance of creating heat-generators with the use of highly effective hydrogen technologies, which will make it possible to devise the new energy paradigm of heat supply for residential areas and industrial zones through the possibility of accumulation of electrical energy and accumulation of hydrogen
Respondent’s Answering Time for Question as a Factor of Data Quality Estimation
Комп’ютерні засоби анкетування уможливили фіксацію часу відповідей на запитання як додаткового фактора оцінки їх якості. У межах статті запропоновано підхід до оцінювання якості відповіді на запитання за допомогою оцінювання порогових значень часових характеристик відповідей на віньєтки в он-лайн-опитуванні, здійсненому із застосуванням факторіального дизайну в програмі R. Для цього використано відповіді на серію з п’ти віньєток з описом складних експериментальних ситуацій і мінімальним їх прочитанням за 10 секунд, отримані під час суцільного опитування студентів факультету соціології Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка в он-лайн-оболонці LimeSurvey (2015).
Побудову та аналіз довірчого інтервалу за варіаційним рядом або довірчого інтервалу для медіани застосовано як метод статистичного усунення викидів. Відмінність між моделлю, побудованою для вказаного часового інтервалу, і загальною повною моделлю не є надто великою. Значущу відмінність між розподілом часу простежено лише між першою віньєткою та всіма іншими: віньєтки є однотипними, тому час витрачається на побудову розуміння експериментальної ситуації лише для першої віньєтки, а всі інші вже сприймаються «за аналогією». Наповненість часових інтервалів за статтю показує, що частка жінок, які дали швидку відповідь, із кожною наступною віньєткою зменшується, а чоловіків – навпаки, збільшується. Імовірно, чоловіки менш ретельно ставляться до завдань, їм швидше набридає читати віньєтки зі схожими експериментальними ситуаціями.
Обумовленість часу відповіді на запитання іншими факторами – структура та складність запитання, особисті якості респондента тощо – потребує додаткових досліджень, зокрема із застосуванням регресійного аналізу. Computer assisted tools for survey conduction enabled a record a lot of additional information, such as questions answering time as an additional factor to assess data quality. Within the article, the author offers an approach to evaluate the quality of data by evaluating thresholds of temporal characteristics of responses to vignettes in an online poll created with factorial design in program R. We used for this answers to a series of five vignettes describing complex experimental situations and minimal their reading in at least 10 seconds, obtained in a solid survey of students of sociology faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in on-line shell LimeSurvey (2015).
Construction and analysis of the confidence interval for the sample or the confidence interval for median author used as statistical method for eliminating the outliers. The difference between the model constructed for a specified time interval, and total full model is not too large. Significant difference between the distribution time is observed only between 1st and all other vignettes: vignettes are homogeneous, so the time spent on building understanding experimental situation only for 1st vignette, and everyone else has seen «by analogy». Fullness of time intervals by gender shows that the proportion of women who gave a quick response, with every vignette is reduced, man, on the contrary – are increasing. Perhaps men are less closely to the tasks they become more bored to read vignettes with similar experimental situations.
Because the answer time of question depend of a lot of different factors – the structure and complexity of the questions, the personal qualities of the respondent, etc. – require additional research, including using regression analysis
Monitoring the Content of Nitrates in Vegetables and the Influence of the Pickling Technology on the Denitrification Process
The aim of the work was to determine the concentration of nitrites in vegetable products (tomatoes, cucumbers, white cabbage, table beet, carrot, potatoes, onion and green onion, lettuce, spinach and parsley), realized at markets of the cities Ternopil, Kamianets-Podilskyi and Chernivtsi (Ukraine), to separate the distribution of nitrates in vegetables and also to study the influence of lactic microflora on the nitrate content at pickling tomatoes. It was established, that vegetables with the maximum exceed of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) by the nitrate content up to 1,6 times for products of closed soil are realized at markets. For open soil MPC exceed was in average 2,1 times. It was revealed, that most realized samples of tomatoes and leaf salad vegetables have the