139 research outputs found

    Adaptive comanagement in the Venice lagoon? An analysis of current water and environmental management practices and prospects for change

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    Adaptive comanagement (ACM) is often suggested as a way of handling the modern challenges of environmental governance, which include uncertainty and complexity. ACM is a novel combination of the learning dimension of adaptive management and the linkage dimension of comanagement. As has been suggested, there is a need for more insight on enabling policy environments for ACM success and failure. Picking up on this agenda we provide a case study of the world famous Venice lagoon in Italy. We address the following questions: first, to what extent are four institutional prescriptions typically associated with ACM currently practiced in the Venice system? Second, to what extent is learning taking place in the Venice system? Third, how is learning related to the implementation or nonimplementation of the prescriptions of ACM in the Venice system? Our analysis is based on interviews with stakeholders, participatory observation, and archive data. This paper demonstrates that the prescriptions of ACM are hardly followed in the Venice lagoon, but some levels of cognitive learning do take place, albeit very much within established management paradigms. Normative and relational learning are much rarer and when they do occur, they seem to have a relatively opportunistic reason. We propose that in particular the low levels of collaboration, because the governance system was deliberately set up in a hierarchical and mono-centric way, and the limited possibilities for stakeholder participation are implicated in this finding because they cause low levels of social capital and an incapacity to handle disagreements and uncertainty very well. © 2012 by the author(s)

    Subdominant modes and optimization trends of DIII-D reverse magnetic shear configurations

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    Alfvén Eigenmodes (AE) and magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) modes are destabilized in DIII-D reverse magnetic shear configurations and may limit the performance of the device. We use the reduced MHD equations in a full 3D system, coupled with equations of density and parallel velocity moments for the energetic particles (with gyro-fluid closures) as well as the geodesic acoustic wave dynamics, to study the properties of instabilities observed in DIII-D reverse magnetic shear discharges. The aim of the study consists in finding ways to avoid or minimize MHD and AE activity for different magnetic field configurations and neutral beam injection (NBI) operational regimes. The simulations show at the beginning of the discharge, before the reverse shear region is formed, a plasma that is AE unstable and marginally MHD stable. As soon as the reverse shear region appears, ideal MHD modes are destabilized with a larger growth rate than the AEs. Both MHD modes and AEs coexist during the discharge, although the MHD modes are more unstable as the reverse shear region deepens. The simulations indicate the destabilization of Beta induced AE (BAE), Toroidal AE (TAE), elliptical AE (EAE) and reverse shear AE (RSAE) at different phases of the discharges, showing a reasonable agreement between the frequency range of the dominant modes in the simulations and the diagnostic measurements (...)This material based on work is supported both by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC and U.S. Department of Energy, Oce of Science, Oce of Fusion Energy Sciences, using the DIII-D National Fusion Facility, a DOE Oce of Science user facility, under Award No. DE-FC02-04ER54698. This research was sponsored in part by the Ministerio of Economía y Competitividad of Spain under project no.ENE2015-68265-P. DIII-D data shown in this paper can be obtained in digital format by following the links at https://fusion.gat.com/global/D3D DMP.Publicad

    Subdominant modes and optimization trends of DIII-D reverse magnetic shear configurations

