110 research outputs found

    Robust surface electronic properties of topological insulators: Bi2Te3 films grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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    The surface electronic properties of the important topological insulator Bi2Te3 are shown to be robust under an extended surface preparation procedure which includes exposure to atmosphere and subsequent cleaning and recrystallization by an optimized in-situ sputter-anneal procedure under ultra high vacuum conditions. Clear Dirac-cone features are displayed in high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectra from the resulting samples, indicating remarkable insensitivity of the topological surface state to cleaning-induced surface roughness.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Opto-Electronic Characterization of Three Dimensional Topological Insulators

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    We demonstrate that the terahertz/infrared radiation induced photogalvanic effect, which is sensitive to the surface symmetry and scattering details, can be applied to study the high frequency conductivity of the surface states in (Bi1-xSbx)2Te3 based three dimensional (3D) topological insulators (TI). In particular, measuring the polarization dependence of the photogalvanic current and scanning with a micrometre sized beam spot across the sample, provides access to (i) topographical inhomogeneity's in the electronic properties of the surface states and (ii) the local domain orientation. An important advantage of the proposed method is that it can be applied to study TIs at room temperature and even in materials with a high electron density of bulk carriers.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Room temperature high frequency transport of Dirac fermions in epitaxially grown Sb_2Te_3 based topological insulators

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    We report on the observation of photogalvanic effects in epitaxially grown Sb_2Te_3 three-dimensional (3D) topological insulators (TI). We show that asymmetric scattering of Dirac electrons driven back and forth by the terahertz electric field results in a dc electric current. Due to the "symmetry filtration" the dc current is generated in the surface electrons only and provides an opto-electronic access to probe the electric transport in TI, surface domains orientation and details of electron scattering even in 3D TI at room temperature where conventional surface electron transport is usually hindered by the high carrier density in the bulk

    Coherent ultrafast spin-dynamics probed in three dimensional topological insulators

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    Topological insulators are candidates to open up a novel route in spin based electronics. Different to traditional ferromagnetic materials, where the carrier spin-polarization and magnetization are based on the exchange interaction, the spin properties in topological insulators are based on the coupling of spin- and orbit interaction connected to its momentum. Specific ways to control the spin-polarization with light have been demonstrated: the energy momentum landscape of the Dirac cone provides spin-momentum locking of the charge current and its spin. The directionality of spin and momentum, as well as control with light has been demonstrated. Here we demonstrate a coherent femtosecond control of spin-polarization for states in the valence band at around the Dirac cone.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Optical Transitions in Direct-Bandgap Ge1-xSnx Alloys

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    A comprehensive study of optical transitions in direct-bandgap Ge0.875Sn0.125 group IV alloys via photoluminescence measurements as a function of temperature, compressive strain and excitation power is performed. The analysis of the integrated emission intensities reveals a strain-dependent indirect-to-direct bandgap transition, in good agreement with band structure calculations based on the 8-band k·p and deformation potential methods. We have observed and quantified Γ valley-heavy hole and Γ valley-light hole transitions at low pumping power and low temperatures in order to verify the splitting of the valence band due to strain. We will demonstrate that the intensity evolution of these transitions supports the conclusion about the fundamental direct bandgap in compressively strained GeSn alloys. The presented investigation, thus, demonstrates that direct-bandgap group IV alloys can be directly grown on Ge-buffered Si(001) substrates despite their residual compressive strain

    Direct bandgap GeSn light emitting diodes for short-wave infrared applications grown on Si

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    The experimental demonstration of fundamental direct bandgap, group IV GeSn alloys has constituted an important step towards realization of the last missing ingredient for electronic-photonic integrated circuits, i.e. the e cient group IV laser source. In this contribution, we present electroluminescence studies of reduced-pressure CVD grown, direct bandgap GeSn light emitting diodes (LEDs) with Sn contents up to 11 at.%. Besides homojunction GeSn LEDs, complex heterojunction structures, such as GeSn/Ge multi quantum wells (MQWs) have been studied. Structural and compositional investigations con rm high crystalline quality, abrupt interfaces and tailored strain of the grown structures. While also being suitable for light absorption applications, all devices show light emission in a narrow short-wave infrared (SWIR) range. Temperature dependent electroluminescence (EL) clearly indicates a fundamentally direct bandgap in the 11 at.% Sn sample, with room temperature emission at around 0.55 eV (2.25 m). We have, however, identi ed some limitations of the GeSn/Ge MQW approach regarding emission e ciency, which can be overcome by introducing SiGeSn ternary alloys as quantum con nement barriers

    (Si)GeSn nanostructures for light emitters

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    Energy-efficient integrated circuits for on-chip or chip-to-chip data transfer via photons could be tackled by monolithically grown group IV photonic devices. The major goal here is the realization of fully integrated group IV room temperature electrically driven lasers. An approach beyond the already demonstrated optically-pumped lasers would be the introduction of GeSn/(Si)Ge(Sn) heterostructures and exploitation of quantum mechanical effects by reducing the dimensionality, which affects the density of states. In this contribution we present epitaxial growth, processing and characterization of GeSn/(Si)Ge(Sn) heterostructures, ranging from GeSn/Ge multi quantum wells (MQWs) to GeSn quantum dots (QDs) embedded in a Ge matrix. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) were fabricated based on the MQW structure and structurally analyzed via TEM, XRD and RBS. Moreover, EL measurements were performed to investigate quantum confinement effects in the wells. The GeSn QDs were formed via Sn diffusion /segregation upon thermal annealing of GeSn single quantum wells (SQW) embedded in Ge layers. The evaluation of the experimental results is supported by band structure calculations of GeSn/(Si)Ge(Sn) heterostructures to investigate their applicability for photonic devices

    Infrared/terahertz spectra of the photogalvanic effect in (Bi,Sb)Te based three-dimensional topological insulators

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    We report on the systematic study of infrared/terahertz spectra of photocurrents in (Bi, Sb) Te based three-dimensional topological insulators. We demonstrate that in a wide range of frequencies, ranging from fractions up to tens of terahertz, the photocurrent is caused by the linear photogalvanic effect (LPGE) excited in the surface states. The photocurrent spectra reveal that at low frequencies the LPGE emerges due to free carrier Drude-like absorption. The spectra allow us to determine the room temperature carrier mobilities in the surface states despite the presence of thermally activated residual impurities in the material bulk. In a number of samples we observed an enhancement of the linear photogalvanic effect at frequencies between 30 and 60 THz, which is attributed to the excitation of electrons from helical surface to bulk conduction band states. Under this condition and applying oblique incidence we also observed the circular photogalvanic effect driven by the radiation helicity