13 research outputs found

    Factors associated with preterm delivery and low birth weight: a study from rural Maharashtra, India

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    Background: Although preterm delivery and low birth weight (LBW) have been studied in India, findings may not be generalisable to rural areas such as the Marathwada region of Maharashtra state. There is limited information available on maternal and child health indicators from this region. We aimed to present some local estimates of preterm delivery and LBW in the Osmanabad district of Marathwada and assess available maternal risk factors. Methods: The study used routinely collected data on all in-hospital births in the maternity department of Halo Medical Foundation’s hospital from 1 (st )January 2008 to 31 (st )December 2014. Multivariable logistic regression analysis provided odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for preterm delivery and LBW according to each maternal risk factor. Results: We analysed 655 live births, of which 6.1% were preterm deliveries. Of the full term births (N=615), 13.8% were LBW (<2.5 kilograms at birth). The odds of preterm delivery were three times higher (OR=3.23, 95% CI 1.36 to 7.65) and the odds of LBW were double (OR=2.03, 95% CI 1.14 to 3.60) among women <22 years of age compared with older women. The odds of both preterm delivery and LBW were reduced in multigravida compared with primigravida women regardless of age. Anaemia (Hb<11g/dl), which was prevalent in 91% of women tested, was not significantly related to these birth outcomes. Conclusions: The odds of preterm delivery and LBW were much higher in mothers under 22 years of age in this rural Indian population. Future studies should explore other related risk factors and the reasons for poor birth outcomes in younger mothers in this population, to inform the design of appropriate public health policies that address this issue

    Tissue cell stress response to obesity and its interaction with late gestational diet

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    Intra-uterine growth restriction in late pregnancy can contribute to adverse long term metabolic health in the offspring. We utilised an animal (sheep) model of maternal dietary manipulation in late pregnancy, combined with exposure of the offspring to a low activity, obesogenic environment after weaning, to characterise the effects on glucose homeostasis. Dizygotic twin-pregnant sheep were either fed to 60% of requirements (nutrient restriction (R)) or fed ad libitum (~ 140% of requirements (A)) from 110 days gestation until term (~147d). After weaning (~3 months of age), their offspring were kept in either a standard (in order to remain lean) or low activity, obesogenic environment. R mothers gained less weight and produced smaller offspring. As adults, obese offspring were heavier and fatter with reduced glucose tolerance, irrespective of maternal diet. Molecular markers of stress and autophagy in liver and adipose tissue were increased with obesity, with gene expression of hepatic Grp78 and of omental Atf6, Grp78 and Edem1 only being increased in R offspring. In conclusion, the adverse effect of juvenile onset obesity on insulin responsive tissues can be amplified by previous exposure to a suboptimal nutritional environment in utero, thereby contributing to earlier onset of insulin resistance

    Ante Natal Care Services Utilization, Delivery Practices and Factors Affecting Them in Tribal Area of North Maharashtra

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    Background: Utilization of Ante natal care (ANC) services is poor in the tribal areas, causing increased maternal morbidity and mortality. Objective: This study was carried out to find out ANC services utilization, delivery practices and factors affecting them in a tribal area of North Maharashtra in Nashik district. Design: Cross-sectional study. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in two tribal blocks of Nashik district. Cluster sampling technique was used. 210 mothers in the selected clusters, who had delivered within last 1 year, were interviewed. Information about the ANC services utilization and place of delivery was recorded. Relevant socio-demographic data were also collected. Results: Adequate ANC services utilization was found to be 64.76%. Home deliveries were 34.29% and home deliveries conducted by untrained persons were 15.24%. Conclusion: The utilization of ANC services and deliveries at health centers were significantly associated with education of the women and their spouses, and the socioeconomic status of the family. Main reasons for inadequate utilization of ANC services were financial, unawareness about ANC services, etc. Place of delivery was associated with the type of the family. Traditional practices were the most common reason for conducting the deliveries at home

    Trends in average living children at the time of terminal contraception: A time series analysis over 27 years using ARIMA (p, d, q) nonseasonal model

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    Background: India′s National Family Welfare Programme is dominated by sterilization, particularly tubectomy. Sterilization, being a terminal method of contraception, decides the final number of children for that couple. Many studies have shown the declining trend in the average number of living children at the time of sterilization over a short period of time. So this study was planned to do time series analysis of the average children at the time of terminal contraception, to do forecasting till 2020 for the same and to compare the rates of change in various subgroups of the population. Materials and Methods: Data was preprocessed in MS Access 2007 by creating and running SQL queries. After testing stationarity of every series with augmented Dickey-Fuller test, time series analysis and forecasting was done using best-fit Box-Jenkins ARIMA (p, d, q) nonseasonal model. To compare the rates of change of average children in various subgroups, at sterilization, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied. Results: Forecasting showed that the replacement level of 2.1 total fertility rate (TFR) will be achieved in 2018 for couples opting for sterilization. The same will be achieved in 2020, 2016, 2018, and 2019 for rural area, urban area, Hindu couples, and Buddhist couples, respectively. It will not be achieved till 2020 in Muslim couples. Conclusion: Every stratum of population showed the declining trend. The decline for male children and in rural area was significantly faster than the decline for female children and in urban area, respectively. The decline was not significantly different in Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhist couples