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    Alfven Eigenmodes and magneto-hydrodynamic modes are destabilized in DIII-D reverse magnetic shear configurations and may limit the performance of the device. We use the reduced MHD equations in a full 3D system, coupled with equations of density and parallel velocity moments for the energetic particles (with gyro-fluid closures) as well as the geodesic acoustic wave dynamics. The aim of the study consists in finding ways to avoid or minimize MHD and AE activity for different magnetic field configurations and neutral beam injection operational regimes. The simulations show at the beginning of the discharge, before the reverse shear region is formed, a plasma that is AE unstable and marginally MHD stable. As soon as the reverse shear region appears, ideal MHD modes are destabilized with a larger growth rate than the AEs. Both MHD modes and AEs coexist during the discharge, although the MHD modes are more unstable as the reverse shear region deepens. The simulations indicate the destabilization of Beta induced AE, Toroidal AE, Elliptical AE and Reverse Shear AE at different phases of the discharges. A further analysis of the NBI operational regime indicates that the AE stability can be improved if the NBI injection is off axis, because on-axis injection leads to AEs with larger growth rate and frequency. In addition, decreasing the beam energy or increasing the NBI relative density leads to AEs with larger growth rate and frequency, so an NBI operation in the weakly resonant regime requires higher beam energies than in the experiment. The MHD linear stability can be also improved if the reverse shear region and the q profile near the magnetic axis are in between the rational surfaces q=2 and q=1, particularly if there is a region in the core with negative shear, avoiding a flat q profile near the magnetic axis

    Flood Protection in Venice under Conditions of Sea-Level Rise: An Analysis of Institutional and Technical Measures

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    It is widely acknowledged that in times of climate change loss of coastal resources and risk for human life can be minimized by implementing adaptation strategies. Such strategies need to encompass a balanced mix of non-structural (institutional) and structural (technical) measures based on sound scientific knowledge. This article discusses measures carried out to protect the city of Venice, Italy from flooding (locally known as “high water”), and reflects on their ability to anticipate a possible acceleration of sea-level rise as induced by climate change. It is based on scientific literature, legislative and policy documents of key institutions, reports and documents of organizations working on Venice issues, newspaper articles, and interviews. Our analysis shows that the synergic action of the hydraulic defense infrastructure under construction is in principle adequate to withstand a broad range of sea-level rise scenarios for the next 100 years. However, when the goal is to use these investments effectively major changes in the existing institutional arrangements will be required in the years to come. The Venice findings point out the difficulties and yet the importance of identifying and implementing both non-structural and structural measures to adapt to climate change

    Viabilidade polínica e inferência da estabilidade genética em genótipos de cevada.

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    A cevada é uma importante alternativa de cultivo no inverno, podendo ser utilizada tanto na alimentação animal ou humana como também para a fabricação do malte. Fatores bióticos e abióticos podem influenciar na formação do grão de pólen e, consequentemente, na estabilidade genética da espécie. Em vista disso, objetivou-se realizar a análise citogenética de grãos de pólen em genótipos de cevada, a fim de verificar a viabilidade polínica para posterior uso em programas de melhoramento genético. Um conjunto de onze genótipos de cevada, de distintas origens, foi utilizado para a viabilidade polínica. Os genótipos foram semeados em casa de vegetação, com umidade parcialmente controlada, em julho de 2018 com delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados. Foram coletadas nove espigas por genótipo e fixadas em Carnoy. As lâminas citológicas foram confeccionadas utilizando-se três anteras da mesma flor, da região mediana da espiga, seguindo a técnica de esmagamento, coradas com DAPI e foram analisados o número de grãos de pólen viáveis, inviáveis e com tamanhos diferentes em microscopia de epifluorescência. Além disso, foi realizada a medida de diâmetro de grãos de pólen utilizando-se uma escala em micrômetros, para dez células por lâmina e dispostas na região mediana. As imagens das células foram obtidas pelo programa Axion Vision Release 4.8.2. Foi possível concluir que os genótipos avaliados apresentam estabilidade genética, com viabilidade polínica acima de 84% e podem ser utilizados como genitores em um programa de melhoramento genético de cevada.bitstream/item/222525/1/BolPesqDes-95-online-2021.pd

    Acute chest syndrome in children with sickle cell disease: Data from a national AIEOP cohort identify priority areas of intervention in a hub-and-spoke system