over-normative exceed of nitrates up to 35 %, and onion – the least one – 20 %. It was established, that nitrates accumulate in different parts of a fruit. In cucumbers, carrot, potato and table beet, the least quantity of nitrates accumulate in the external part of vegetables (near the surface), and the most one – in the central part. At the same time in cabbage and tomatoes, on the contrary, the least quantity – in the central part, the most one – in the area near the base of vegetables (stump). It was established, that at pickling tomatoes with the nitrate content within MPC lactic fermentation takes place with the intensive growth of titrated acidity, the decrease of the nitrate content takes place at this process. Under conditions of pickling tomatoes with the nitrate content two times more than MPC, the pickling process is a bit decelerated, but the nitrate content decreases to the safe level in a finished product. It was established, that vegetables with the nitrates quantity within 1500 mg/kg and more cannot be used in the pickling technology because of the bacteriological influence of nitrates on lactic microflora. Vegetables with such nitrate content must be obligatory condemned
Analysis of unresolved photospheric magnetic field structure using Fe I 6301 and 6302 lines
Early magnetographic observations indicated that magnetic field in the solar
photosphere has unresolved small-scale structure. Near-infrared and optical
data with extremely high spatial resolution show that these structures have
scales of few tens of kilometres, which are not resolved in the majority of
solar observations. The goal of this study is to establish the effect of
unresolved photospheric magnetic field structure on Stokes profiles observed
with relatively low spatial resolution. Ultimately, we aim to develop methods
for fast estimation of the photospheric magnetic filling factor and
line-of-sight gradient of the photospheric magnetic field, which can be applied
to large observational data sets. We exploit 3D MHD models of
magneto-convection developed using MURAM code. Corresponding profiles of Fe I
6301.5 and 6302.5 spectral lines are calculated using NICOLE
radiative transfer code. The resulting I and V Stokes [x,y,] cubes
with reduced spatial resolution of 150 km are used to calculate magnetic field
values as they would be obtained in observations with Hinode/SOT or SDO/HMI.
Three different methods of the magnetic filling factor estimation are
considered: the magnetic line ratio method, Stokes V width method and a simple
statistical method. We find that the statistical method and the Stokes V width
method are sufficiently reliable for fast filling factor estimations.
Furthermore, we find that Stokes bisector splitting gradient can be
used for fast estimation of line-of-sight gradient of the photospheric magnetic
field.Comment: Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics on 14/05/201
Порівняльне вивчення впливу похідних фенотіазину та їх S-оксидів на холінестеразу за допомогою нового кінетичного спектрофотометричного методу
Aim. To develop a new kinetic spectrophotometric method for determining acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors – phenothiazine antipsychotic drugs (PhT) and their sulfoxide metabolites (S-oxides) without adding an exogenous catalyst to obtain a chromogenic agent.Materials and methods. The bases of S-oxides of promethazine (PMZ), chlorpromazine (CPM) and thioridazine (THZ) were obtained by oxidizing the corresponding PhT hydrochlorides with diperoxyadipic acid. The structure of the S-oxides of the corresponding PhT synthesized was proven by melting points, spectral characteristics (1H NMR and IR methods) and oscillopolarography results. 1H NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian XL-200 spectrometer. IR spectra were recorded within the range of 4000-400 cm–1 on a SPECORD M-80 spectrometer (Zeiss, Jena, Germany). To register polarograms, a “PO 03 CLA” oscillopolarograph with a three-electrode cell was used. The purity of S-oxides was determined by the high-performance liquid chromatography method on a Zorbax SB, C-18 (250 × 4.6) mm column. Measurements of absorbance of solutions were performed in a 1 cm cuvette on an Evolution 60S UV-Visible Thermo-Scientific Spectrophotometer (USA) (λ = 358 nm).Results and discussion. Acetylcholine (ACh) was found to mimic the activity of peroxidase; based on it, a spectrophotometric system containing ACh–H2O2–p-Ph for a sensitive and selective assessment of the AChE activity and determination of its inhibitors was developed. According to the plots of inhibition efficiency vs inhibitors concentration, the inhibiting ability of chlorpromazine, promethazine and thioridazine and their S-oxides was determined. The IC50 values of CPM, PMZ and THZ and their metabolites in relation to the AChE activity were estimated as 11 ng mL−1 (CPM) and 1.8 ng mL−1 (CPM S-oxide), 17 ng mL−1 (PMZ) and 2.5 ng mL−1 (PMZ S-oxide) and 27 ng mL−1 (THZ 2S,5S-dioxide). The results obtained indicate that S-oxides of the corresponding PhT are selective and potent inhibitors of AChE. The values of the inhibition efficiency obtained for S-oxides of PhT derivatives were an order of magnitude lower than those of the corresponding PhT derivatives.Conclusions. The spectrophotometric method proposed without the addition of other exogenous catalysts holds promise for the on-site determination of PhT antipsychotics and can be additionally used for sensory applications in areas related to environmental protection and food safety, as well as in the chemical-toxicological analysis.Мета. Розробити новий кінетико-спектрофотометричний метод визначення інгібіторів ацетилхолінестерази (АChЕ), фенотіазинових антипсихотичних засобів (PhТ) та їх сульфоксидних метаболітів (S-оксидів), без додавання екзогенного каталізатора для отримання хромогенного агента.Матеріали та методи. Основи S-оксидів прометазину, хлорпромазину та тіоридазину синтезували шляхом окиснення відповідних гідрохлоридів PhТ дипероксиадипіновою кислотою. Будову синтезованих S-оксидів відповідних PhТ доводили за температурами плавлення, спектральними характеристиками (1H ЯМР- та ІЧ-методи) та результатами осцилополярографії. Спектри 1Н ЯМР записували на спектрометрі Varian XL-200. ІЧ-спектри реєстрували в діапазоні 4000-400 см−1 на спектрометрі SPECORD M-80 (Zeiss, Jena, Німеччина). Для реєстрації полярограм використовували осцилополярограф ПО, модель 03 ЦЛА з триелектродним елементом. Чистоту S-оксидів визначали методом ВЕРХ на колонці Zorbax SB, C-18 (250 × 4,6) мм. Вимірювання поглинання випробуваних розчинів S-оксидів відповідних PhТ проводили за довжини хвилі λ = 358 нм у кюветі завтовшки 1 см на спектрофотометрі Evolution 60S UV-Visible Thermo-Scienticfic (США).Результати та їх обговорення. З’ясовано, що ацетилхолін (ACh) імітує активність пероксидази, на основі чого було розроблено спектрофотометричну систему, що містить ACh-H2O2-п-фенетидин для чутливого селективного оцінювання активності АChЕ та визначення інгібіторів ферменту. Відповідно до графіків залежності інгібувальної здатності від концентрації інгібіторів визначено інгібувальну здатність хлорпромазину, прометазину, тіоридазину та їх S-оксидів. IC50 хлорпромазину, прометазину, тіоридазину та їх метаболітів щодо активності AChE оцінено так: 11 нг мл−1 – хлорпромазин, 1,8 нг мл−1 – хлорпромазин S-оксид, 17 нг мл−1 – прометазин, 2,5 нг мл−1 – прометазин S-оксид та 27 нг мл−1 – тіоридазин 2S,5S-діоксиду. Одержані результати свідчать про те, що S-оксиди відповідних PhТ є селективними та потужними інгібіторами АChЕ. Отримані значення ефективності інгібування для S-оксидів похідних PhТ були на порядок нижчими, ніж у відповідних похідних PhТ.Висновки. Розроблена спектрофотометрична методика без додавання інших екзогенних каталізаторів має перспективи для визначення PhТ нейролептиків на місці і може бути додатково використана для сенсорних застосувань у сферах, пов’язаних із захистом навколишнього середовища та безпекою харчових продуктів, а також у хіміко-токсикологічному аналізі
Promising Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A in Risk Stratification after PCI
Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A), dimeric glycoprotein, is a potent endothelial cell-specific mitogen which plays a key role in angiogenesis, especially in response to ischemia. Biomarkers reflect various pathophysiological faces of spherical LV transformation that related to myocardial stress due to persisted ischemia, fibrosis, and inflammation, and they may be helpful to improve risk stratification, more personalized medical approach for creating of individual medical care for HF preventing and adjusted treatment after STEMI. VEGF-A decrease ≤172.4 pg./ml on the 7th day of STEMI allows to prognose after infarction angina after 6-month observation (area under curve (AUC) 0.697, with sensitivity 88.9% and specificity 50.9%; 95% CI 0.567–0.807, P = 0.0515). Anxiety and depression 10–14 days before MI associated with VEGF-A level decrease (anxiety (Taylor): OR 0.834, 95% CІ 0.726–0.959, Р = 0.0107; depression (HADS): OR 0.741, 95% CІ 0.535–1.027, Р = 0.0519. Cut-off VEGF-A level ≤201.86 pg./ml on the 7th day of STEMI (AUC 0.711, sensitivity 85.7% and specificity 57.9%; 95% CІ 0.513–0.908, Р = 0.036) was effective for prognosis of dysadaptive left ventricular remodeling in STEMI patients after 6-month observation period. These findings may open new approach to stratify patients with successful coronary revascularization at risk of HF
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