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    : Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is a frequent cause of hospitalization in sickle cell disease (SCD). Despite advances in acute care, many settings still lack knowledge about ACS best practices. After the AIEOP Guidelines were published in 2012, suggesting standardized management in Italy, a retrospective study was performed to assess the diagnostic and therapeutic pathways of ACS in children. From 2013 to 2018, 208 ACS episodes were presented by 122/583 kids in 11 centres. 73 were male, mean age 10.9 years, 85% African, 92% HbSS or Sβ°. In our hub-and-spoke system, a good adherence to Guidelines was documented, but discrepancies between reference centres and general hospitals were noted. Improvement is needed for timely transfer to reference centres, use of incentive spirometry, oxygen therapy and pain management

    The plasma boundary in Single Helical Axis RFP plasmas

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    Single Helical Axis (SHAx) states obtained in high current reversed field pinch (RFP) plasmas display, aside from a dominant mode in the m=1 spectrum, also a dominant m=0 mode, with the same toroidal mode number as the m=1 one. The two modes have a fixed phase relationship. The island chain created by the m=0 mode across the reversal surface gives rise, at shallow reversal of the toroidal field, to an X-point structure which separates the last closed flux surface from the first wall, creating a divertor-like configuration. The plasma-wall interaction is found to be related to the connection length of the field lines intercepting the wall, which displays a pattern modulated by the dominant mode toroidal periodicity. This configuration, which occurs only for shallow toroidal field reversal, could be exploited to realize an island divertor in analogy to stellarators.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures Submitted to Nuclear Fusio

    Grade de agrotóxicos e agroquímicos da PIM: Produção Integrada de Maçã - Ciclo 2022/23.

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    A Grade de Agrotóxicos e Agroquímicos da Produção Integrada de Maçã (PIM) é um documento anual, elaborado desde 2003 pela Comissão Técnica da PIM (CTPim), para informar aos técnicos e produtores as características técnicas e os efeitos secundários dos agrotóxicos e agroquímicos registrados no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Mapa) para a cultura da macieira. É um instrumento básico para a certificação da PIM e de outras certificações usadas para a comercialização da fruta no mercado interno e externo. Na grade estão listados os agrotóxicos (fungicidas, inseticidas, acaricidas, feromônios, reguladores de crescimento) registrados no Mapa e demais agroquímicos (sanitizantes, desinfetantes e caldas) para uso na PIM em cada safra da cultura. Além disso, constam as limitações e restrições de uso para cada produto ou grupo listado.CGPE: 17730 Comissão Técnica da PIM (CTPim

    Avaliação de giberela e deoxinivalenol em cultivares de trigo do Ensaio Estadual de Cultivares de Trigo, em Coxilha, região do planalto médio do Rio Grande do Sul, em 2019.

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    Causada pelo fungo Gibberella zeae (Schwein.) Petch, cuja principal forma assexuada é Fusarium graminearum Schwabe (Parry et al., 1995), a doença giberela ocorre em espigas e em grãos de trigo. Os sintomas típicos são espiguetas despigmentadas, de coloração esbranquiçada ou cor de palha, cujas aristas desviam do sentido das aristas de espiguetas sadias, e os grãos são chochos, enrugados, de coloração branco-rosada a pardo-clara (Parry et al., 1995; Lima, 2002; Lima, 2011). O patógeno pode produzir micotoxinas, como deoxinivalenol (DON) e zearalenona (ZEA), cujos limites máximos tolerados (LMT) foram regulamentados no Brasil em 2011 (Agência..., 2011). A ocorrência de epidemia de giberela é dependente da condição climática, sendo favoráveis à doença o excesso de precipitação pluvial e altas temperaturas (Parry et al., 1995, Lima et al, 2002, Lima, 2004). Se houver condições adequadas, a esta doença, a mesma poderá ocorrer a partir do espigamento (Lima, 2003). O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a intensidade de ocorrência de giberela e da micotoxina deoxinivalenol em genótipos do Ensaio Estadual de Cultivares (EEC) de trigo, implantado em Coxilha, região do planalto médio do Rio Grande do, RS, em 2019